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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Arabic: Love is a Fallacy General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Cool was I and logical. Keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute-I was all of these. My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist's scales, as penetrating as a scalpel. And - think of it! - I was only eighteen.
It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect. Take for example, Petey Butch, my roommate at the University of Minnesota. Same age, same background, but dumb as an ox. A nice enough fellow, you understand, but nothing upstairs. Emotional type. Unstable. Impressionable. Worst of all, a faddist. Fads, I submit, are the very negation of reason. To be swept up in every new craze that comes along, to surrender yourself to idiocy just because everybody else is doing it-this, to me, is the acme of mindlessness. Not, however, to Petey.
One afternoon I found Petey lying on his bed with an expression of such distress on his face that I immediately diagnosed appendicitis. "Don't move." I said. "Don't take a laxative. I'll get a doctor."
"Raccoon," he mumbled thickly.
"Raccoon?" I said, pausing in my flight.
"I want a raccoon coat," he wailed.
I perceived that his trouble was not physical, but mental. "Why do you want a raccoon coat?"
"I should have known it," he cried, pounding his temples. "I should have known they'd come back when the Charleston came back. Like a fool I spent all my money for textbooks, and now I can't get a raccoon coat."
"Can you mean," I said incredulously, "that people are actually wearing raccoon coats again?"
"All the Big Men on Campus are wearing them. Where have you been?"
"In the library," I said, naming a place not frequented by Big Men on Campus.
He leaped from the bed and paced the room. "I've got to have a raccoon coat," he said passionately. "I've got to!"
"Petey, why? Look at it rationally. Raccoon coats are unsanitary. They shed. They smell bad. They weigh too much. They're unsightly. They-"
"You don't understand," he interrupted impatiently. "It's the thing to do. Don't you want to be in the swim?"
"No," I said truthfully.
"Well, I do," he declared. "I'd give anything for a raccoon coat. Anything!"
My brain, that precision instrument, slipped into high gear. "Anything?" I asked, looking at him narrowly.
"Anything," he affirmed in ringing tones.
I stroked my chin thoughtfully. It so happened that I knew where to get my hands on a raccoon coat. My father had had one in his undergraduate days; it lay now in a trunk in the attic back home. It also happened that Petey had something I wanted. He didn't have it exactly, but at least he had first rights on it. I refer to his girl. Polly Espy.
I had long coveted Polly Espy. Let me emphasize that my desire for this young woman was not emotional in nature. She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head. I wanted Polly for a shrewdly calculated, entirely cerebral reason.
Translation - Arabic هادئٌ أنا وعقلاني، متوقد الذهن، ماكرٌ فراس، حادٌ وداهية. جُمِعَت في شخصي كل تلك الصفات؛ قويٌ هو عقلي كالآلة، دقيقٌ كميزان الذهب، ثاقبٌ كمشرط الطبيب – ولك أن تتخيل ـ كنت فقط في الثامنة عشر من عمري.
ليس من الشائع أن تجد لشاب في تلك السن رأس كمثل تلك التي أحمل فوق كتفي. خذ على سبيل المثال "بيتي بارتش" زميلي في الغرفة في جامعة مانيسوتا.
له نفس سني، ونفس الخلفية ولكنه غبيٌ كالدابة، شخص طيب لكنه فارغ الرأس، تقوده عواطفه، فهو غير متزن وشديد الحساسية وأسوأ ما في الأمر أنه "مولع بالموضة". كلمة "الموضة" – أكاد أجزم – هي نقيد كلمة "العقل". فتلاطم أمواج تلك الموضة الناس كلما غدت أو راحت. ويقابل الناس كل من تلك الأمواج مستسلمي العزم مفتوحي الأذرع لا يبالون إلى أين ستأخذهم تلك الموجة. وفيم كل ذلك؟ حسنا! لن تجد لهذا السؤال إجابة أوجه من أن "الكل يفعل هذا". هذا – في رأيي – هو السفه بعينه. لكن "بيتي" له رأي آخر.
وفي ظهر يوم ما وجدت "بيتي" مستلقيا على فراشه وقد نقش على وجهه خارطة من الضيق والأسى والضجر مما قذف في عقلي احتمال أنه مريض بالتهاب الزائدة الدودية!.
• فقلت له: لا تتحرك، سأحضر الطبيب
• فتمتم قائلا: "معطف"
• فأطرقت قليلا وتساءلت: معطف؟!!!
