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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Italian - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour French to Italian - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour Spanish to Italian - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour Italian - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour
62 projects entered 10 positive feedback from outsourcers 1 positive feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 21000 words Completed: Feb 2016 Languages: Spanish to Italian
21000 palabras - sector cosmética
Cosmetics, Beauty
No comment.
Translation Volume: 20000 words Completed: Feb 2016 Languages: Spanish to Italian
20000 palabras - traduccion software
Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Completed: Feb 2016 Languages: French to Italian
4000 mots - traduction légale FR>IT
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3000 words Completed: Feb 2016 Languages: French to Italian
3000 mots - traduction légale FR>IT - acte de vente
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5.102 words Completed: May 2013 Languages: English to Italian
Maintenance contract
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 70.764 words Completed: Apr 2013 Languages: English to Italian
Big translation about energy plants
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 17.8 words Completed: Apr 2013 Languages: English to Italian
Translation about drilling
Petroleum Eng/Sci
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5.4 words Completed: Apr 2013 Languages: French to Italian
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8200 words Completed: Dec 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Legal translation
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 107 pages Completed: Sep 2012 Languages: English to Italian
107 page translation of an affidavit
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Completed: Aug 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Design documents of a car dealer
Architecture, Furniture / Household Appliances, Advertising / Public Relations
positive Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): Marika has carried out her job with her usual proactive approach, and she delivered a high-quality translation.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 3270 words Completed: May 2012 Languages: Spanish to Italian
Contrato de terminacion
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 28000 words Completed: Mar 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Book about the Communist Party of China
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Completed: Mar 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Antibribery and anti-corruption policy
Human Resources, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6126 words Completed: Feb 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Non-exclusive distribution agreement
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 822 words Completed: Jan 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Safety data sheet
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 335 words Completed: Jan 2012 Languages: English to Italian
Art Exhibition Announcement
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): Professional translator!
Translation Volume: 3300 words Completed: Dec 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Survey about drug testing systems
Medical (general), Medical: Instruments
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7278 words Completed: Dec 2011 Languages: Spanish to Italian
Website of a company producing cleaning equipments
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10780 words Completed: Dec 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Articles of Organization
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 93280 words Completed: Nov 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Judgements and pleadings regarding cases for misuse of public funds
Law: Contract(s), Government / Politics, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Nov 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Sharesave Plan and relevant brochures
Business/Commerce (general), Finance (general), Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1900 words Completed: Nov 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Fund for Africa and Madagascar
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1800 words Completed: Oct 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Legal alert
Management, Government / Politics, Law (general)
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 30990 words Completed: Sep 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Work general conditions
Law: Contract(s), Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1048 words Completed: Sep 2011 Languages: Spanish to Italian
Dispositivo Médico
Medical (general), Medical: Instruments
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5700 words Completed: Aug 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Survey about Periodontal products
Medical (general), Medical: Dentistry
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3000 words Completed: Jul 2011 Languages: English to Italian
Translation Volume: 5185 words Completed: Apr 2010 Languages: English to Italian
Technical manual of an electrochemical device
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Energy / Power Generation, Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 779 words Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: French to Italian
Traduction secteur maritime
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
26 entries
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, PayPal, Paypal
Sample translations submitted: 3
English to Italian: Supply agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English THIS AGREEMENT is entered into 22.12.1998 (the "Effective Date"), by and between XXX, a company duly incorporated under the laws of Italy, having its principal place of business at XXX, Italy (the Manufacturer) and YYY, having its principal place of business at YYY, France (the Buyer) to establish the terms and conditions concerning the manufacture and the purchase of the customised product ZZZ (the Product).
It is hereby agreed the following:
1. Terms
1.1 This Agreement shall come into force on the date hereof.
1.2 All other Agreements either formal or informal are null and void and supersede by the present Distribution Agreement with exception to the Confidentiality Agreement dated NNN and the Purchase Order n. 123 from the Buyer.
1.3 Any correspondence relating to this Agreement must be in writing sento either by Registered Airmail, fax or e-mail.
1.4 This Agreement may be terminated by the Manufacturer if the Products to be withdrawn in the first or subsequent years of the Agreement are not ordered and/or paid by the Buyer subject to the conditions as per term 3.3.
1.5 Either party may terminate the Agreement by giving the other Party not less than 90 days written notice in the event of non fulfilment of any of the terms of the Agreement.
Translation - Italian IL PRESENTE ACCORDO è stipulato in data 22.12.1998 (la “Data di entrata in vigore”), da e tra XXX, un’impresa debitamente costituita ai sensi della legislazione italiana, con sede principale in Via XXX, Italia (il Produttore) e YYY, con sede principale in Via YYY, Francia (l’Acquirente), al fine di stabilire i termini e le condizioni inerenti alla produzione e all’acquisto del prodotto personalizzato ZZZ (il Prodotto).
