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Translation Volume: 64000 words Completed: Aug 2010 Languages: Italian to English
Context-sensitive help for major engineering software package
an ongoing project to translate the help file for a major (and growing) advanced software package handling calculations in the design of steel structures
Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3800 words Completed: Aug 2010 Languages: Italian to English
Purchasing procedure for multi-national construction company
the purchasing procedure from the quality management system for the South African office of a multi-national construction company based in Italy
Construction / Civil Engineering, Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1500 words Completed: Aug 2010 Languages: Italian to English
Luxury yacht marketing material
a catalogue entry and PowerPoint presentation of a new luxury yacht
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
No comment.
Translation Volume: 14000 words Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: Italian to English
Official legislative decree on nuclear procurement procedures
a medium-large translation for a major international organisation
Government / Politics, Nuclear Eng/Sci, Law (general)
positive OECD: Would use again
Translation Volume: 1950 words Completed: Jul 2009 Languages: Italian to English
Audioguide for Basilica of Ss. Cosma and Damian, Rome
the text of the audioguide for visitors to this delightful basilica in Rome, Italy
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Bank transfer
Sample translations submitted: 5
Italian to English: Quality Management System procedure - Customer satisfaction General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Source text - Italian Sigle ed abbreviazioni
CCC Comitato “Customer Care”
PM Project Manager
QUA Funzione Qualità
4.1 La rilevazione dei dati relativi alla soddisfazione del Cliente viene effettuata seguendo i seguenti steps:
a) il CCC classifica i Clienti in “strategici” e “non strategici”, al fine di diversificare le modalità di misurazione (vedi successivo punto 4.2);
b) il PM, in collaborazione con CCC, compila un questionario di “auto-valutazione” (modulo 1). Il questionario deve rappresentare la soddisfazione del cliente interno. Salvo diverse indicazioni ricevute dal CCC, la compilazione deve essere fatta con frequenza annuale (mese di Giugno) e comunque a fine progetto.
4.2 Al fine di focalizzare l’attenzione sui Clienti strategici, contenere i costi ed evitare possibili strumentalizzazioni, il CCC decide le seguenti ulteriori azioni, alternative fra di loro, con modalità decrescente di impegno:
1) incaricare una Società specializzata / Consulenti esterni di condurre interviste ai Clienti “strategici” che si ritiene opportuno fidelizzare. L’utilizzo di organizzazioni esterne “super partes” ha lo scopo di garantire lo svolgimento di interviste “asettiche” e non condizionate da strumentalizzazioni. Le interviste saranno condotte utilizzando il modulo 2, previo appuntamento concordato tra il PM ed il Cliente.
2) Inviare il questionario ai Clienti “non strategici”, richiedendone la compilazione in autonomia e la restituzione alla ditta per la relativa analisi. Il questionario (modulo 3), viene inviato a cura del PM.
3) Nessuna azione, nei casi contingenti in cui si abbia ragione di ritenere che le risposte fornite sarebbero strumentali.
4.3 QUA elabora tutte le informazioni ricevute tramite opportuni algoritmi e le sintetizza in una situazione riepilogativa (modulo 4).
Translation - English Acronyms and abbreviations
CCC Customer Care Committee
PM Project Manager
QUA Quality Function
4.1 The Customer satisfaction data is captured via the following steps:
a) CCC classifies the Customers as “strategic” or “non-strategic”, and these categories are used to structure the measurement methods (see point 4.2 below);
b) the PM, in conjunction with CCC, fills in a “self-report” questionnaire (form 1). This questionnaire must reflect the satisfaction of the internal customer. Unless otherwise directed by CCC, the questionnaire must be completed on an annual basis (during June) and in any case on project completion.
4.2 In order to focus attention on strategic Customers, contain costs and avoid the potential for manipulation, CCC determines which of the following additional alternative steps are required (listed in decreasing order of resource commitment):
1) appointing a Specialist company/ external Consultants to conduct the interviews with “strategic” Customers considered particularly worth retaining; the purpose of using impartial external organisations is to ensure that the interviews are completely unbiased and not subject to any manipulation. The interviews will be arranged between the PM and the Customer, and will be carried out using form 2.
