Working languages:
English to Estonian
Estonian to English

Availability today:

February 2025

Lennart Luhtaru
Confidentiality and reliability

San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States

Native in: Estonian Native in Estonian
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The first Estonian translator offering end-to-end encrypted workflow for full confidentiality.
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling
Specializes in:
IT (Information Technology)Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Computers (general)Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Medical: InstrumentsChemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Petroleum Eng/SciConstruction / Civil Engineering
Medical: Health CareMedical (general)


All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 76, Questions answered: 38
Blue Board entries made by this user  28 entries

Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, Money order, Wire transfer, Check, American Express, PayPal, Discover, Skrill
Experience Years of experience: 19. Registered at Aug 2008. Became a member: Jul 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials N/A
Memberships ATA
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CafeTran Espresso, Dreamweaver, Idiom, Indesign, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Poedit, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Events and training
Professional practices Lennart Luhtaru endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Improve my productivity

You have found one of the few language professionals who takes confidenitality and security of your critical projects more seriously than anyone else. You'll find an overview of my security procedures and measures at the end of the bio.

I have worked as a translator since 2005 and my main areas of expertise are medical, technical and IT/TC translations from English to Estonian. In addition, I have a good portfolio of automotive and casino translations. I have worked with clients in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, UK, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, China, USA, Argentina, and Canada, among others.

Relevant professional events attended over the years: e.g. American Translators Association conference in San Diego 2012, Integrated Systems Europe 2007, 2008 and 2009 in Amsterdam, Netherlands; CeBIT 2008 in Hannover, Germany; Baltic Radiology Conference 2008 in Tartu, Estonia; different Canon and Apple trainings in Estonia and Latvia between 2005 and 2010. Also, trained many end users, professionals and resellers in professional imaging field in Estonia between 2005 and 2010. I am a member of American Translators Association and ProZ Certified PRO Network.

I support and own licenses for following CAT tools: SDL Studio 2017, MemoQ 2015, Across Translator Edition, Cafetran Espresso, and Wordfast Pro 4.

I have dual citizenship (Estonian and US) and can accept projects for the Federal Government.

I am the first Estonian translator offering full end-to-end encrypted translation workflow to my clients.

Here's a short overview of my standard security practices.
- During 2016 I moved from Windows to OS X as it offers UNIX functionality and security but is still user friendly.
- Both my workstations are fully encrypted with AES 256. (This means that even if my hardware is stolen, your information will be safe.)
- As some of the software still requires Windows, I run a dedicated Windows virtual machine inside OS X. VM runs 64-bit Windows 10 Pro with only translation tools and trojan/virus scanners installed. Windows security updates are auto-installed. This enables me to separate the translation environment from anything else in my computer and add an extra layer of security.
- VM image is backed up monthly locally to a separate encrypted disk. This means that if there are any problems with VM and its security, I can just discard the old VM, and use a "clean" copy without compromising my system.
- All the applications (in OS X and Win 10) are always kept up-to-date (e.g. license upgrades as needed and installing all necessary security updates).
- Always 2-step authorization if supported: all critical passwords (e.g. email) are unique and use numbers, lower and upper case characters and symbols. No paper copies of passwords are kept anywhere.
- Normal standard security measures (firewall and other standard network security measures, workstation autolock, deleting confidential files after project completion, Windows VM not open while not working, etc.)

Optional security procedures:
- End-to-end encrypted workflow through Protonmail (end-to-end AES256 mail service founded at CERN) and local file encryption inside OS X.
- VPN RDP to your VM to complete any critical projects in your system.
- HTTPS connection to your translation environment.
- Full workflow inside OS X without Windows (using only OS X based CAT tools).

I am based in Washington, D.C. but was born in Tartu, Estonia.

Cell: +1 (310) 801-9871 / +1 (202) 810-3699
Time zone: EST – Eastern Standard Time / UTC−5:00

Here You can find a list of some larger / more demanding projects I have finished in recent years.

