
Format: Webinar presentations
Topic: Business skills for translators

Course summary
Start time:Nov 2, 2013 03:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Duration: 90 minutes.

Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

The online session can be purchased individually, but if you wish to participate in all sessions from the series you can purchase four online sessions as a complete package at the special early bird price: 76 USD.

Participation fee includes unlimited access to the webinars recordings whether you can attend the full live sessions or not.

See all sessions from the bundle:

November 2 如何迅速增加客源并发展你的翻译业务

November 16 翻译人员如何创造多渠道收入

November 23 外语翻译人员如何大幅度提高相关收入

November 30 如何利用email营销来快速扩大你的翻译业务

Useful links:
Once uploaded, the video will be available from the video centre
ProZ.com training cancelation policy.

Summary:你是否为找不到足够的客户而烦恼?你是否为收入不稳定而担心? 其实大可不必。 在本课程中, 你可以了解到一个迅速并持续吸引大量客户的捷径。 该方法还将最终帮助你完稳定你的生意并提高收入。
. 自由翻译人员迅速吸引客户并扩大翻译业务的一个捷径, 不论你是刚刚开始涉足翻译行业还是已有多年经验 都能利用本课程所讲解的方法快速增加客户和收入。
Target audience
如果你是自由职业翻译人员, 并希望:

学习费时较少, 效果更好的推广翻译服务的方法,

Learning objectives
1- 为什么大部分自由翻译人员所做的市场推广都效果不大?

2- 为什么你需要了解你的目标客户群?

2- 了解 3种既能省钱又能大量直击你目标客户群的有效推广方法

3- 了解策略性合作是怎么回事情
- 为什么自由职业者需要寻求策略性合作伙伴?

4- 如何进行生意合作以大幅度提高收益?
- 寻找合作伙伴是需要注意的事项

5- 如何 创造 自己-合作伙伴-客户 三赢得局面。
有意愿 想要增加现有客户量并提高收入
Click to expand
为什么大部分自由翻译人员市场推广的手段收效甚微? (3个原因)






要建立潜在合作对象, 客户和你之间三赢的局面, 你必须做好的3件事情。

Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
Software and system requirements (click to expand)
Click to expand

For PC-based Users:

• Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
• Required: Internet Explorer® 7.0 or newer, Mozilla® Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Recommended: Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)

For Mac®-based Users:

• Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 – Leopard® or newer
• Required: Safari™ 3.0 or newer, Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Required: Intel processor (1GB of RAM or better recommended)

To Use VoIP (microphone and speakers or headset):

• Required: Fast Internet connection (384 kbps or more recommended)
• Required: speakers or headset (USB headset recommended)
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.


• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.

Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
Created by
Joy Mo    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Joy Mo is a freelance translator and certified Mandarin/English Court Interpreter based in BC Canada. Joy moved to Canada from her home country China in 2001 and established herself as a language professional in British Columbia.
She runs a website www.translators-biz-secret.com that shares business tips and secrets with other language professionals.

Through her own personal experiences, Joy understands the challenges and problems freelancers face.

She publishes a free monthly ezine "Translate Your Way to Success" to help freelancers attract higher-paying clients and create a steadier income flow. For more information visit
General discussions on this training

Shin-Yuan Tzou
Shin-Yuan Tzou Identity Verified
Local time: 03:41
Member (2013)
English to Chinese
+ ...
Miss the courseNov 2, 2013

I missed the course today, where can I find the recording? I am eager to listen. Thank you.

Miss the courseNov 5, 2013

Shin-Yuan Tzou wrote:

I missed the course today, where can I find the recording? I am eager to listen. Thank you.

Hello Shin-Yuan,

Thank you for your interest in the training.

A link to the video and handouts will be emailed to all attendees within one working week after the session. Once the video is released and shared, you will have unlimited access to the sessions.

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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