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Portuguese to English - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 11 EUR per hour English to Portuguese - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 11 EUR per hour French to Portuguese - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 11 EUR per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 11 EUR per hour Portuguese to French - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 11 EUR per hour
Source text - English “The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable.”
“It is now possible to reverse the effects of aging 10-20 years. And whereas aging used to be considered a fact of life, the medical community now considers it a degenerative disease that can be treated.”
As incredible as it may sound, the following statement was recently published by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (13,500 members; one of the largest medical associations in the U.S.):
“By the close of 2001, humankind will realize numerous scientific and medical phenomena that will revolutionize the delivery of health care in the next five years. Indeed, practical immortality — lifespans of 200 years and beyond — is within our grasp. As a result, the quantity, as well as quality, of the human lifespan will forever be changed for the better.”
Translation - Portuguese “A deterioração generalizada do corpo que ocorre com o envelhecimento não é inevitável.”
“Hoje é possível inverter os efeitos da idade de 10-20 anos. Já lá vai o tempo em que a velhice era encarada como um aspecto factual da vida, mas actualmente, a comunidade médica vê-a como sendo uma doença degenerativa tratável.”
Por muito incrível que pareça, a seguinte declaração foi recentemente publicada pela American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (13,500 membros; uma das maiores associações médicas nos Estados Unidos):
“Lá para o final de 2001, o homem alcançará inúmeros fenómenos científicos e clínicos que revolucionarão a prestação dos cuidados de saúde nos próximos cinco anos. De facto, praticamente a imortalidade — a longevidade de 200 anos e mais — está ao nosso alcance. Como resultado, tanto a quantidade, como a qualidade da longevidade humana melhorarão para sempre.”
English to Portuguese: Proz translation contest Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, his charm, bright talk, and undeniable good looks, overwhelmed her as soon as she saw him. So she fell in love with him immediately, and remained in love for ever. And herself being comely, sensitive, and adoring, she attracted my father also. And so he married her. And so later he left her - with his children and some more of her own.
When he'd gone, she brought us to the village and waited. She waited for thirty years. I don't think she ever knew what had made him desert her, though the reasons seemed clear enough. She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; lawless, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawk loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. She lived by the easy laws of the hedgerow, loved the world, and made no plans, had a quick holy eye for natural wonders and couldn't have kept a neat house for her life. What my father wished for was something quite different, something she could never give him - the protective order of an unimpeachable suburbia, which was what he got in the end.
The three or four years Mother spent with my father she fed on for the rest of her life. Her happiness at that time was something she guarded as though it must ensure his eventual return. She would talk about it almost in awe, not that it had ceased but that it had happened at all.
Translation - Portuguese A Mãe tinha trinta anos e era ainda bastante atraente quando foi viver para a minúscula casa dele em Stroud, e começou a cuidar dos seus quatro filhinhos. Suponho que ela nunca tivesse conhecido alguém como ele. Este jovem presunçoso, com a sua cortesia devota, os seus ares e modos, a sua música e as suas ambições, o seu encanto, conversa inteligente, e apresentação indiscutivelmente sedutora, avassalou-a à primeira vista. Apaixonou-se logo por ele, e ficou eternamente encantada. E ela própria, sendo graciosa, sensível e amorosa, também atraiu o meu pai. E então casou com ela. E mais tarde deixou-a – com os filhos dele e alguns dela.
Quando ele partira, ela levou-nos para a aldeia e esperou. Ela esperou durante trinta anos. Creio que ela nunca soube o que o levou a abandoná-la – apesar das razões serem bem claras. Ela era demasiado honesta, natural demais para este homem amedrontado; deveras distante das suas regras impecáveis. Ela era uma mera camponesa; desgovernada, alegre, amorosa. Ela era descuidada e divertida como uma gralha das chaminés! Tendo feito o seu ninho de farrapos e jóias, sentia-se feliz ao sol, contrariava o perigo, espreitava e era insaciavelmente curiosa, esquecia-se de comer ou passava o dia todo a fazê-lo, e cantava quando o por do sol era afogueado. Ela vivia pela lei dócil da simplicidade, amava o mundo, vivia o dia a dia, tinha olho vivo para as maravilhas naturais, e nunca iria conseguir manter a casa limpa, nem pela sua vida. O que o meu pai desejava era algo de muito diferente, algo que ela nunca conseguiria dar-lhe – a ordem protectora do requinte subúrbio, o que obteve no fim.
Os três ou quatro anos que a Mãe passou com o meu pai sustentaram-na para o resto da sua vida. A sua felicidade nessa época foi algo que ela guardou como se assegurasse o eventual regresso do meu pai. Ela falava disso quase espantosamente, não por ter terminado, mas sim pelo simples facto de ter acontecido.
