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Poll: Have you ever contributed with a text to Wikipedia?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Jul 11, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever contributed with a text to Wikipedia?".

This poll was originally submitted by Lise Smidth

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever contributed with a text to Wikipedia?".

This poll was originally submitted by Lise Smidth

View the poll here

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Emmanuelle Hingant
Emmanuelle Hingant  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:48
English to French
Football player Jul 11, 2009


I saw a mistake in a football player profile who was said to be born in England when he was born in Northern Ireland. So I modified it.


Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:48
English to French
+ ...
Other - I have only corrected Wikipedia articles Jul 11, 2009

I have never really written anything for Wikipedia, but I have corrected articles on many occasions. It would have been nice to add this to the picklist...

I believe that Wikipedia is a wonderful resource. If I were in high school and had to write on a topic, that's where I would begin my research. I don't think that I could really write something that isn't there somewhere already. But Wikipedia is often unreliable as well, and even though the quality of the language used is surpri
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I have never really written anything for Wikipedia, but I have corrected articles on many occasions. It would have been nice to add this to the picklist...

I believe that Wikipedia is a wonderful resource. If I were in high school and had to write on a topic, that's where I would begin my research. I don't think that I could really write something that isn't there somewhere already. But Wikipedia is often unreliable as well, and even though the quality of the language used is surprisingly good considering who writes the content, there are always mistakes. So, I leave the writing to the true fans, and I am satisfied with just correcting stuff (something I can't resist doing--call it a professional quirk if you will).

Local time: 21:48
English to Swedish
Of course! Jul 11, 2009

I have never written anything from scratch, but I have contributed portions to existing articles and like Victoria I often correct spelling/grammar errors. Often when I look something up for reference, I find typos and other errors that I just HAVE to fix.

I once got a job involving translation of two articles to be posted on Wikipedia and was asked to do the "Wiki formatting" as well. That was fun, although the text
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I have never written anything from scratch, but I have contributed portions to existing articles and like Victoria I often correct spelling/grammar errors. Often when I look something up for reference, I find typos and other errors that I just HAVE to fix.

I once got a job involving translation of two articles to be posted on Wikipedia and was asked to do the "Wiki formatting" as well. That was fun, although the text was not at all compliant with Wikipedia guidelines. I told the client, but they weren't interested in doing anything about it. I was surprised, since they basically paid me for work that someone else might erase just minutes after it had been uploaded... But it was money in my pocket and an interesting topic, so I didn't complain

Brita Fiess (X)
Brita Fiess (X)
Local time: 21:48
English to German
+ ...
Several new articles Jul 11, 2009

I wrote several articles on famous linguists, and corrected a few others.

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:48
Italian to English
I tried Jul 11, 2009

I tried to enter a translation of a site that I have an interest in but the process was so difficult it defeated me.

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 21:48
English to French
+ ...
Corrected Jul 11, 2009

... and completed yes, never written from scratch.

Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:48
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Yes... Jul 11, 2009

...but I can't remember what it was! lol

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:48
Spanish to English
+ ...
Yes a few lines Jul 12, 2009

I added some lines about the history of the city in Honduras where I grew up. And no article I read is safe if it contains punctuation or spelling errors!

Japanese to English
+ ...
Contributed geographical/historical information about my area Jul 12, 2009

I have contributed few original articles on the geographical/historical/tourist attractions of my native district in Orissa, India. Since I belong to a remote part of India, I thought Wikipedia is a good medium to place information about my native places before wide public and to make people aware about them. In fact India is so vast that even very well educated/ widely traveled people also do not know major part of India.

Alessandra Martelli (X)
Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:48
English to Italian
+ ...
Fixed some... Jul 12, 2009

I never wrote from scratch, but I do correct bad pieces of information, typos and syntax

Haytham Abulela
Haytham Abulela  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:48
Member (2008)
Arabic to English
+ ...
English and Arabic Wikipedia contributions Jul 12, 2009

I have added new articles on the Arabic and the English Wikipedia and mainly had corrected some spelling mistakes.

Tanja Oresnik
Tanja Oresnik  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:48
French to Slovenian
+ ...
I don't contribute texts, only corrections Jul 12, 2009

Like several other posters wrote, I too tend to correct grammatical errors and typos that I notice while browsing the site, but I don't contribute entire texts.

Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:48
Czech to Italian
+ ...
Yes :) Jul 12, 2009

I wrote the czech page about the historical city of Palmanova (IT)

Samir Sami
Samir Sami
Local time: 22:48
Arabic to English
+ ...
I tried ... Jul 12, 2009

But it is this system of blocking IP which keeps turning me down all the time, though the system I used to work on was comletely new and clean, never used for wikipedia before.
I hope they would be able to consider such bug.

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Poll: Have you ever contributed with a text to Wikipedia?

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