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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Surcharge(s): Rush jobs +25% to +75% Jobs of high complexity +10% to +20% Complex formatting +10% to +20% Weekend +25% to +75% Discount(s): High volume -5% to -10% Minimum charge(s): Minimum charge for translation in CAD: 50.00 Minimum charge for editing/proofreading in CAD: 50.00 Minimum charge for mt post-editing in CAD: 50.00 General minimum charge in CAD: 50.00
Translation Volume: 70000 words Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: German to English
Prenuptial Agreement, Last Will and Testament, Correspondence
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 600 words Completed: Nov 2009 Languages: English to German
Lawyer's correspondence on fraud case
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Oct 2009 Languages: German to English
Transfer of a limited partner's interest
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2900 words Completed: Oct 2009 Languages: English to German
Video transcripts on STDs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1600 words Completed: Sep 2009 Languages: German to English
Supporting Documentation for Immigration Application
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: German to English
Press Release QII Financials
Finance (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1500 words Completed: Jul 2009 Languages: German to English
Various Press Releases
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500 words Completed: Jun 2009 Languages: English to German
Comments to an Architectural Proposal
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500 words Completed: May 2009 Languages: German to English
Test Certificate for Beverage Probe
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 600 words Completed: Apr 2009 Languages: English to German
Comments on Litigation Settlement
Real Estate
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5500 words Completed: Apr 2009 Languages: German to English
Biotech Company's Internal Newsletter
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4500 words Completed: Apr 2009 Languages: German to English
Financial Statements and Annual Report
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2200 words Completed: Mar 2009 Languages: German to English
Various Press Releases
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1800 words Completed: Feb 2009 Languages: English to German
Transcripts for TV documentary on Sustainable Forest Management in Canada
Environment & Ecology
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4600 words Completed: Jan 2009 Languages: English to German
Statement of Claim
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Completed: Dec 2008 Languages: English to German
Electronic consumer product webtemplates for eCommerce company
No comment.
Translation Volume: 900 words Completed: Nov 2008 Languages: English to German
Article from biotech journal "Laborwelt"
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1100 words Completed: Oct 2008 Languages: German to English
Birth, baptismal, marriage and police clearance certificates with affidavits
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Completed: Oct 2008 Languages: German to English
Various press releases
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4400 words Completed: Oct 2008 Languages: German to English
Biotech Company's Internal Newsletter
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3200 words Completed: Oct 2008 Languages: English to German
Several product descriptions for electronic consumer products
Electronics / Elect Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Completed: Sep 2008 Languages: German to English
SAP related Project Management Handbook
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4200 words Completed: Sep 2008 Languages: German to English
Resulotion and supporting information to liquidate publicly traded company
Investment / Securities
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1800 words Completed: Aug 2008 Languages: English to German
Opinion on an Improvement Project (Commercial Real Estate)
Real Estate
No comment.
Translation Volume: 800 words Completed: Apr 2008 Languages: German to English
Insurance Claim Form
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8700 words Completed: Mar 2008 Languages: German to English
Manufacturer's Batch Protocol for a Product Blend
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1500 words Completed: Mar 2008 Languages: German to English
Several Medical Invoices
Medical (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1700 words Completed: Mar 2008 Languages: German to English
Pension Application
Government / Politics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500 words Completed: Jan 2008 Languages: German to English
Patent Claim
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1900 words Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: German to English
Various Dental Invoices for Orthodontic Treatment
Medical: Dentistry
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: German to English
Opinion on Patent Claim
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1400 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to English
How Cement is Made (Children's Book)
Poetry & Literature
No comment.
Translation Volume: 700 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to English
Probate Matter
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1100 words Completed: Apr 2006 Languages: English to German
Business Concept
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2700 words Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: English to German
Unit Purchase Agreement
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 21000 words Completed: May 2004 Languages: English to German
Purchase and Sale Agreement (Commercial Real Estate)
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6900 words Completed: Apr 2004 Languages: German to English
Sales Prospectus
Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 1
German to English: Proposed liquidation of company
Source text - German Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat empfehlen die Auflösung der Gesellschaft zum 1.1.2009, weil sich so - trotz derzeitig negativer Auswirkungen des Immobilienmarktes - die in der Gesellschaft gebundenen und nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand über Plan liegenden stillen Reserven heben lassen.