English to Portuguese: Travel - Airlines
Source text - English English Text
The Star Alliance member carriers serving Tokyo's Narita Airport will begin operations from new state-of-the art facilities in the South Wing of Terminal 1 as of Friday, June 2nd, 2006. This move hails the completion of one the alliance's biggest co-location projects, which now has the carriers sharing the biggest dedicated Star Alliance branded terminal in Asia.
The South Wing of Narita Terminal 1, along with Satellites 3, 4 and 5, will be the new home for Star Alliance member carriers ANA, Air Canada, Asiana Airlines, Austrian, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, SWISS, Singapore Airlines, THAI and United at the alliances foremost hub in Japan.
Jaan Albrecht, Star Alliance CEO said: "Completing the co-location here in Narita is a milestone in our world-wide 'Move under one Roof’ strategy. We now look forward to offering our customers a top notch facility at, what is after all one of our major hubs in Northeast Asia."
In total, the 10 member carriers operating from Terminal 1 offer more than 794 weekly flights, to 30 destinations in 15 countries.
ANA President and CEO Mineo Yamamoto said: "As the Japanese home carrier in Star Alliance, having access to a world class facility at our prime international airport, is of the utmost importance. Thanks to our membership in Star Alliance, ANA has been able to increase the number of connecting passengers to or from our fellow Star Alliance members and with the new facilities now in place at Narita Terminal 1, we are certain that this trend will continue."
Translation - Portuguese Turismo – Linhas Aéreas
As transportadoras sócias da Star Alliance, que servem o Aeroporto Narita em Tóquio, iniciarão a sua actividade na Sexta-feira, 2 de Junho, 2006 nas novas instalações, ultra modernas da Ala Sul do Terminal 1. Esta mudança anuncia a terminação dum dos maiores projectos de co-locação da aliança, que tem agora as transportadoras a partilhar o maior terminal Asiático – mais devoto à marca Star Alliance.
A Ala Sul do Terminal 1 do Narita, assim como os Satélites 3, 4 e 5 – no centro nevrálgico Nipónico mais destacado da aliança, serão o novo domicilio para as transportadoras sócias da Star Alliance – ANA, Air Canada, Asiana Airlines, Austrian, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, SWISS, Singapore Airlines, THAI e United.
O CEO da Star Alliance, Jaan Albrecht, disse: “A terminação da co-locação aqui no Narita é um marco histórico no nosso estratagema mundial do “Acolhimento sob um só Tecto”. Ficamos agora na expectativa de oferecer aos nossos clientes umas instalações de primeira classe, naquele que é na realidade um dos maiores centros nevrálgicos do Nordeste Asiático.
As 10 transportadoras membro que operam do Terminal 1, oferecem no total, mais de 794 voos semanais, para 30 destinos em 15 países.
O presidente e CEO da ANA, Mineo Yamamoto, disse: “Como transportadora doméstica japonesa da Star Alliance, ter acesso a instalações de classe mundial no nosso principal aeroporto internacional é duma importância extrema. Graças à nossa afiliação com a Star Allance, a ANA conseguiu aumentar o número de passageiros com voos de ligação – de ou para os nossos sócios membros da Star Alliance, e com as novas instalações no Terminal 1 do Narita temos a certeza de que esta tendência é para continuar.”
French to English: Traitement de l'incontinence urinaire/Urinary incontinence tx Detailed field: Medical (general)
Aujourd’hui, CL Médical prend en charge le traitement de
l’incontinence urinaire masculine
Etude prospective multicentrique sur le traitement de l’incontinence urinaire masculine
Sur la base des excellents résultats obtenus dans le traitement de l'incontinence urinaire chez la femme avec I-STOP, CL Médical a décidé de lancer les travaux sur l'utilisation de I-STOP dans le traitement de l'incontinence urinaire chez l'homme après prostatectomie
Plusieurs études anatomiques(1,2) ont démontré l'innocuité du passage transobturateur de dehors en dedans.
Les qualités mécaniques reconnues(3,4)de la bandelette I-STOP ont permis d'envisager le passage à une étude chez l'homme.
Une étude prospective est mise en place avec 22 urologues français et a fait l'objet d'un avis favorable par un CCPPRB.
Les résultats préliminaires seront présentés lors du 100ème congrès de l'AFU, le jeudi 30 novembre 2006, à 13h00.
Etablissement :
Prénom :
Oui, je désire recevoir le bulletin mensuel sur l'avancement de l'étude prospective multicentrique en cours
Merci de renvoyer ce coupon par fax au 04 78 59 89 78 ou par courrier.
oui, je souhaite recevoir le bulletin mensuel sur l'avancement du protocole HOMINC
oui, je souhaite participer à l'atelier qui aura lieu le jeudi 30 novembre 2006, à 13h00, durant le 100ème congrès de l'AFU
Currently, CL Médical takes over the treatment of
male urinary incontinence
A Multicentric prospective study on the treatment of male urinary incontinence
Based on the excellent results obtained with I-STOP in the treatment of female urinary incontinence, CL Médical decided to start working on the application of I-STOP in the treatment of post prostectomy male urinary incontinence
Several anatomical (1,2) studies have shown the innocuity of the outer to the inner transobturator passage.
