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Source text - Bulgarian Резултатите от взетите проби показват замърсяване с азбест на почвена проба при дълбочина -25 см съдържанието на азбест е около 0,15 мас.%, а на дълбочина 75 см съдържанието на азбест е около 0,70 мас.%. Вида на азбестовите влакна е хризотил, който се класифицира в първа категория на опасност.
Translation - English The results of the samples taken show pollution of the soil samples with asbestos at a depth of 25cm, the asbestos content being approximately 0.15% in mass, while at a depth of 75cm the asbestos content is approximately 0.7% in mass. The type of asbestos fibres is chrysotile, which is classified as a Category I hazard.
Bulgarian to English: Geology
Source text - Bulgarian В глините на въгленосния хоризонт наред с по-редки наклонени пукнатини, преобладават пукнатини, почти успоредни на наслояването. А в глините на “междупластието” е формирана почти повсеместно разпространена, послойна огледална повърхнина, под и над която има “стрити” зони и съпътстващи, неиздържани блещиви повърхнини. Тази огледална повърхнина служи като долна граница на многобройните древни свлачища, изключително широко разпространени в целия басейн.
Translation - English Fissures almost parallel to the stratification predominate in the clays of the coal-bearing horizon, along with less frequent oblique fissures. In the interstitial clays, a mirror-smooth plane has formed almost ubiquitously along the stratification, above and below which there are crush zones and accompanying non-continuous polished surfaces. This mirror-smooth plane acts as the lower boundary of numerous small landslips which are very widespread in the entire basin.
Bulgarian to English: Human Rights Monitoring
Source text - Bulgarian На 26 септември 2006 г. бе публикуван последният преди присъединяването на България мониторингов доклад на ЕК за готовността на страната за членство. В него, въпреки отчетения известен напредък, продължават констатациите на Комисията за дефицити във всички наблюдавани сфери и са отправени нови препоръки не само по 6-те “червени зони”, но и по проблемите на правата на човека и закрила и интеграция на малцинства и уязвими групи.
Translation - English On 26 September 2006, the last EC monitoring report was published on Bulgaria’s readiness for membership before the accession of the country to the European Union. Although a certain amount of progress was recognized in this report, the Commission continued to note shortcomings in all the fields monitored and formulated new recommendations, not only in connection with the six “red zones”, but also in connection with human rights and the integration of minorities and vulnerable groups.
French to English: Maritime contract
Source text - French Par « informations », il faut entendre ce qui suit, sans toutefois s’y limiter : les informations et données concernant les formules, algorithmes, séquences, compositions chimiques et biologiques, connaissances en matière de structures, d’aérodynamique et d’hydrodynamique de voiliers et les matériaux servant à construction de la Quille « Virtual Inertia ». Sont également compris dans les Informations, les collaborations en matière de recherches, les relations commerciales, les produits et les stratégies d’expansion commerciale des Parties. Ces Informations ne sont pas assujetties à la manière dont elles sont divulguées, qu’elles soient exprimées sous forme d’informations techniques ou autrement et cela inclut les informations relevant de la propriété intellectuelle ou du savoir-faire en général. Cela inclut ce qui suit sans toutefois s’y limiter : les notes, lettres, mémorandums, rapports, contrats, enregistrements, licences, tableaux, bases de données, recueils de données, carnets de notes, sorties sur imprimante, textes et données mémorisées dans des programmes informatiques, dessins, graphes, illustrations, matériaux, échantillons et l’ensemble des autres documentations et matériels préparés ou mis à disposition au titre du concept de la Quille V.I.
Translation - English The word « information » shall be understood to mean, but shall not be limited to, the following : information and data concerning formulae, algorithms, sequences, chemical and biological compositions, knowledge on the structure, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of sailing craft and materials used for the construction of the « virtual intertia » keel. Information shall also include research collaboration, commercial relations and the products and commercial growth strategies of the Parties. Such information shall not be subject to the manner of its disclosure or its expression in the form of technical information or otherwise and this shall include information arising from intellectual property or know-how in general. This shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following : notes, letters, memoranda, reports, contracts, recordings, licences, tables, databases, data collections, notebooks, printouts, texts and data recorded in software, technical drawings, graphs, illustrations, materials, samples and the entirety of other documentation and materials prepared or made available in connection with the V.I. Keel.
