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Spanish to English: Las Canteras El Zapote y El Manzano General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Spanish Debido a que las canteras El Zapote y El Manzano se ubican en zona rural, no se debe permitir sobrepasar los niveles de ruido permitidos para esta zona.
• Manejo de aguas lluvias y escorrentía superficial: se construirán zanjas de coronacióny canales perimetrales en las zonas de explotación de las canteras a fin de desviar la escorrentía superficial hacia el medio natural antes de entrar en contacto con las áreas de trabajo.
Las aguas de escorrentía en las zonas desprovistas de vegetación serán conducidas a través de canales interceptores a sistemas desarenadores, para luego ser vertidos al medio natural. De esta forma se evitan los aportes de sedimentos a los cursos de agua
En el programa de manejo de calidad de agua se detallan las características de
estas obras, así como el dimensionamiento de las mismas.
• Gestión integral de residuos sólidos: En las zonas de explotación de fuentes de
materiales también se aplicará la gestión de residuos sólidos, descrito en el programa respectivo, de tal manera que se evite la acumulación de residuos en la cantera El Manzano.
• Manejo de excedentes de excavación: Los excedentes de excavación que se generen hasta encontrar el material óptimo para preparar las mezclas de RCS y de concreto convencional, serán depositados en zonas aledañas a la cantera, conformando explanaciones que se aprovecharán para la instalación de plantas de trituración y para almacenamiento de materiales.
• Conformación final de la cantera: Los materiales de la cantera El Manzano se extraerán mediante el sistema de explotación de bancos descendentes, conformado por bermas y con taludes de aproximadamente 10 m.
Durante los cortes, las bermas se perfilarán con una pendiente de 1% hacia el interior del talud, con el fin de facilitar el manejo de las aguas en estas superficies.
Como se mencionó anteriormente las aguas se conducirán al medio natural, previo su paso por sistemas desarenadores.
Antes de iniciar las excavaciones del material de cantera, la cobertura vegetal y el suelo se removerán cuidadosamente, siendo localizados temporalmente en la zona de la cantera, en un sitio alejado de las maniobras de explotación.
Este material será utilizado para la restitución de la cobertura vegetal una vez se haya finalizado la extracción del material.
Los taludes deberán ser provistos de cobertura vegetal, con el fin de evitar procesos erosivos y contaminación atmosférica.
Translation - English Because the El Zapote and the El Manzano quarries are located in a rural zone, the noise level cannot exceed the noise levels permitted for this zone.
• Management of rainwater and surface run-off: drainage ditches and perimeter channels will be constructed in the quarry pits with the aim of diverting surface run-off towards the natural environment before coming into contact with the work area.
Surface run-off in the area devoid of vegetation will be channelled through a system of settlement ponds via interceptor ditches to be then drained into the natural environment. In this way sediment is prevented from entering natural water courses.
In the program of water quality management, the specifications and the dimensions of the works to be carried out are as follows:
• Integral management of solid waste: In the quarries, solid waste management will also be carried out as described in the respective program to prevent the accumulation of waste at the El Manzano quarry.
• Management of surplus waste: The spoil, generated by excavating material overlying the best RCS and conventional concrete mixtures, will be deposited in areas adjoining the quarry, forming levels which will aid the installation of plants for crushing and for the storage of materials.
• Final quarry design: Materials from the El Manzano quarry will be extracted by means of top-down (descending) bench mining, comprising berms (horizontal ledges) and batters (slopes) of approximately 10 meters.
The berms will be cut at an inward slant of 1% into the embankment to allow the management of surface water.
As mentioned before, the water will be channelled towards the natural environment after being first drained through a system of settlement ponds.
Before starting excavation of material in the quarry, the vegetative cover and top soil, being temporarily located in the quarry, will be carefully removed to a site away from the mining operations.
This material will be used to restore the vegetative cover once the extraction of material has been completed.
The batters should be replanted to prevent soil erosion and air pollution.