• فرد متأسيا: "أريد معطف بفراء"
• ففهمت أن علته ليست بجسمه.. بل بعقله.
• وفيم تحتاج معطف؟؟
• فقال ملكوما: كان لابد علي أن أستنتج أن تلك المعاطف ستعود بعودة التشارلستون. وبكل حماقة أنفقت كل ما لدي في شراء الكتب والمراع.. والآن ليس معي ما يكفي لشراء المعطف
• فقلت مذهولا: أتقصد أن.. أن تلك الصيحة قد عادت؟
• الكل يرتديه في الحرم الجامعي... أين كنت يا رجل؟!
• في المكتبة
فقفز من فراشه وأخذ يغدو ويروح داخل الغرفة مشبثا ناظريه بالأرض قائلا: لابد أن أحصل على معطف .. لابد..
• ولم كل هذا يا " بيتي؟!" إعقلها يارجل. تلك المعاطف ذات الفراء محض حماقة؟ فالفراء يسقط بعد فترة ، ورائحتها كريهة، وهي ثقيلة الوزن وقبيحة الشكل و..
فقال مقاطعا – وقد نفذ صبره – ألا ترى ما أرمي إليه؟.. ألا تريد أن تمشي مع التيار؟!
فقلت بصق: لا
فراحني قائلا: "أما أنا فأريد. سأضحي بأي شيء في سبيل الحصول على هذا المعطف.
فبدأت تروس تلك الآلة في رأسي تدور سريعا.. فنظرت إليه بعمق وقلت: "أي شيء؟"
فرد مؤكدا: أي شيء
فأطرقت قليلا .. كنت أعرف جيدا من أين أحصل على مثل ذلك المعطف. فكان لدى أبي واحدا أيام دراسته بالجامعة. وهو الآن في سندرة في مؤخرة بيتنا. وكنت أيضا أعرف أن " بيتي" يمتلك شيئا أريده أنا .. لا أقصد أنه "يمتلكه" تحديدا، ولكن كان لديه الحق الأول فيه.. أعني..... "فتاته" "بولي إبسي". كثيرا ما كنت أتوق لتلك الفتاة. ولكن لم تكن رغبتي بها مدفوعة بأي عواطف – مع أن تلك الفتاة قديرة على إثارة العواطف – لكن لم أكن أنا بالذي يترك قلبه يقود عقله
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - university of Alexandria
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Sep 2008. Became a member: Dec 2012.
English to Arabic (Alexandria University) English to Arabic (American Translators Association) Arabic to English (American Translators Association) English to Arabic (NAATI ID number: CPN2VL40K) English to Arabic (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
I'm a native speaker of Arabic with more than 8
years of experience as an English>Arabic translator, transcriber & DTP
As soon as I graduated from the Faculty of
Education, English dep. in 2009, I started my self-education journey along
with my career as a linguist. My self-Education was focused on the technical
tools that can help me establish myself in the world of language and
translation such as SDL Trados, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Subtitle
Edit,MemoQ etc. Besides, and because good searching skills play a
dominant role in the process of translating any text, I took the Power
Searching with Google course, which strongly enhanced my searching skills. My
first job after graduation was a sales agent for an American telecommunication
company in Egypt specialized in overseas calling services. My job in that
company, in a nutshell, was to deal with the foreign, specially Australian,
clients; starting from convincing them to buy the company's services to making
sure that the actual clients are using the company's offers and are enjoying
them. This job fortified my knowledge of the different English dialects and
cultures very much. After that, I started my own from-home-business as a
linguist. My first step as a freelancer was as an "English lectures
transcriber". I worked as a transcriber of the English language and
literature lectures of the Faculty of Arts, King Faisal University. Then I
worked as a translator and a DTP specialist for many online clients who,
from time to time, come back to me with new assignments.
In 2020, I became a NAATI certified
translator (NAATI is Australia's National Accreditation Authority for Translators
and Interpreters). I passed the test from the first attempt (the pass rate
of this test is 10-15%). I am also an ATA associate member and a member of
I have always had a passion for translation and
languages, and I enjoy my job as a freelance translator very much. I always
focus on quality, which, in my opinion, comes from good understanding of both
the source and target language and culture. I'm very serious about my career as
a translator, that's why I always do my best to keep my clients satisfied with
my services by providing top quality translation, transcription and DTP
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