Die alternative Fortführung der Gesellschaft in diesem Markt bedürfte für nahezu die Hälfte des Aktienkapitals einer Exitlösung über die Vermittlung von gesamt 5.280.000 Aktien, die von der *** GmbH & Co. KG gehalten werden; eine Dimension, die derzeit mangels eines institutionellen Investors in einer kleinteiligen Platzierung im Zweitmarkt nicht darstellbar ist.
Hierbei wäre gleichzeitig zu berücksichtigen, dass sich der Wettbewerb im Zweitmarkt von Fondsanteilen zunehmend verschärft und sich neue Fondsanteile nicht länger zu den günstigen Konditionen erwerben lassen, die bisher von der Gesellschaft im Zweitmarkt beim Aufbau des heutigen Portfolios gezahlt wurden.
„Mobil machen – Werte schaffen“ das ist das Unternehmensmotto unserer Gesellschaft. Mobil machen haben wir dabei immer in zweifacher Hinsicht verstanden.
Zum einen Bewegung in die Beteiligungen an eher immobilen Geschlossenen Immobilienfonds zu bringen und zum anderen unseren Aktionären ein für sie mobiles Anlagevehikel zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Die *** AG hat seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 2001 gezeigt, dass das Geschäftsmodell sehr erfolgreich funktioniert. Der Erwerb von eher immobilen Anteilen geschlossener Immobilienfonds hat sich für die Gesellschaft und ihre Aktionäre bis heute gelohnt.
Hinsichtlich des Marktumfeldes konnten wir in den letzten beiden Jahren verstärkt eine höhere Transparenz durch die gestiegene Anzahl von Handelsplattformen und eine allgemein zunehmende Konkurrenz auf der Käuferseite feststellen.
Eine ganze Reihe von Gesellschaften haben den Zweitmarkt von geschlossenen Immobilienfonds als für sich „lohnendes“ Geschäftsfeld definiert, mit der Folge steigender Preise bzw. sinkender Kaufrenditen in der überschaubaren Zukunft.
Da die Mobilität auch für die Aktionäre hinsichtlich ihrer Aktien Gültigkeit haben sollte, wurde die Börseneinführung als Ultima Ratio des Unternehmenskonzeptes gesehen und die Einführung an der Börse für den Zeitraum 2005 - 2007 in Aussicht gestellt.
Nachdem sich die Aktionäre im Dezember 2006 mit überwältigender Mehrheit gegen einen Börsengang der *** AG entschieden hat und die Fortführung der Gesellschaft derzeit nur auf Basis einer reduzierten Gewinnerwartung möglich ist, besteht alternativ die Möglichkeit, die in der Gesellschaft gebundenen stillen Reserven durch eine sukzessive Liquidation der *** AG zu heben und den erzielten Liquidationserlös auszuschütten.
Auf Basis beiliegender Prognoserechnung einer angenommenen Liquidation über die nächsten drei Jahre wurde unter den dort gemachten Annahmen ein geschätztes Liquidationsendvermögen von rund 62.731 T€ ermittelt, entsprechend einem Wert je Aktie von 5,67 €/Stück. Einschließlich der im Juli 2008 gezahlten Dividende von 0,22 €/Stück, entspräche dies einem Gesamtwert je Aktie von 5,89 €/Stück.
Bei einem durchschnittlichen Einstandskurs von 2,64 €/Stück für die gesamt 11.065.180 Aktien der Gesellschaft, ergäbe dies einen durchschnittlichen Wertzuwachs über die Haltedauer von 3,25 €/Aktie, entsprechend einem Wertzuwachs von 123% nach Steuern der Gesellschaft.
Um die bisherigen Perioden der Rechnungslegung unverändert fortzuführen und um eine weitere Satzungsänderung zu vermeiden, sollte Abwicklungsgeschäftsjahr das Kalenderjahr sein.
Hierbei sollte aus Praktikabilitätsgründen der bisherige Abschlussprüfer der Gesellschaft, die *** KG, Düsseldorf, zum Abschlussprüfer für die Abwicklungs-Eröffnungsbilanz sowie für den Jahresabschluss für das Abwicklungs-Geschäftsjahr 2009 gewählt werden.