Con la presente si conviene quanto segue:
1. Termini
1.1 Il presente Accordo entrerà in vigore alla data indicata.
1.2 Qualsiasi altro Accordo sia formale che informale è da considerarsi privo di valore legale ed è sostituito dal presente Accordo di Distribuzione, fatta eccezione per l’Accordo di Riservatezza datato NNN e l’Ordine di Acquisto n. 123 dell’Acquirente.
1.3 Qualsiasi comunicazione in merito al presente Accordo dovrà essere inviata in forma scritta tramite posta aerea raccomandata, fax o e-mail.
1.4 Il Produttore potrà risolvere il presente Accordo qualora i Prodotti da ritirare nel primo anno o negli anni successivi dell’Accordo non fossero ordinati e/o pagati dall’Acquirente subordinatamente alle condizioni di cui al punto 3.3.
1.5 Ciascuna delle Parti può concludere l’Accordo fornendone notifica scritta alla controparte con un preavviso non inferiore a 90 giorni in caso di inadempimento di uno qualsiasi dei termini dell’Accordo.
English to Italian: lifting trucks General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English - Trucks shall be designed to permit easy access and egress and minimize the risk of slipping, falling and tripping. Stepwidth, instep clearance and toe clearance shall comply with XXX.
- Steps shall have slip resistant surfaces or covering (e.g. expanded metal, abrasive coating). The first step shall be not more than 500 mm from the ground and succeeding steps shall be 250 mm to 350 mm, preferably at equal intervals.
- The compartment floor frequented by the operator, steps and walkways shall have a slip resistant surface, e.g. ribbed mats, abrasive coating, expanded metal.
- Walkaways more than 2000 mm from the ground shall have guard rails. The guard rails have a height of 1000 mm to 1 100 mm and shall be capable of withstanding, without permanent deformation, a force of 900 N applied in a horizontal direction from inside to outside.
Translation - Italian - I carrelli dovranno essere progettati in maniera da consentire un facile accesso e una facile uscita e ridurre al minimo il rischio di scivolare, cadere e inciampare. La larghezza del gradino, l’alzata e la pedata dovranno essere conformi alla norma XXX.
- I gradini dovranno presentare superfici o coperture antiscivolo (es. metallo stirato, rivestimento abrasivo). Il primo gradino non dovrà trovarsi a più di 500 mm dal suolo e i gradini successivi da 250 mm a 350 mm, preferibilmente a intervalli uguali.
- Il pavimento del vano operatore, i gradini e le passerelle dovranno essere dotati di una superficie anti-scivolamento, es. tappetini con superficie a coste, rivestimento abrasivo, metallo stirato.
- Le passerelle che si trovano a più di 2000 mm dal suolo dovranno essere dotate di barriere di sicurezza. Queste dovranno avere un’altezza compresa tra 1000 mm e 1100 mm ed essere in grado di sopportare, senza subire deformazioni permanenti, una forza di 900 N applicata in direzione orizzontale dall’interno all’esterno.
French to Italian: Contrat de location financière General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
La réglementation du contrat de location financière est contenue dans les Conditions Générales du Contrat, rédigées sur des formulaires prévus unilatéralement par la Concédante et contenant, entre autres, des clauses dites « vexatoires », lesquelles, en dérogation aux principes généraux de l’ordonnancement juridique, ont besoin de l’approbation écrite spécifique qui est obtenue par la double signature. Nous indiquons ci-après, brièvement, le contenu des clauses contractuelles les plus significatives comprises dans les conditions générales du contrat :
PREAMBULE : L’Utilisateur est le seul responsable du choix du bien et du Fournisseur ayant convenu directement avec ce dernier toutes les conditions de vente, le prix, les délais et les modalités de livraison.
PAIEMENT ET CHARGE ACCESSOIRES : L’Utilisateur est tenu de payer aux échéances respectives le montant dû en vertu du contrat. Le retard dans les paiements impliquera le paiement d’intérêts de retard et le remboursement des frais soutenus.
LIVRAISON DE L’EMBARCATION : La livraison du bien s’effectue habituellement selon les modalités et au lieu convenus entre le Fournisseur et l’Utilisateur ; au moment de la livraison, l’Utilisateur est tenu de signer une déclaration de réception dans laquelle il atteste de la conformité du bien à ce qui était demandé, de son parfait fonctionnement, ainsi que de la présence de la documentation nécessaire pour l’utilisation ; en l’absence de tout cela, l’Utilisateur a le droit de refuser la livraison et d’objecter au Fournisseur sa défaillance en en informant immédiatement la Concédante.