Spanish to English: Oil
Source text - Spanish Señales de peso insuficiente de lodo
Una ganancia en el nivel de fluido también podría indicar que está entrando fluido al agujero del pozo debido a que la presión de los poros de la formación es mayor que la presión hidrostática. El aumento de arrastre en las conexiones y viajes también podría indicar un problema. Las formaciones de sal o las formaciones plástica (lutita) comprimen el agujero del pozo, reduciento efectivamente el diámetro del agujero del pozo, reduciendo efectivamente el diámetro del agujero y aumentando el arrastre sobre la sarta de perforación.
Aunque podría liberarse algo de gas de los recortes del suelo, un aumento inexplicado en el registro de gas podría indicar un peso insufficiente de lodo.
Translation - English Signs of insufficient mud weight
An increase in fluid level could also indicate that fluid is entering the well bore because the pressure in the pores in the formation is greater than the hydrostatic pressure. The increase in drag in the connections and loads could also indicate a problem. Salt and plastic (lutite) deposits compress the well bore, effectively reducing the diameter of the hole and increasing the drag on the drill string.
Although some of the gas could be released from the cuttings in the ground, an unexplained increase in the gas register could indicate insufficient mud weight
Spanish to English: Technical - Engineering/management
Source text - Spanish La administración efectiva de los subcontratistas y proveedores para alcanzar las metas del proyecto es un elemento importante de la estrategia de ejecución. Aunque la responsabilidad del diseño e ingeniería críticos se mantiene dentro de la organización, existen varios elementos de la obra que deben ser subcontratados pero administrados muy de cerca. La administración en sitio, según se requiera, de estos subcontratos cruciales, ha probado ser conveniente en contratos previos, y la empresa tiene el propósito de desplegar personal responsable a los sitios de los subcontratistas para dirigir y monitorear el trabajo.
Translation - English Effective management of subcontractors and suppliers to achieve the aims of the project is a important element in the execution strategy. Although responsibility for key design and engineering rests within the organization, there are various parts of the job that have to be subcontracted but must be closely managed. On-site management of these crucial subcontracts, as required, has proven to be appropriate in earlier contracts, and the company intends to deploy responsible staff to subcontractors’ sites to manage and monitor work.
Portuguese to English: Enquadramento macroeconómico e mercado bancário General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Portuguese A actual conjuntura está dominada pela crise financeira internacional e pelas suas inevitáveis e profundas repercussões na actividade económica, que neste momento já se manifestam com particular intensidade.
Como é conhecido, a crise foi desencadeada pela ruptura da bolha especulativa no mercado imobiliário americano, sendo o principal detonador o colapso no segmento dos empréstimos “subprime”.
Devido à titularização destes empréstimos de risco mais elevado e à sua posterior inclusão em estruturas de crédito complexas, esses créditos foram disseminados pelo sistema financeiro internacional. Ora estas estruturas deixaram subitamente de ter aceitação no mercado, o que foi acompanhado pela descida dos seus “ratings” e por uma quebra quase generalizada de valor dos activos financeiros, afectando mesmo as estruturas cujos “ratings” se tinham mantido inalterados e não continham “subprime”. O choque que esta situação provocou nos mercados financeiros, em que a titularização de créditos assumira um papel central no novo paradigma do negócio bancário, conduziu a uma enorme perturbação que se traduziu na quase secagem do mercado de capitais e na retracção do mercado interbancário. A crise entrou numa fase particularmente crítica após a falência do Lehman Brothers em Setembro passado.
Tal conduziu inevitavelmente a uma brutal contracção do crédito, a qual, a par da forte queda da procura em algumas das principais economias provocada pelo colapso do imobiliário, colocou os países desenvolvidos à beira da que poderá ser a mais grave recessão das últimas décadas. Os governos dos principais países, e as entidades reguladoras do sector financeiro, mostram-se porém plenamente conscientes dos perigos que a actual situação comporta, e têm-se mostrado determinados na adopção concertada de medidas extremas para a travagem da crise e para a sua superação, que esperamos possam resultar, evitando pelo menos que as dificuldades já sentidas se agravem. Neste contexto, quaisquer projecções económicas revestem-se de considerável incerteza.