The recognized mechanical benefits (3,4) of the I-STOP sling gave way to the deliberation of a study on males.
A prospective study was set up with 22 French urologists and received a favourable opinion from a CCPPRB.
The preliminary results will be presented during the 100th AFU congress, on Thursday November 30th, 2006, at 13h00.
First name:
Yes, I wish to receive the monthly bulletin on the evolution of the multicentric exploratory study in progress
Thank you for returning this coupon by fax, to 04 78 59 89 78 or by mail.
yes, I wish to receive the monthly bulletin on the advancement of the HOMINC protocol
yes, I wish to participate in the workshop which will take place on Thursday November 30th, 2006, at 13h00, during the 100th AFU congress
English to Portuguese (Intensive translation course Fr»«Eng @McGill Uni) English to Portuguese (Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec)
Jornal das Cortes
Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
As a former nurse (1984-1996) from the Montreal General Hospital I specialize in medical translations and really enjoy writing health related articles. Presently I write a monthly health related article in Portuguese for "Jornal das Cortes", URL:Jornal das cortes
Writing poetry and prose for adults and children are also activities which I enjoy tremendously.
I translated a book about "The natural method of teaching a 2nd language"...2001
Feel free to visit my URL's, if you're interested in seeing some of my work: Eurolanguages-Pt em Português
Please see my CV for complete, recent details.
-Mar. 2007: Translation about Invacare products…..................................................................Eng»Port
-Mar. 2007: Translation about Vari-Lase products….................................................................Eng»Port
-Mar. 2007: Market survey responses..Avnet…………….........................................................Br. Port »Eng
-Mar. 2007: Walker Information – Privacy statement................................................................Eng»Port
-Mar. 2007: Invacare – Oxygen therapy-Translation.................................................................Eng»Port
-Mar. 2007: MSDS – Chemicals-Translation & Editing.................................................................Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: Tegaderm Film........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: 3M SelfCheck System website information..............................................................Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: Translation of Survey responses........................................................................ Br.Port»Eng
-Feb. 2007: Tegaderm Film.........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: Arizant Healthcare – Irrigation systems.................................................................. Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: Cerus Healthcare…………………….…….............................................................. ............Eng»Port
-Feb. 2007: Package leaflet – medicinal product…….................................................................. Port »Eng
-Feb. 2007: 3M SelfCheck System……........................................................................................ Eng» Port
-Feb. 2007: Market survey responses..Languagetrainers.....................................................Br. Port »Eng
-Jan. 2007: Package leaflet – medicinal product……................................................................... Port »Eng
-Jan. 2007: Cerus website..........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Jan. 2007: Divorce & Marriage Certificates..................................................................................Eng»Port
-Jan. 2007: Airline website...........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Jan. 2007: 3M Corporation – Dental products.............................................................................Eng»Port
-Jan. 2007: Religious - worship plan..….….……..……….……….............................................................Eng»Port
-Jan. 2007: Rebound HRD™…........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Bair Paws - Arizant Healthcare...................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: 3M Corporation...........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Cargo cosmetics.........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Biological Indicator– 3M…..….……..……..…………..............................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Tegaderm dressing – 3M…..….……..………………...............................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Subtitling, TV Documentary - RTP.……..…..….……….........................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: MSDS – Chemicals-Translation & Editing......................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2005: Arizant Healthcare.…………..…………………….…………..................................……………………….. Eng»Port
Dec. 2006: 3M Corporation.............................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Cargo cosmetics...........................................................................................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Biological Indicator– 3M…..….……..……..…………...............................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Tegaderm dressing – 3M…..….……..………………................................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: Subtitling, TV Documentary - RTP.……..…..….……….........................Eng»Port
-Dec. 2006: MSDS – Chemicals-Translation & Editing.....................................Eng»Port