2) Sending the questionnaire to “non-strategic” Customers for them to complete on their own and return to the company for analysis. The PM is responsible for sending the questionnaire (form 3).
3) No action, in contingent cases where there is reason to believe that the answers provided would not be objective.
4.3 QUA processes all the information received using dedicated algorithms, and distils it into a summary report (form 4).
Italian to English: Hotel website General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian L'albergo è dotato di spazi, servizi, attrezzature per ospitare anche eventi e manifestazioni. Aziende, associazioni, gruppi di persone che desiderino realizzare manifestazioni, eventi celebrativi, presentazione di nuovi prodotti, ospitare clienti o forza vendita per campagna di motivazione, troveranno un “luogo” dove sviluppare le idee è facile: una grande capacità ricettiva, grandi spazi, sale riunioni di varie dimensioni con attrezzature e connessione internet, possibilità di organizzare attività comuni o di team building, cene di gala con ambientazione suggestiva, organizzare escursioni in scenari indimenticabili.
Il nostro staff è addestrato ad affrontare e gestire situazioni critiche e delicate: solo per fare degli esempi pratici: l’arrivo di un gran numero di Ospiti concentrati in un lasso di tempo limitato, più eventi minori contemporaneamente, il servizio al tavolo per un numero elevato di Ospiti per una cena di gala, l’organizzazione di spettacoli, la formulazione di menù di livello qualitativo elevato.
Translation - English The hotel also has the spaces, services and equipment to host events and displays. Companies, associations or groups of people wishing to put on an event, hold a celebration, launch new products, entertain customers or run motivational events will find a conducive environment where developing ideas is easy. This means ample entertainment facilities, large spaces, fully equipped meeting rooms of various capacities with internet connections, organised group or team-building activities, gala dinners in evocative settings and excursions to unforgettable beauty spots.
Our staff are well trained to handle critical and delicate situations with aplomb, such as the arrival of a large number of guests in a short space of time, dealing with several minor events at the same time, table service for a large gala dinner, organising entertainment, and creating high-quality menus with a touch of real class.
Italian to English: Travel brochure for a destination General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian PRINCIPALI ATTRAZIONI:
Stintino deve la sua notorietà soprattutto alle bianchissime spiagge di sabbia finissima che si affacciano su un mare che è davvero difficile da descrivere per gamma di colori e limpidezza delle acque. La stupenda spiaggia della Pelosa, in particolare, è una delle mete estive maggiormente visitate dai turisti. La posizione al riparo dai venti, fa sì che l'acqua sia sempre calma e limpida in qualsiasi periodo dell'anno. Quel che invece caratterizza il cosiddetto "mare di fuori", sul lato occidentale della costa, sono le rocce a strapiombo e le splendide calette con l'acqua color smeraldo.
Il territorio di Stintino sorprende per i forti contrasti. Alla multiforme e stupenda costa, si contrappone l'aspro e assolato paesaggio dell'interno dove la tipica vegetazione mediterranea è un invito irresistibile per rilassanti passeggiate. Altri elementi di attrazione sono i nuraghi edificati nell'interno del promontorio e gli stagni salmastri, che ospitano una fauna unica per genere.
Translation - English MAIN ATTRACTIONS:
Stintino owes its renown primarily to the dazzling white beaches of powder-fine sand lapped by a sea whose crystal clarity and range of colours are truly indescribable. The fabulous beach at La Pelosa, in particular, is one of the most visited summer attractions for tourists. Nestling out of the wind, its waters are always calm and limpid all year round. The distinguishing feature of the so-called "Mare di Fuori" (open sea), on the western coast, is the rock forms plummeting into the sea and the splendid coves with their emerald waters.
