Come diventare un buon revisore

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Services and specialization
Editing and proofreading

Course summary
Start time:Jun 21, 2016 14:00 GMT     Add to calendar

The session has already taken place. A link to the video will be added for purchase within one working week after the session at

If you purchased the webinar please find the video at your My videos page

A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at

Duration: 60 minutes.

Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

Important: Those who purchase a seat in advance may be able to pay an "early bird" or cheaper price, while those who confirm participation later or last minute, may likely have to pay a higher fee. In some training sessions a price increase based on the number of registrants may also apply, i.e. the first 15 registered pay one price, the next 10 pay a a slightly higher price etc.

Early payment is advised in order to secure participation and help reach the course minimum participation - unfortunately, courses may occasionally be cancelled or rescheduled, if the confirmed participation in advance is very low.

Your purchase includes:

* access to the online session with a Q&A portion,
* unlimited access to video recording and handouts (available within one working week after the session),
* a certificate of attendance available for download from your profile.

Even if you do not attend the online session you will still have unlimited access to the video recording and training materials.

Useful links:
Once uploaded, the video will be available from the video centre training cancelation policy.
Summary:Con questo webinar faremo chiarezza sulla differenza tra i diversi livelli di intervento del revisore (proof-reading, revisione completa, editing di testi nella propria lingua madre o in una lingua straniera o post-editing), sviluppando un metodo di lavoro efficiente e strutturato allo scopo di ottimizzare i tempi di revisione e incrementare la qualità del lavoro. Grazie alla mia ventennale esperienza come traduttore e revisore ho sviluppato, applicato e insegnato un approccio efficace alla revisione di testi tradotti da me e da altri professionisti.
Acquisire un metodo strutturato per la revisione dei testi tradotti - qualitativamente efficace ed efficiente in termini di tempi e costi - diventa fondamentale per eccellere in un mercato sempre più competitivo, in cui il traduttore deve offrire un lavoro di alta qualità e diversificare i servizi offerti.
Target audience
Giovani traduttori che si affacciano al mondo della traduzione e della revisione
Traduttori che vogliono diversificare il loro business nel settore della revisione
Professionisti che desiderano adottare un metodo di revisione più strutturato ed efficiente
Learning objectives
Con questo webinar chiariremo le differenze tra i diversi tipi di intervento del revisore (proof-reading, full or partial editing, post-editing) e analizzeremo nel dettaglio un metodo di lavoro strutturato per una migliore gestione del tempo e dei costi di revisione e per incrementare la qualità del lavoro finito.
Click to expand
- Cosa si intende per revisione: full or partial editing, proof-reading, cenni sul post-editing
- La figura del revisore (skill, competenze linguistiche e approccio)
- La tipologia e destinazione del testo incidono sul lavoro del revisore? Traduzione, transcreation, riscrittura.
- La gestione del tempo
- Controlli in dettaglio (la checklist: completezza, correttezza, uniformità, stile, interpretazione,...)
- Metodi di revisione (confronto in dettaglio, a campione, visuale, utilizzo di strumenti text-to-speech)
- La revisione delle proprie traduzioni e nella propria lingua madre e la revisione in una lingua straniera
- Tips & tricks (perché è facile ingannare l'occhio)
- Come acquisire l’approccio vincente (change only if it's wrong, give a feed-back)
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

Participation fee includes:

• access to webinar session.
• unlimited access to the webinar recording.
• powerpoint slides to remind participants of the key points and lessons learned.
• certificates of attendance.

How do I purchase my spot?

To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
Software and system requirements (click to expand)
Click to expand
For PC-based Users:

• Required: Windows Vista – Windows 10
• Required: Google Chrome v39 or later; Mozilla Firefox v34 or later; Internet Explorer v8 or later (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Required software: GoToWebinar desktop app; JavaScript enabled
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.

• Internet Connection Required: 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
• Recommended: 2GB or more of RAM (recommended)

For Mac®-based Users:

• Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – 10.11 (El Capitan)
• Required: Microsoft Edge; Apple Safari v6 or later
• Required software: GoToWebinar desktop app; JavaScript enabled
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.

• Internet Connection Required: 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
• Recommended: 2GB or more of RAM (recommended)

Join from Android

• Operating system: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later
• Internet connection: 3G connection or better (WiFi recommended for VoIP audio)
• Software: Free GoToWebinar App from the Google Play Store


• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.

Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
Created by
Francesca Airaghi    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Francesca Airaghi is an English-Italian financial translator. In 1992, she graduated and started working as in-house translator, proofreader and Translation Manager at two Milan-based companies specialising in finance, corporate law and journalism. As responsible for quality control and internal staff, she selected, coordinated and trained in-house and free-lance translators through mentoring and courses. Since 2004 she has been a free-lance translator and works directly with financial companies, asset management companies, investment funds, banks, financial communication companies, law firms and international corporations for specialised translations. She is also a trainer in financial translation courses and webinars. Speaker at the 2014 International Translators’ conference in Rotterdam.

Twitter: @FranAiraghi
Facebook: Financial Translation Hub

General discussions on this training

Come diventare un buon revisore
Giovanna Gatti
Giovanna Gatti Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
Member (2016)
+ ...
Richiesta informazioniApr 18, 2016

Se una volta effettuata l'iscrizione e pagata la quota, non potessi poi alla data (25.05 / ferie scolastiche in Baviera) prefissata seguire online il corso, posso accedere comunque alla registrazione e posso anche ricevere poi il certificato di aver frequentato il corso?
Grazie in anticipo per la cortese risposta.

[Edited at 2016-04-27 15:46 GMT]

Richiesta informazioniApr 22, 2016

Giovanna Gatti wrote:

Se una volta effettuata l'iscrizione e pagata la quota, non potessi poi alla data (25.05 / ferie scolastiche in Baviera) prefissata seguire online il corso, posso accedere comunque alla registrazione e posso anche ricevere poi il certificato di aver frequentato il corso?
Grazie in anticipo per la cortese risposta.

Hi Giovanna,

Thank you for your interest in the training. The session will be recorded and a link to the video and handouts will be shared with all registration within one working week after the session. Since then you will have unlimited access to materials. A certificate of attendance will be issued for you as well. Hope this helps.

My bests,

Stefania Bertonati
Stefania Bertonati
Local time: 10:49
Arabic to Italian
+ ...
fee??Apr 27, 2016

I can't find any info about the fee..

Stefania Bertonati
Stefania Bertonati
Local time: 10:49
Arabic to Italian
+ ...
fee okApr 27, 2016

sorry I haven't looked at the right side of the page, thought it should be under Registration and payment information!!

Giovanna Gatti
Giovanna Gatti Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
Member (2016)
+ ...
Answer Richiesta informazioniApr 27, 2016

Hi Helen
Thank you very much for your helpful answer.
Kind regard,


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