-Nov. 2006: Arizant... Warming Unit…………… .................................................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – Smiths Medical………………… .………………….................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – 3M Tegaderm Transparent Film Drsg.………………….Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – 3M Preventive Care Clinpro x2.…………….……………..Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – 3M Industrial Sterilization.. .………………………………..Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – 3M ESPE Preventive Care .…………………………………..Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Final Revision – D-Stat® Vascular Solutions, Inc……….………………Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – 3M ESPE Preventive Care……..…………………………….Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Translation – Tegaderm – 3M……………………………………………………Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Subtitling, TV Documentary - RTP.……..……….……….......................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Tegaderm dressing – 3M…..….……..……………….............................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Religious -rshipplan..................................................................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: Physiotherapy articles………….……..………………............................Eng»Port
-Nov 2006: 3M Sof-Lex Product instructions……..………………........................Eng»Port
-Oc.t 2006: Microsoft Survey Responses. ………………………………………………….Port»Eng
-Oc.t 2006: Psychiatric Evaluation Questionnaires………………....................Eng»Port
-Oc.t 2006: Vascular Solutions…D-stat Flowable Hemostat IFU...............Eng»Port
-Oc.t 2006: Vascular Solutions…Dual Access Catheters ..........................Eng»Port
-Oc.t 2006: 3M: Scotchbond etchant IFU..................................................Eng»Port
-Oc.t 2006: 3M: Scotchbond etchant syringe assembly IFU.....................Eng»Port
-Sept 2006: CL Medical flyer 8.06.pdf ……………………………………………..............Fr»Eng
-Sept 2006: Augustine Biomedical – Warming Pad & Controller..............Eng»Port
-August 2006: Arizant...Irrigation Warming Unit .....................................Eng»Port
-July2006: Cargo cosmetics.....................................................................Eng»Port
-July2006: IMTEC- Dental Implant System..............................................Eng»Port
-July2006: Unitek – 3m...........................................................................Eng»Port
-June 2005: Subtitling: Documentaries - Nature......................................Eng»Port
-June2006: Cargo cosmetics...................................................................Eng»Port
-June2006: MSDS – Chemicals-Translation & Editing...............................Eng»Port
-May2006: Medical Stimulator for Urinary frequency...........Revision........Eng»Port
-May2006: 3M - Tegaderm wound drsg...................................................Eng»Port
-May2006: Arizant - Medical equipment...................................................Port»Eng
-May2006: Herbal Direct - Nutrit Supplements & Beauty Products..........Eng»Port
-Apr.2006: MSDS - Chemical products & safety precautions....................Eng»Port
-Apr.2006: Urology - Medical reports.......................................................Port»Eng
-Apr.2006: Natural source beauty products, Herbal Direct......................Eng»Port
-Apr.2006: Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division-3M..........................Eng»Port
-Mar.2006: Scotchcast™Conformable Roll Splint......................................Eng»Port
-Mar.2006: Homeopathic medicine – site…..........................................Eng»Port
-Feb.2006: Scotchcast™ Conformable Roll Splint.....................................Eng»Port
- Feb 2006: Dental product(3M) description............................................Eng»Port
- Jan 2006: Legal purchase agreement (Health Dept)............................Port.»Eng
- Jan 2006: Instruction Manual (OR O2Sat monitor.................................Eng»Port
- Dec 2005: Hotel website translation........................................................FR»Eng
- Dec 2005: WorldOne Research - Medical Questionnaire.......................Eng»Port
- Nov 2005: Herbal Product labels...........................................................Eng»Port
- Nov 2005: Worked for Brainstorm on a Court Case........................................................................................................Port»Eng
- Sept 2005: 3 (9000 words) scientific translations for Portuguese Medical research studies...Wordworks.................................................................Port»Eng
- July 2005: translated for Idix, a medical (Interventional Cardiology Conference) interview from.....................................................................Port»Eng
- 2005: Translated (as a volunteer - for the LLLeague in Portugal) a recent guide for breastfeeding mothers which called Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding (called The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers in the USA..........................................................................................................Eng»Port
- 2005: 2 volunteer translations for Jennifer Hicks - La Leche League. These were the stories of 2 breastfeeding moms.......................................................................................................Port»Eng
- Nov. 2004 - drug pamphlets for ........Infarmed.....................................Eng»Port
2004 -I translated two Brazilian-Portuguese texts (on a volunteer basis) for Laleche League International’s new upcoming book........................................................................................................Port»Eng
In 2001 I translated a book about the natural method of foreign language teaching - it was a superb experience!...........................................Braz/Port»Eng
Most of my work prior to 2005 has been in translating letters and instruction manuals, as well as summaries (in English) and medical texts for students, but it was mostly within my district - the economic crisis forced me to spread my wings!
Translation is not the mere conversion of words from one language to another! The linguist must be able to grasp the entire sense of the text and pass on all of its meaning, conveying a comprehensive idea of the communication being transmitted to the reader.
Keywords: Medical, cardiac, surgical, infectious, translations, prose, poetry, children's, stories, fashion. See more.Medical,cardiac,surgical,infectious,translations,prose,poetry,children's,stories,fashion,science,animals,
health,articles,Portuguese,cardiovascular,sexual,issues,english,french,breastfeeding,artigos,de,saude,Carlos,Cortes,literature,portugal,love,esquilo,serõesliterários,cardiotorácico,pharmaceutical. See less.
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