Bulgarian to English: Forensic laboratory seminar
Source text - Bulgarian Le système allemand apparaît, a priori, comme le plus performant car le plus souple notamment dans l’adjonction de nouvelles infractions alors que le système français est fermé et peu apte à recevoir de nouvelles qualifications (ce système sera d’ailleurs reconsidéré d’ici 2 ans) ;
il est clair que chaque codification dépend fortement du code pénal du pays et qu’il serait assez vain de vouloir chercher un modèle précis parmi l’un des 3 représentés, d’autant que chacun a mis l’accent, à plusieurs reprises, sur l’impérieuse nécessité qu’ils avaient à reconsidérer leur propre nomenclature ;
Se pose aussi la question de la prise en compte de la corruption ; de même les nouveaux modes opératoires comme le « car-jacking »; les experts reconnaissent la difficulté à trouver un système fiable et souple autorisant la reconnaissance immédiate d’un type particulier soit d’infraction soit de mode opératoire, en l’absence d’une codification préalable ; une des réponses viendra de la possibilité d’interrogations multicritères à travers l’ outil d’un DataWarehouse.
Translation - English At first sight, the German system seems to be the most efficient, as it is the most flexible especially when new offences are added, while the French system is closed and unsuitable for receiving new qualifications (in fact this system will be reconsidered two years from now);
Clearly any coding system is very dependent on the penal code of the country, and it would be fruitless to try to find a precise model amongst one of the three countries represented, inasmuch as each of them has, on a number of occasions, put the emphasis on the pressing need to reconsider their own nomenclature;
The question also arises of taking corruption into account, as well as new modes of operation such as “car-jacking”; the experts recognize the difficulty of finding a viable and flexible system which authorizes the immediate recognition of particular types of offence and types of modes of operation in the absence of a pre-existing coding system; one of the solutions could come from the possibility of multi-criteria questioning using tools such as DataWarehouse.
I really appreciated to work with Mark. Very professional, reliable
and always on time. Excellent translations.
Great work, lovely to work with and superb quality. Thank you, Mark!
Thank you Mark it’s a real pleasure working with you!
Just thought you might be pleased to know that he client who sent us the
translations was very happy with the work done, giving us an average
grade of ‘A’ in our quality questionnaire.
Wonderful job! I have worked for many years editing translations of scientific
texts and I experienced a real surge of joy when I read your
translation. (Чудесна работа! Аз съм работила
много години като редактор на преводи
на научни текстове и изпитах истински
прилив на радост, когато зачетох превода
Nous vous remercions pour votre travail de qualité.
Careful and accurate translator.
Mark Bossanyi is very accurate, punctual, he is a reliable translator.
One of our best freelancers.
Mark Bossanyi is a highly experienced and talented freelance linguist with 29 years of experience in translation and editing. As a native speaker of English and French and with near-native command of Bulgarian, Mark has a unique background that has enabled him to develop in-depth cultural knowledge of the British, French, and Bulgarian language environments.
Born and educated in the UK, Mark Bossanyi has been a resident of the UK for 36 years, as well as having lived in France for 3 years and Bulgaria for over 25 years. His mixed family origins - German, Hungarian, and Belgian - combined with a bilingual English/French immediate family environment have given him a deep understanding of different cultures, enabling him to work on a wide range of subject matter with ease.
With hands-on working experience in geology and the offshore petroleum industry, forestry and arboriculture, followed by 29 years of experience in translation and editing, Mark Bossanyi is proficient in the use of the latest translation and language processing tools, including CAT tools such as Trados Studio, Memsource and MemoQ. He is highly skilled in post-editing machine translation, ensuring accuracy and full consistency with the source content and the intended meaning.
Mark Bossanyi has a highly developed and nuanced sense of style and register in all three working languages, which is appropriate for a wide range of subject matter, from information technology and ethics systems in artificial intelligence, to sciences including environmental science and ecology, geology and mining, agriculture and forestry, animal behaviour (ethology) and animal communication and language (zoosemiotics and zoolinguistics). His scientific writing skills are also highly developed.
Mark Bossanyi's main areas of translation and editing expertise also include international human rights and environmental law, international development and business including human resources, health and safety, quality assurance systems, tender documentation and contracts. With his service-oriented mentality he has a proven track record of delivering high-quality translations and edits to clients and is committed to providing a fast, timely and reliable service.
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