Translation - English The present situation is dominated by the global financial crisis and by its inevitable and profound repercussions on economic activity which are already intensifying.
As it is well-known, the crisis was caused by the bursting of the speculative bubble in the American real estate market, the main reason being the collapse of subprime mortgages, owing to high risk mortgage-backed securities and their inclusion in complex credit structures which were distributed through the international financial system. However, these structures were suddenly no longer accepted on the market. This led to a drop in their ratings and by an almost universal fall in share value, affecting even those structures whose “ratings” stayed unchanged and were non-subprime. The shock in the financial market, caused by this situation in which credit ownership took on a central role in the new paradigm in banking, led to a great turbulence which almost dried up the capital market and contracted the inter-bank market.. The crisis became particularly acute after the fall of Lehman Brothers last September.
As such it has inevitably led to a sharp contraction in credit, which along with the sharp fall in demand in some of the major economies, caused by the collapse in real estate, has put developed countries on the brink of what could be the worst recession in decades. Governments of the major countries, and the regulatory bodies within the financial sector, have nevertheless shown themselves to be fully aware of the dangers which the present situation brings, and have shown themselves to be determined in their concerted adoption of extreme measures to deal with this crisis, and for recovery which we hope will take place, or at least preventing the situation from getting worse. In this context, any economic forecast must be highly uncertain.
Portuguese to English: Relatorio de TC General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Portuguese TC da coluna cervical. Observamos a presença de um bloco vertebral de provável etiologia entre C4-C7. Há perda da normal curvatura fisiológica com mesmo rectificação e inversão da curvatura com características hiper-cifáticas. Nos cortes axiais obtidos observamos ao nível C2-C3 estar mantida a morfologia do disco sem sinais compressivos sobre o saco tecal ou sobre as raízes a nível intra-foraminal. Nos espaços C3-C4 e C4-C5 há discartroses, uncartroses muito severas de predomínio à esquerda no entanto bilaterais condicionando compressão sobre as respectivas raízes C4-C5 bilateralmente a nível dos canais de conjugação. No espaço C5-C6 há também sinais de uncartroses igualmente com predomínio esquerdo e comprimindo a raiz da C6 nos canais de conjugação com maior expressão esquerda. No espaço C6-C7 há uncartrose de predomínio à direita, comprimindo a raiz de C7 no trajecto intra-foraminal homolateral. No plano ósseo, há alterações degenerativas muito exuberantes nas articulações inter-apofisárias posteriores, particularmente C3-C4 à esquerda, em todos os níveis até ao espaço C6-C7
Translation - English CT scan of the cervical vertebrae shows the presence of a vertebral block between C4 – C7 caused by probable disease. There is loss of normal physiological curvature accompanied by straightening and inversed curvature with hyper-kephotic characteristics. Axial cuts of C2 – C3, reveal that disc morphology is maintained with no sign of compression on the dural sac [thecal sac in the lower lumbar section] or on the spinal nerve roots in the intra-foramen. In the intervertebral spaces C3 – C4 and C4 – C5, there is disc degeneration [disc arthrosis] and very severe facet joint arthritis mainly on the left, but also bilaterally, causing compresson on the corresponding nerve roots on both sides of C4 –C5 in the joint nerve tracts [conjugation channels where posterior/ anterior or dorsal/ventral nerve roots join]. In the intervertebral space C5 – C6, there are also signs of facet joint arthritis, worse on the left, compressing the nerve root of C6 in the joint nerve tract more prominent on the left. In the C6-C7 space, there is facet joint arthritis on the right, compressing the nerve root of C7 in the homolateral intra-foraminal. On the vertebral surface, there are very pronounced degenerative changes to the ring apophysis [exposed outer edge] at the lower articulation, to the left in C3 – C4 in particular, and at all levels to C6 – C7.
