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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription, Training
Specializes in:
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Construction / Civil Engineering
Business/Commerce (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Science (general)
Tourism & Travel
Also works in:
Law: Contract(s)
Poetry & Literature
Government / Politics
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Food & Drink
English to Slovak - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 25 - 30 EUR per hour Russian to Slovak - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 25 - 30 EUR per hour
Translation Volume: 30 pages Completed: May 2014 Languages: Slovak to English
Translation of a collection of games and compositions for piano
Music, Education / Pedagogy
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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Slovak: Geological task: VERDICT OF BAILIFF JIRA General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Geology
Source text - English Léta páně 1631 zuřila v evropě třicetiletá válka a v hospodě ve starém hornickém městě lukavici u chrudimě zas jednou pořádná rvačka. Rychtář Jíra jako vykonavatel městského práva stál
uprostřed místnosti, v jedné ruce držel zkroucené zápěstí mlynáře Matěje, v druhé zkroucené ucho jircháře Martina a dotírajícího rybáře petra umravňoval do bezpečné vzdálenosti opakovanými kopanci. „povídám, sousedé,“ funěl námahou mírotvůrce, „uklidněte se, nebo vás všechny zavřu do šatlavy!“ „už toho mám dost, rychtáři!“ řičel majitel mlýna ve skalách. „Mlýnský kolo se mi rozpadá, čepy mám rozežraný jako by je naposledy měnil můj dědek, i když jsou sotva dva roky starý. vopravy mě stály už třicet zlatejch. Žádám spravedlnost a zaplacení škody od toho škůdce,“
volal a volnou nohou se snažil kopnout jircháře. „co si to vymejšlíš!“ křičel rychtáři do druhého ucha jirchář. „Kde je moje dílna a kde je tvůj mlejn? Kdybys všechno neprochlastal, na opravy budeš mít!“ „a mně v řece ubývaj‘ ryby!“ přisadil si rybář petr, kterému se v nestřeženém okamžiku podařilo praštit jircháře. „Jen samá houžvička tam plave, to ty tvoje smrady jircháři, co do naší řeky leješ.“ na takové obvinění chtěl naštvaný jirchář odpovědět ráznou ranou, ale protože se před pranicí posílil několika mázy piva, ztratilo klubko těl rovnováhu, všichni rváči spadli rovnou na rychtáře a bolestivě ho pochroumali. za to je všechny zástupce městského práva potrestal týdnem v šatlavě. současně vyhlásil, že po skončení trestu vynese na rychtě soud, kdo a čím je vlastně vinen.
Translation - Slovak In 1637, the year when the Thirty Years' War was raging in Europe, yet another great scramble was raging in the pub in old mining town Lukavice near Chrudim. Bailiff Jira as an executor of the town law was standing in the midst of the room, with a twisted wrist of Matthew the Miller in one hand and a twisted ear of Martin the Tanner in another, while trying to keep the thrusting Peter the Fisher to a safe distance by repeated kicks. “I say, neighbours,” the peacemaker huffed with effort, “calm down or I will shut you all in a slammer!” “Enough is enough. Bailiff!” yelled the owner of the mill In Rocks. “My waterwheel is falling apart, my cogs are rotten as if my grandad changed them last, although they are barely two years old. I've already wasted 30 quid for the repairs. I call for justice and compensation from this poisoner,” he was crying and trying to kick the tanner with his free leg. “If you just weren't fabricating,” the Tanner was shouting to the Bailiff’s other ear. “Where is my tanyard and where is your mill? And if you hadn’t swizzled everything away, you could afford the repairs!” “And I am falling low on fish!” fisherman Peter increased his stake and he successfully managed to hit the tanner in an unguarded moment. “Just carcasses are swimming there, and it is all because of your stenches you are pouring into our river.” The angry tanner wanted to response to such an accusation with a resolute punch, but as he had fortified himself with several pints of beer, the ball of bodies lost their balance and all the fighters fell right on the Bailiff and harmed him painfully. The executor of the town law punished all of them by shutting them in a slammer for one week. At the same time he announced that after the end of punishment he would deliver the verdict about whom and what they are guilty of.
Translation education
Master's degree - Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Aug 2008.
English to Slovak (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Russian to Slovak (Pushkin's Institut)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abby FineReader OCR, Powerpoint, Wordfast
М.А. in Translation Studies: English / Russian language (at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra – The Faculty of Arts)
Fields of my expertise:
- translation: chemistry, construction industry, architecture, aviation, geology, social sciences, business, diplomacy, literature and poetry, gender studies
- interpreting (community interpreting, transport systems, politics)
Here are some examples of projects I worked on:
- chemical safety data sheets, exposure scenarios, certificates of quality
- business contracts for various construction companies (construction projects in Angola, solar energy etc.)
- various manuals of medical devices
- Kamenožrout - translation of the Charles University geological correspondence course
- art catalogues, reviews of exhibitions for Krokus Gallery
Publishing House "Absynt"
Svetlana Alexievich - Second-Hand Time, 2016
(Russian -> Slovak)