La regolamentazione del contratto di locazione finanziaria è contenuta nelle Condizioni Generali del Contratto, redatte in base a formulari previsti unilateralmente dalla Concedente e contenenti, tra le altre, alcune clausole denominate “vessatorie”, le quali, in deroga ai principi generali dell’ordinamento giuridico, necessitano di una specifica approvazione scritta ottenibile con la doppia firma. Di seguito indichiamo, brevemente, il contenuto delle clausole contrattuali più significative comprese nelle condizioni generali del contratto:
PREMESSA: l’Utilizzatore è il solo responsabile della scelta del bene e del Fornitore, avendo convenuto direttamente con quest’ultimo tutte le condizioni di vendita, il prezzo, i termini e le modalità di consegna.
PAGAMENTI E SPESE ACCESSORIE: l’Utilizzatore è tenuto al pagamento, alle relative scadenze, delle rate dovute in virtù del contratto. Il ritardo nei pagamenti implicherà il pagamento di interessi di mora e il rimborso delle spese sostenute.
CONSEGNA DELL’IMBARCAZIONE: la consegna del bene si effettua abitualmente secondo le modalità e nel luogo convenuto dal Fornitore e dall’Utilizzatore; al momento della consegna, l’Utilizzatore è tenuto a firmare un verbale di ricevimento nel quale attesta la conformità del bene a quanto richiesto, il suo corretto funzionamento nonché la presenza della documentazione necessaria per l’utilizzo; in assenza di ciò, l’Utilizzatore ha il diritto di rifiutare la consegna e di eccepire al Fornitore il suo inadempimento informandone immediatamente la Concedente.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Parma
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jun 2008.
English to Italian (University of Parma, verified) French to Italian (University of Parma, verified) Spanish to Italian (University of Parma, verified)
(centrali elettriche - centrali idroelettriche - produzione di energia - pannelli solari...)
Contattatemi. Avrete modo di apprezzare la mia professionalità.
Thanks for visiting my page!
I have a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures and I've been working as a professional translator for 10 years.
I'm specialised in the following sectors:
(contracts of sale - purchase agreements - agency agreements - distribution agreements - frame work contracts - establishment of new companies - special letters of attorney - successions - wills - procedural documents - judgments...)
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (10 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Italian
Spanish to Italian
French to Italian
Specialty fields
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Medical (general)
Energy / Power Generation
Medical: Instruments
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Tourism & Travel
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Cosmetics, Beauty
Human Resources
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Finance (general)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Construction / Civil Engineering
Computers: Software
Business/Commerce (general)
Food & Drink
Environment & Ecology
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Other fields
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Government / Politics
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Medical: Cardiology
Real Estate
Cooking / Culinary
Petroleum Eng/Sci
Furniture / Household Appliances
Advertising / Public Relations
Medical: Dentistry
Education / Pedagogy
Internet, e-Commerce
Media / Multimedia
Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Military / Defense
Medical: Health Care
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Investment / Securities
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Keywords: traduzione, translation, traduction, traduzione manuali tecnici, technical manual translation, traduction de manuels techniques, traduccion de manuales técnicos, cataloghi prodotti, product catalogues, catalogues de produits. See more.traduzione, translation, traduction, traduzione manuali tecnici, technical manual translation, traduction de manuels techniques, traduccion de manuales técnicos, cataloghi prodotti, product catalogues, catalogues de produits, catalogos productos, listini, price lists, catalogues des prix, depliant, traduzione siti web, website translation, traduction sites web, traduccion sitios web, contrattualistica varia, contracts, contrats, traduzione contratti, traduction contrats, contract translation, traduccion de contratos, corrispondenza commerciale, commercial correspondence, correspondance commerciale, traduzione norme di sicurezza internazionali, International safety standards translation, traduction de reglémentation internationale de sécurité, traduzione di riviste di arredamento, furnishing review translation, traduction de revues d'ameublement, apparecchiature medicali, medical devices, équipements médicaux, agricoltura, agriculture, prodotti chimici, chemical products, produits chimiques, italian to english, french to italian, spanish to italian, english to italian, english to italian translation, french to italian translation, spanish to italian translation, italian to english translation, traducciones espanol hacia italiano, traductions français vers italien, english to italian translator, french to italian translator, spanish to italian translator, traducteur français>italien, traducteur anglais>italien, traducteur espagnol>italien, italian mothertongue translator, Italian translator, traducteur italien, traductor italiano. See less.
This profile has received 92 visits in the last month, from a total of 73 visitors