2010 to 2016
- GUI and user guide translations for a industry leading OCR tool (about 65,000 words, GUI strings, help files)
- Bottle blowing production line (36,000 words, maintenance manual)
- Tetra Pak manufacturing system (more than 100,000 new words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Medical implants, components, etc (about 20 projects, proofreading, translation)
- Website for a premium German auto manufacturer (about 70,000 words)
- Website for another German car manufacturer (about 50,000 words)
- CR systems (about 40,00 words, operating manual)
- X-ray systems (about 70,000 words, operating manual)
- Patient monitor (about 14,000 words, operating manual)
- MSDS classification system website (about 35,000 words)
- Manuals for hearing aid testing tools (about 50,000 words, operating manuals)
- Cardio physiomonitoring system and information management system (about 20,000 words, operating manuals)
- Hydraulic, pneumatic, electric tools (more than 100,000 words, user guides)
- CHP and electricity plant (more than 300,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals and related documentation)
- Hendress+Hauser measuring devices (more than 150,000 words, operating manuals)
- Boiler plant components (90,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- 3D scanner (about 45,000 words, user guide)
- Pokersite 1 (about 20,000 words for translation and 20,000 words for proofing, GUI, user guides)
- Poker and betting site 2 (about 70,000 words + daily newsletters)
- Valves and other plant components (about 30,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Agricultural machine (about 20,000 words, operating manual)
- Centrifugal compressor (about 25,000 words, operating manual)
- Intra vascular ultrasound system (about 70,000 words, operating manual)
- Injection system (about 24,000 words, operating manual)
- Nuclear related training materials (about 14,000 words)
- Agricultural machines (about 35,000 words, operating manuals)
- UI strings for a well known smartphone manufacturer (about 30,000 words)
- CT/PET system (about 70,000 words, operating manual)
- Electronic system for customs (about 25,000 words, training materials)
- Game UI strings for well-known OS (about 7,000 words translated + tested)
- Automatic industrial sorter (13,000 words, operating and maintenance manual)
- Online poker site terms and conditions and related documentation (about 35,000 words)
- Hearing aid system and related calibrators (about 50,000 words, user guides)
- Molecular typing and antibody screening software (about 23,000 words, user guides)
- Different handheld electric tools part 2 (more than 50,000 words, user guides)
- Manuals for a US car manufacturer (more than 100,000 words, owner's manuals for vehicles and infotainment systems)
- Bottling plant manuals (more than 100,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Pulp processing plant manuals (more than 40,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Professional kitchen appliances (more than 40,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Forestry equipment (more than 50,000 words, owner's manual for a vehicle)
- Construction equipment manuals (more than 100,000 words, owner's manuals for different vehicles)
- Clinical trial guides (more than 20,000 words total, manuals for investigators and centers)
- Manuals for another US car manufacturer 2 (more than 40,000 words, owner's manuals for vehicles and infotainment systems)
- Fast food kitchen appliances (more than 35,000 words, operating and maintenance manuals)
- Chemical plant environmental permit documentation (about 20,000 words)
- Clinical trial guides 2 (more than 20,000 words total, manuals for investigators and centers)
- Safety data sheets for different chem products (more than 30,000 words total)
- Training materials for a shipping company (more than 30,000 words total)
- Nuclear source detection training materials (about 10,000 words total)
- Photonic Service Switch (about 10,000 words, operating and installation manuals)
Keywords: english to estonian translations, estonian translations, english to estonian translator, estonian translator, english-estonian, english to estonian, EN-ET, ET-EN, medical devices, medical. See more.english to estonian translations, estonian translations, english to estonian translator, estonian translator, english-estonian, english to estonian, EN-ET, ET-EN, medical devices, medical, technical, IT, infotechnology, TC, telecommunications, industrial, automotive, user manuals, localization, translation, proofreading, estonian ATA member, american translators association, trados, trados studio, freelance translator, certified immigration translation usa, memoq, . See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 7, 2024