• Proofreading, Copyediting and Copyrighting
1. Sales Compliance (Mandarin translation & English proof reading)
2. AmBonus Brochure (Mandarin translation)
3. AmWinner October and November 2007 issue- CEO message (English proof reading and copyediting)
4. AmWinner February2008 issue- (English and Mandarin copyediting)
5. Sibu Branch Recruitment Advertisement (Mandarin translation)- 2nd January 2008
6. AmFlexi Product Brochure proofreading
7. CEO speech message- RBC, January 2008- Copyediting in English- January 2008
8. Sibu Branch Ad- Mandarin Translation- January 2008
9. Corporate Profile- Copyediting and Proof reading)- September 2007- February 2008
10. AmFlexi Plan Ad- Money Compass- Mandarin Translation- February 2008
11. CEO speech message for Commercial Business Product launch (25th March 2008)
12. Commercial Business Division (3 brochures and 3 proposal forms)- Proof reading for BM, Mandarin and English (6th February 2008- 25th March 2008)
13. Life Agency Force- DVD cover jacket- BM translation for CEO¡¯s message (7th April 2008)
14. Life Agency Force- DVD cover jacket- BM translation for GM¡¯s messages (7th April 2008)
15. Proofreading and editing of Life Agency DVD vide- A Love Note from AmAssurance and Living like an AmMillionaire. (7th April 2008) |