Working languages:
Spanish to English
English to Spanish

Simply Great Translations

Santafé de Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia
Local time: 11:00 -05 (GMT-5)
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Connecting the world through language and technology
is more than a job. It’s our passion. Text translation and event interpreting,
our core services, benefit from our industry’s leading technology, implemented
by a team of seniors engineers. The result: agile, precise and high quality


1. Full-service language solution

You can count on one point of contact at Pantoglot who
will lead our effort, striving for perfection in every facet of your project.

2. Massive project capability

Translation of high-volume documents and interpreting
of large events.

3. We centralize project management, translation
assets and human resources across the globe

Our head offices in Bogotá, Colombia and Tennessee,
USA are home to our in-house team, and we work with a large network of
contributors around the world.

4. Leading translation industry technology for project
management and content translation.

Keywords: software localization, product localization, desktop publishing, certified Colombian translations, Colombia, technical translations, quality control process, translations into native language, ATA member, Latin America. See localization, product localization, desktop publishing, certified Colombian translations, Colombia, technical translations, quality control process, translations into native language, ATA member, Latin America, Latin American agency, Colombian agency, Colombian company, formatting service, medical, marketing, market research, energy, telecommunications, human resources, internet, mathematics, statistics, physics, SAP, sports, fitness, alternative energy, education, pedagogy, engineering, IT, computer, audio dubbing/subtitling, desktop publishing (DTP), document translation, editing, engineering, interpreting, localization, multimedia localization, proofreading, translation, energy, engineering, information technology, manufacturing, industrial, medical, life sciences, pharmaceutical, advertising, marketing, media, aerospace, automotive, business products, chemical, environmental engineering, finance, banking, accounting, financial, markets, government, internet, e-commerce, law, legal, pharmaceutical, safety, security, social sciencie, software, telecommunications, tourism, audio, books, brochures, catalogs, certificates, corporate letters, economic, trade materials, educational records, documents, flash files, flyers, hardware, help files, illustrations, immigration documents, legal content, legal documents, manuals, marketing, medical records, medical documents, scientific , software, user guides, voice over scripts, web sites. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 24, 2021

More translators and interpreters: Spanish to English - English to Spanish   More language pairs