Stintino is a land of vivid contrasts which will surprise you. The stupendous coastline with its varied landforms is so different from the harsh and sun-beaten terrain inland where the typical Mediterranean vegetation provides an irresistible setting for relaxing walks. Other features of interest in the peninsula include the nuragh constructions further inland and the brackish ponds which host a quite unique kind of wildlife.
Italian to English: Exhibition on the singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Italian Nell'ambito della canzone d'autore italiana Fabrizio De André (Genova 1940-1999) è stato uno dei personaggi più carismatici.
Riconosciuto da critici musicali e letterari, ma soprattutto da un pubblico che gli è stato sempre fedele, quale vero e proprio poeta – capace di leggere il proprio tempo anticipandone gli sviluppi e le problematiche – l’artista ligure ben rappresenta l'enorme valore e l'eccezionale funzione simbolica che nel nostro Paese hanno conquistato la canzone d'autore e i suoi protagonisti migliori.
L'intento del curatore della mostra è stato quello di allestire un percorso espositivo che propone un approfondimento e una riflessione sull'opera e sul pensiero dell'artista genovese, rifuggendo la dimensione celebrativa – così poco consona al personaggio – e valorizzandone piuttosto la cifra stilistica e la notevole capacità innovativa.
In una “piccola” ma intensa mostra, facile da allestire quanto intensa da gustare per il pubblico, i materiali espositivi sono predisposti per una ricostruzione cronologica dell'opera di Fabrizio De André, scandita attraverso i primi 45 giri – molti dei quali vere e proprie rarità discografiche – gli LP e accompagnata dagli spartiti, dalle riviste dell'epoca e dalle fonti d'ispirazione, siano esse letterarie, musicali o di altro genere.
L’esposizione è completata da una serie di grandi pannelli che riportano immagini fotografiche di De André, sue frasi e giudizi della critica, i manifesti dei suoi tour e un video che ripropone le migliori esecuzioni dal vivo dell'artista.
Translation - English Fabrizio De André (Genoa 1940 -1999) was one of the most charismatic figures among the pantheon of Italian singer-songwriters.
He is recognised by musical and literary critics alike, but above all by an ever-loyal audience, as a true poet, with the ability to interpret the times he lived in and to anticipate developments and problems in society. He is a fine example of the great achievements and the tremendous symbolic importance of the best singer-songwriters and their output in Italy.
In designing the exhibition, the curator's aim has been to offer a meditation on and deeper exploration of the work and the thinking of the artist from Genoa, eschewing eulogies (which would have been in jarring contrast with his character) for an appreciation of his stylistic legacy and his remarkable creative capacities.
The exhibition is compact but rich, providing an intense experience for the public whilst also being straightforward to organise. It is laid out so as to provide a chronological reconstruction of De André's oeuvre, from the early singles (many of which are now very rare collector's items) to his later LPs, together with the scores, the magazines of the period and his sources of inspiration, from literary, musical or other genres.
The exhibition is completed by a series of large panels bearing photographic images of De André, his lyrics and critical reviews, tour posters and a video of his best live performances.
Italian to English: Consumer electronics brochure text General field: Marketing Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
Source text - Italian Nel 2003, forte del successo riscontrato, Dicra S.p.A decide di ampliare l’attività aziendale intraprendendo la commercializzazione di prodotti nel settore Consumer Electronics, identificandoli con il proprio marchio perché in grado di garantirne la severa selezione di partners cui affidare la produzione e la costante innovazione tecnologica dei prodotti.
Lettori DVD e DVD portatili, lettori MP3 ed MP4, prodotti multifunzione, TV LCD e decoder DVB-T: oggi Dicra Electronics conta su una struttura aziendale consolidata, un range di prodotti completo e di qualità, una garanzia di affidabilità nei rapporti commerciali, di produzione e di distribuzione.
