Working languages:
Turkish to French
French to Turkish

Olivier Aykut

Local time: 14:55 +03 (GMT+3)

Native in: French Native in French
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation
Specializes in:
Automotive / Cars & TrucksFinance (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVsCinema, Film, TV, Drama
Education / Pedagogy

Experience Years of experience: 28. Registered at Nov 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat
Freelance olarak 10 yıldır fransızcadan türkçeye ve türkçeden fransızcaya çeviri yapıyorum,yazılı ve sözlü(ardıl) çeviriler yaptım.Anadilim fransızca.
Bir kaç Noterde yemin zaptım da mevcut.

Toplantılarda anlatılanları, iş müzakerelerini çevirdim.
Akademik Çeviri de yaptım.
Daha önce ogretim görevlisi olarak çalıştım.Marmara Univ. Fransızca ogretmenliğini bitirdim ( yıl 1997)
Fransız Pasaportum da var.

Im a french-turkish-french translator since 1997.French and turkish are my mother tongue.

I translate technical ,commercial,manufacturing documents,official documents too.
I m also a consecutive translator, I translated meetings.
Im french and turkish citizen.


Je suis un traducteur Fransçais-Turc-Français assermenté depuis 1997 et j 'ai fait des traduction dans les domaines ci-dessous:

- commercial
et autres (suivant les besoins des clients et/ou des sociétés)

Je suis de nationalité turque et française.Je suis professeur de français.
Keywords: consecutive translator( sçzlü tercüme, ardıl tercume) Offical documents, contracts, commercial, technical, automotive, manufacturing documants, turizm, intrepeter of the meetings, speech. ----------------------------------------------------- resmi dokümanların cevirisi. See more.consecutive translator( sçzlü tercüme, ardıl tercume) Offical documents, contracts,commercial,technical, automotive,manufacturing documants, turizm, intrepeter of the meetings, speech. ----------------------------------------------------- resmi dokümanların cevirisi,ticari, etknik dokumanların cevirisi sözlü (ardıl) ve yazılı ceviri. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 17, 2009

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