Portuguese to English: Contrato de Reserva General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Portuguese CONTRATO DE RESERVA
… daqui em diante referido como o PRIMEIRO OUTORGANTE ou PROMITENTE VENDEDOR, neste acto representado por …
XYZ, LDA., sociedade comercial por quotas, com o capital social de € 5 000,0 (cinco mil euros), portadora do cartão de identificação de pessoa colectiva número 123 456 789, com sede na Avenida 1º de Maio, Marginal de Cabanas, freguesia de Cabanas, concelho de Tavira, matriculada na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Tavira sob o número 32698/178958, daqui em diante designada por SEGUNDA OUTORGANTE ou PROMITENTE COMPRADORA, neste acto representada por …
Livremente e dentro do princípio da boa fé, nas respectivas qualidades e posições em que intrevêm, as partes, supra identificadas, por este documento celebram entre si o presente contrato de reserva, a que mutua e reciprocamente se obrigam para o bom, integral, efectivo e pontual cumprimento, com o objecto, pelo preço e nos demais termos e condições a seguir constantes, conforme clausulado que exprime as suas vontades.
(A) O PRIMEIRO OUTORGANTE é dono e legítimo possuidor de …, freguesia de …, concelho de Tavira, constituída por …, descrito na Conservatória do Registo Predial de Loulé sob o número …, inscrito na Repartição de Finanças de … sob artigo n.º …, doravante designado como o imóvel;
(B) A SEGUNDA OUTORGANTE, está interessado, no futuro, na assinatura de um contrato promessa de compra e venda dentro de um prazo especificado neste Acordo que tenha como objecto a aquisição do prédio referido nos considerandos alínea A);
Translation - English PROMISSORY CONTRACT
… henceforth referred to as the FIRST SUPPLIER or PROSPECTIVE VENDOR represented by …
XYZ, LDA., stock company with equity capital of € 5 000,0 (five thousand euros), bearer of Company ID 123 456 789, with registered office on Avenida 1º de Maio, Marginal de Cabanas, Parish of Cabanas, Tavira Council, registered in the Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Tavira [Tavira Company Register ] under Number 32698/178958, henceforth referred to as the SECOND SUPPLIER or PROSPECTIVE BUYER, represented by …
Freely and in good faith, in the respective qualities and positions which may intervene, the aforementioned parties, through this promissory contract drawn up between them, are mutually and reciprocally obliged to comply fully, effectively and punctually with respect to the price and with the other future terms and conditions in accordance with the clauses expressing their wishes.
(A) THE FIRST SUPPLIER is the legitimate owner and occupier of …, in the Parish of …, Tavira Council, consisting of . …, described in the Conservatória do Registo Predial de Loulé [Land Conservatory of the Buildings Registry of Loulé ] under No…, inscribed in the Repartição de Finanças [Local Tax Office] of… under Article n.º …, henceforth designated the real estate;
(B) The SECOND SUPPLIER, is interested, in the future, in the signing of the promissory agreement to buy and sell within a period specified in this agreement, the object of which is to acquire the property mentioned in consideration A;
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Westminster
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Sep 2008.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
I am keen to offer my services as a translator of Spanish and Portuguese. A native speaker of English and fluent in Spanish, I am a qualified translator of Spanish and Portuguese into English with an MA in Technical Translation from the University of Westminster, London. I have worked on many different projects in the past, ranging from technical papers and survey reports to medical papers and legal judgements. My most recent work was for a Portuguese company.
Having lived in various Spanish-speaking countries for a number of years, I am acquainted with the norms of these cultures. This familiarity enhances my ability to translate documents and other literature originating from these areas. With a degree in English and Spanish, I have a deep interest in literary works. I also do a fair amount of essay writing. I am therefore well-qualified and experienced in revising and redrafting texts in English.
I am enthusiastic about translation, and enjoy the intellectual challenge that each new translation presents. I am very meticulous in my work, and set high standards in the production of a translation. Once I undertake to do a project, I research my topic thoroughly to ensure that I am familiar with the subject matter of the translation. As a result, I deliver good quality and well-presented translations. I am therefore proud of my work. However, I am open to criticism, and welcome feedback on my work. I believe that constructive feedback is essential for my professional development.
I always meet deadlines in the delivery of work. With an up-to-date computer system with broadband, I am able to receive and transmit work electronically.