Member since Jun '09

Working languages:
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
Dutch (monolingual)

Kitty Brussaard - BusiText
Business Language Solutions

Houten, Utrecht, Netherlands
Local time: 10:13 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Dutch Native in Dutch
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
6 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)
Translator likelihood
of working again (LWA)

Past 5 years
(3 entries)
Last 12 months
(0 entries)
Total: 10 entries
What Kitty Brussaard is working on
May 3, 2020 (posted via  In recent months, I've worked on a wide variety of translation and review projects, including projects related to the following topics/fields and content types: e-learning content for sanction compliance training, variable compensation plans, Covid-19 workplace measures, marketing copy for training courses on ITIL 4 (Foundation and Managing Professional levels) and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), motorized cart manual, lifter manual, blog articles about ITIL 4 problem/incident/change management, e-learning content about generalized anxiety, pay-per-click campaigns and more. ...more, + 9 other entries »
Total word count: 34764

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English to Dutch translator, editor and proofreader (MA/BA)  
✔ Focus on language solutions for business
✔ Demonstrable expertise in a range of business-related fields
✔ Absolute commitment to quality and customer satisfaction
✔ Delivery on time and budget
✔ Custom pricing and competitive rates
✔ Excellent linguistic and terminology research skills
✔ Meticulous and methodical work style
✔ Clear and friendly communication, during all phases of your project

Professional profile
As a translator and outsourcer (trading as BusiText), I specialise in providing high-quality language solutions to the business community as well as to other language services providers. My direct client base includes corporates, SMEs and public organisations across a variety of industries. Prior to becoming self-employed, I worked in various HR roles for organisations in the fields of higher education, scientific research and railway engineering. In the more recent past, I was employed as an in-house translator by the IT Global Services (ITGS) division of DNV, a global leader in classification and certification services.

Formal education
★ MA in English Language and Literature
★ BA in Human Resource Management
★ Qualified teacher of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

★ Translation
★ Proofreading
★ Editing
★ Copywriting

Areas of expertise
★ Advertising, Marketing & PR
★ Business & Management (general)
★ Business & IT
    - Agile/Scrum
    - Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing
    - Information Risk Management
    - IT Architecture / Enterprise Architecture
    - IT Continuity (business continuity, disaster recovery)
    - IT & Finance (business cases, Activity Based Costing)
    - IT Governance (demand-supply management, DSOs)
    - IT Service Management
    - Lean IT
    - Security (data/network security, firewalls, cyber security, cyber resilience, etc.)
    - Software process improvement (CMM, CMMI, CMMI-ACQ)
    - IT Sourcing
★ Certification of management systems (ISO standards, HACCP, GAP/GMP etc.)
★ E-commerce
★ Education
    - Accreditation of higher-education programmes
    - Course materials
    - International diploma supplements
★ Emissions trading (EU ETS, CDM and JI projects)
★ Finance (annual reports, financial statements)
★ Human Resources (assessment centres, performance management, etc.)
★ Information Management
★ Investments
★ Knowledge Management
★ Law (terms & conditions, distribution agreements, ESPPs, SLAs, codes of ethics, etc.)
★ Primary education
★ Travel & Tourism

I consider it part of my professional ethics to deliver high-quality translations that accurately reflect the original document in terms of content, style, lay-out and overall message.

I will be happy to provide you with any additional information you may need. I look forward to offering you my services in the (near) future!