Nata con l’obiettivo di offrire una tecnologia che fosse realmente al servizio di tutti, oggi è alta tecnologia a prezzi competitivi, è entusiasmo ed esperienza consolidata, è il nuovo punto di riferimento sul mercato dell’elettronica di consumo.
Translation - English In 2003, Dicra S.p.A. decided to build on its success by diversifying the business into the marketing of consumer electronics products. We sold these under our own brand, selecting only the best partners that could meet our rigorous production standards and keep the products fresh with constant technological innovation.
With portable and home DVD players, MP3 and MP4 players, multifunction products, LCD TVs and DVB-T decoders, Dicra Electronics now has a comprehensive range of high quality products, backed by a strong business structure with commercial service, production and distribution operations that you can rely on.
In the beginning, the mission was to bring the benefits of technology within the reach of all: now, it is high technology at competitive prices, it is enthusiasm with a firm foundation of experience, it is to be the new standard in the consumer electronics market.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - City University, London
Years of experience: 16. Registered at May 2008.
Italian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Italian to English (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) Italian to English (Diploma in Translation) Italian to English (Chartered Linguist)
Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP), Plain Language Association International (PLAIN), CIOL
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, WordFast, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Translations need to be accurate but with natural, appropriate style to convey the message with clarity and impact. Good style lets readers focus on the content, boosts sales, and prevents confusion; a translator should be sensitive to nuance and know what sounds just right.
I am a qualified translator with over 12 years’ experience – over 5 million words’ worth – specialising in making Italian tourism, leisure and luxury marketing copy sound great in English.
Accreditations and Qualifications
• Chartered Linguist • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (FCIL) • Diploma in Translation from the UK Chartered Institute of Linguists (2 Distinctions and a Merit in the 3 papers), 2008
• ITI member (MITI) (“Highly Commended” on the entrance exam) • Member of Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET)
• Plain Language Association InterNational (PLAIN) member
• Professional Copywriters’ Network member
• Quality in Translation campaign supporter
• ProZ Certified Professional
• Cambridge University graduate
Besides translation and transcreation, I provide revising, editing and proofreading services for texts that need to be checked or revamped. I offer an efficient, friendly, high-quality service with reliable, punctual delivery. For added value, I can also provide (tactful) feedback on how to improve the original Italian. NO PEMT. Plain English for clear but precise contracts and business procedures; persuasive, compelling travel-marketing copy; effective English for the web – in other words, incisive texts that read well and that work. My quality-assurance process is rigorous and uses the latest tools, and I continually enhance my skills with a personal CPD programme including attendance at trade fairs such as the Condé Nast Luxury Travel Fair and WTM (further details available on request). I regularly speak at conferences or give training webinars on clear writing and on translating for the travel industry.
Recent experience
• Tourism – 2 full-length published guide books (on Venice and Verona), wall texts for the exhibition Numbers. Everything that counts at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, the ebook “The Via Aemilia”, part of the website for “La casa di Montalbano”, cruise brochures, a stylish corporate-hospitality website, spa hotel promotions, guest information, accommodation advertisements, a property-development prospectus, audio guides, travel articles, art-exhibition reviews
• Marketing and Commercial – press releases on automatic doors, quality management system (QMS) procedures for a construction company, a media-management policy for a fish producer, presentations for a charity, newsletters for a snow-gun manufacturer, an environmental policy for a leather producer, cosmetics product labelling, market research for a magazine publisher, social-media guidelines for an IT firm, branding guidelines, slogans
• Publications, webinars and speeches – articles published on leading translation blog Adventures in Freelance Translation and in Editing Matters, the official magazine of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders; 60-minute webinars given on “Translating for the travel and tourism industry” and “Clear Writing, Clear Benefits” (now a course – sign up now!) for leading training provider eCPD Webinars; speaker at 9 major international translation conferences or training events, including BP19 and the 2014 ProZ conference Contact meby email at [email protected] or on Skype at o.m.lawrence to discuss your Italian translation needs and how I can help you. For more information, visit my website, which is more up to date than ProZ:
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