Working languages:
Russian to English
Latvian to Russian
English to Russian

Irina Harlanova

Local time: 21:41 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Russian Native in Russian
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I translate to/from English, Russian and Latvian in any language combinations (my mother tongue is Russian). I have the degree of Master of Arts in Philology (University of Latvia), with the specialization in linguistics and the interest in written translations. I have been practicing written translations for more than seven years and I have the experience in translating various texts, mainly pertaining to the fields such as economics, finances, business, also specific texts connected with the sphere of oil production and sales, as well as I have translated a number of texts connected with Cynology.
Keywords: переводы текстов с/на русский, английский, латышский, внештатный переводчик. tekstu tulkojumi o/uz krievu, latviešu, angļu, ārštata tulkotājs. translations to/from English, Russian, Latvian, freelance translator.

Profile last updated
Jan 7, 2016