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 3199
PRO-level pts: 3031

Top languages (PRO)
English to Dutch1958
Dutch to English1057
Flemish to English4
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)385
Law (general)371
Business/Commerce (general)284
Law: Contract(s)196
Human Resources137
Education / Pedagogy94
Pts in 75 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: business language solutions, business language services, copywriting, corrigeren, editing, language professional, language professionals, language solutions, language services, language solutions for business. See language solutions, business language services, copywriting, corrigeren, editing, language professional, language professionals, language solutions, language services, language solutions for business, language services for business, linguist, linguists, proeflezen, proofreading, redigeren, reviseren, reviewing, taaldiensten, taaloplossingen, taalprofessional, taalprofessionals, tekstcorrectie, tekstredactie, tekstschrijver, tekstschrijvers, translating, translation, translations, translator, translators, translation agency, vertaalbureau, vertaaldiensten, vertalen, vertaler, vertalers, vertaling, vertalingen, zakelijke taaloplossingen, agreement, agreements, akte, aktes, algemene voorwaarden, annual report, annual reports, bedrijfscommunicatie, bedrijfscorrespondentie, beleid, beleidsdocument, beleidsdocumenten, beleidsstuk, beleidsstukken, beoordelingssysteem, beoordelingssystemen, brochure, brochures, business, business case, business cases, businesscase, businesscases, business communication, business correspondence, certificaat, certificaten, code of conduct, codes of conduct, code of ethics, codes of ethics, contract, contracts, contracten, cookie statement, cookie statements, cookiestatement, cookiestatements, cookieverklaring, cookieverklaringen, corporate communication, curriculum vitae, CV, CVs, cv, cv’s, data protection impact assessment, data protection impact assessments, deed, deeds, diploma supplement, diploma supplements, diplomasupplement, diplomasupplementen, DPIA, DPIAs, EULA, EULAs, employee share plans, financial statements, flyer, flyers, gedragscode, gedragscodes, gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling, gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordelingen, marketing collateral, marketing copy, marketing material, marketing materials, marketingmateriaal, marketingmaterialen, marketing text, marketing texts, marketingtekst, marketingteksten, notariële akte, notariële aktes, offerte, offertes, overeenkomst, overeenkomsten, persbericht, persberichten, policy, policies, press release, press releases, prestatiebeoordeling, privacy policy, privacy policies, privacybeleid, privacy statement, privacy statements, privacystatement, privacystatements, privacyverklaring, privacyverklaringen, procedure, procedures, processor agreement, processor agreements, proposal, proposals, prospectus, prospectuses, quote, quotes, quotation, quotations, request for proposal, requests for proposal, RFP, RFPs, service level agreement, service level agreements, SLA, SLAs, terms and conditions, training materials, verwerkersovereenkomst, verwerkersovereenkomsten, warranty, warranties, website content, website copy, web page, web pages, website page, website pages, webpagina, webpagina’s, websitetekst, websiteteksten, webtekst, webteksten, white paper, white papers, whitepaper, whitepapers, AVG, accounting, accreditation, accreditatie, advertising, affiliate marketing, Agile, agile, Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, beveiliging, BI, big data, blockchain, blockchain technology, blockchaintechnologie, business, business consultancy, business continuity, business development, business intelligence, certificatie, certification, certificering, certificering van managementsystemen, chain governance, change management, CMM, CMMI, CMMI-ACQ, CMMI-DEV, CMMI-SCV, compliance, corporate finance, databeheer, data management, datamanagement, data mining, data protection, data vault, data vaults, data warehousing, datawarehousing, demand-supply management, demand-supply organisation (DSO), demand-supply organisations (DSOs), DevOps, digital transformation, digitale transformatie, DSO, DSOs, e-commerce, education, eLearning, e-learning, feed safety, finance, firewall, firewalls, food safety, GAP, GDPR, gegevensbescherming, General Data Protection Regulation, G&VW, gezond en veilig werken, governance, HACCP, higher education, hoger onderwijs, HR, human resources, information management, informatiebeheer, informatiemanagement, information technology, informatietechnologie, investments, ISO, ISO certification, ISO standards, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, IT, ITIL, IT-advies, IT architecture, IT audit, IT audits, IT-audit, IT-audits, IT consultancy, IT-consultancy, IT continuity, IT governance, IT-governance, IT landscape, IT landscapes, IT landscaping, IT-landschap, IT-landschappen, IT Service Management, IT-servicemanagement, ITSM, IT sourcing, IT-sourcing, IT-regie, Kanban, kanban, kennismanagement, ketenregie, knowledge management, law, Lean, Lean IT, legal, malware, management, management system, management systems, managementsysteem, managementsystemen, management system certification, marketing, network, netwerken, netwerkbeveiliging, network, networks, network security, OH&S, occupational health and safety, outsourcing, performance management, performance management, prestatiemanagement, performance management system, primary education, process improvement, procesverbetering, Scrum, scrum, security, software, software development, softwareontwikkeling, software process improvement, supply chain, supply chains, supply chain management, supplychain, supplychains, supplychainmanagement, regie, regieorganisatie, regieorganisaties, risk management, risk analysis, risk analyses, risicoanalyse, risicoanalyses, risicoinventarisatie, RIE, risk inventory and evaluation, risicomanagement, traceability, traceerbaarheid, training, trainingen, training course, training courses, uitbesteden, uitbesteding, verandermanagement, voedselveiligheid, zakelijk, zakelijke communicatie, zakelijke correspondentie, Duits, Dutch, Engels, English, Frans, French, German, Houten, Italian, Italiaans, Nederland, Nederlands, Netherlands, Spaans, Spanish. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 24, 2024

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