Translating Screenplays

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Software, tools & computing
Productivity tools
Translation project skills

Course summary
Start time:Nov 21, 2014 16:00 GMT     Add to calendar

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Summary:Interested in translating screenplays? Maybe you've been approached by an author or even translated a few screenplays, but you want to make sure you're getting everything right. Come spend an hour with me as we talk about everything a translator needs to know about screenplays - from technology to poetry!
In this hour we will cover all the information you need to get started translating screenplays. After I explain screenplay structure, formatting and time-saving software, I will show you how to be sensitive to dialog and collaborate effectively with the author to deliver results that will make both of you proud.
Target audience
* Freelancers who want to expand seamlessly into screenplay translation
Learning objectives
At the end of this hour you will have mastered:
* Basic screenplay structure and formatting
* Translating in Final Draft to save time and money
* Collaborating effectively with authors and colleagues on creative projects
You do not have to own Final Draft to benefit from this webinar.
Click to expand
*Standard script formatting
* Verb tenses
* Number of pages
* Final Draft software as a time-saver
* How to "hear" character voices
* Asking for (and acting on) feedback from the author
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
Software and system requirements (click to expand)
Click to expand
Virtual platform system requirements

For PC-based Users:

• Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
• Required: Internet Explorer® 7.0 or newer, Mozilla® Firefox® 4.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Recommended: Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)

For Mac®-based Users:

• Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 – Leopard® or newer
• Required: Safari™ 3.0 or newer, Firefox® 4.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Required: Intel processor (2GB of RAM or better recommended)

To Use VoIP (microphone and speakers or headset):

• Required: Fast Internet connection (700Kbps or more recommended)
• Required: speakers or headset (USB headset recommended)
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.


• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.

Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
Created by
 Elizabeth Adams    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Elizabeth Adams is a generalist translator with a love for doing research and finding things out. Over the past 15 years, Elizabeth has honed her Internet search skills and picked up some really nifty tricks that make translating unfamiliar terms a much more rewarding experience.
General discussions on this training

Translating Screenplays
Silvia Di Profio
Silvia Di Profio Identity Verified
Local time: 00:13
Member (2015)
English to Italian
Final draftOct 30, 2014

Very interesting! Rather a lover of screenwriting than a skilled one, I mostly use the free version of Celtx, because of the charge of Final this webinar help me as a beginner screnplay even if I'd hardly buy FD?
Thannk you in advance.

Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:13
Member (2002)
Russian to English
CeltxOct 30, 2014

Hi leucotea,
Great question! I will be talking about Final Draft because it's the industry standard, meaning it's the tool used by most of the authors you will work with. About 25% of the webinar will be specifically about the software. The rest of the time we will be talking about structure/formatting and language issues.
Thanks for the question, hope this helps!

United States
Local time: 18:13
Member (2007)
English to Italian
+ ...
Script translationNov 21, 2014

Hey Elizabeth,
Thank you so much for your extremely interesting and hands on course. I am now considering purchasing Final Draft and also realize how unprofessional MS Word would be in relation Scripts in Final Draft.


Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:13
Member (2002)
Russian to English
Final DraftNov 21, 2014

Hi Laura,
Thanks for your comment. If you aren't translating screenplays regularly, you might want to consider the less expensive options as well. Celtx and Fade In have good reviews, I haven't seen as much about Trelby.
Glad you enjoyed the webinar!


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