Die Auflösung der *** AG führt nicht zur sofortigen Beendigung der Gesellschaft, sondern zu deren Auflösung. Mit der Auflösung tritt die Gesellschaft in das Liquidationsstadium ein. Die Abwicklung besorgt der Vorstand als Abwickler, falls die Hauptversammlung keine andere Person bestellt. Aufgabe des Abwicklers ist es, alle Schritte einzuleiten, damit die Gesellschaft abgewickelt wird. Am Ende der Liquidation steht die Verteilung des Reinvermögens der Gesellschaft an alle Aktionäre. Das Vermögen darf frühestens nach Ablauf eines Jahres erfolgen, nachdem die Gläubiger der aufgelösten Gesellschaft dreimal im
elektronischen Bundesanzeiger aufgefordert worden sind, ihre Ansprüche bei der Gesellschaft anzumelden (sog. Sperrjahr). Während des Sperrjahres darf kein Gewinn ausgeschüttet werden. Nach Beendigung der Liquidation wird die Gesellschaft im Handelsregister gelöscht.
Translation - English The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board recommend the dissolution of the company as per January 1, 2009, since this will allow access of the reserve assets, which are tied up in the company and according to current information, exceed budget, despite negative effects of the real estate market.
Alternatively, the company’s continuation under current market conditions would require an exit strategy for almost half of the share capital, to be realized by a placement of 5,280,000 shares in total, currently held by *** GmbH & Co. KG; a volume which currently, due to the lack of an institutional investor, cannot be realized with small placements in the secondary market.
Additionally, it needs to be considered that the competition intensifies increasingly in the secondary market for fund shares, and new fund shares cannot be acquired anymore at the favourable conditions that the company enjoyed when establishing its current portfolio.
“Mobilize – create value” is the motto of our company. We always understood both aspects of “mobilize”.
On the one hand to generate mobility for interests in rather immobile, closed-end real estate funds, and on the other hand to provide our shareholders with a flexible investment vehicle.
*** AG has shown since its inception in 2001, that its business model is very successful. The acquisition of rather inflexible shares of closed-end real estate funds has been very profitable for the company and its shareholders to this day.
With respect to the market environment we recognized an increased transparency due to a higher number of trading platforms and intensifying competition on the buyer side over the past two years.
Numerous companies have identified the secondary market for closed-end real estate funds as a “lucrative” field of business for themselves, resulting in increasing prices and decreasing returns on purchases in the foreseeable future.
Since mobility should also be attainable for our shareholders with respect to their shares, going public was viewed as the “ultima ratio” of the company’s conception, and a stock exchange listing was offered for 2005 – 2007.
After the shareholders voted against *** AG going public with a staggering majority in December 2006, and the continuation of the company is only feasible on the basis of reduced profit expectations, the alternative is a successive liquidation of *** AG, which will provide access to the company’s tied-up reserve assets and the distribution of the realized liquidation profit.
A liquidation profit of approx. € 62.731 million, or €5.67/share, has been calculated based on the attached prognosis calculation of a presumed liquidation over the following three years and the assumptions made thereto. Including the dividend of €0.22/share paid in July 2008, this corresponds to a total of €5.89/share.
Assuming an average cost basis of €2.64/share for a total of the company’s 11,065,180 shares outstanding, this would correlate to an average appreciation in value of €3.25/share over the holding period, equalling an appreciation of 123% after corporate taxes.
To keep the accounting periods unchanged and in order to avoid an additional amendment of the company’s articles, the financial year of the transaction should be the calendar year.
At this, the company’s current auditor *** KG, Dusseldorf, should for practical reasons be elected auditor of the transaction’s opening balance as well as for the financial statements of the transaction’s financial year 2009.
The liquidation of *** AG does not result in the immediate termination of the company but in its dissolution. With the dissolution, the company enters the phase of liquidation. The execution is handled by the Board of Directors as executor, provided the general meeting does not appoint another person. It is the responsibility of the executor to initiate all steps required for the liquidation of the company. The liquidation is concluded by the distribution of the company’s liquidation profit to all shareholders. The profit may only be distributed at the end of one year, after the liquidated company’s creditors have been requested three times in the electronic federal journal “elektronischer Bundesanzeiger” to register their respective claims (so-called one-year waiting period). No profits may be distributed during the one-year waiting period. The company is deleted from the register of companies “Handelsregister” after the conclusion of the liquidation.
Translation education
Other - University of Toronto, Post Graduate, School of Continuing Education
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Aug 2008.