Working languages:
Spanish to Italian
English to Italian
Italian (monolingual)

Marta Visentin
ES-EN>IT literary translator

Local time: 10:23 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian (Variants: Venetian, Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
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Hello everyone! I'm Marta Visentin, a native Italian translator currently based in Padova, Italy.

I am an associate member of STRADE (Italian literary translators' trade union and association) and a member of their mentorship program team.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2012) and a Master's Degree in Foreign Languages for International Communication and Cooperation (2014, University of Padova, Italy). In particular I studied English and Spanish languageliterature and culture and translation techniques from Spanish and English into Italian. I have then specialized in literary translation: in 2020/2021 I attended the postgraduate course in literary translation "Tradurre la Letteratura" at FUSP (Fondazione Universitaria San Pellegrino, Italy) and a specialization course in literary translation from Spanish with the Italian school of the Universidad de Salamanca. 

I had previously been working in the travel and airline industry in Dublin, Ireland, where I lived for 7 years (between 2015 and 2022). Then I also collaborated as a pro bono English-Italian and Spanish-Italian translator for different projects, especially humanitarian organizations directly or through The Rosetta Foundation and Translators without Borders; communication projects, such as Reset, Progetto MeltingPot Europa and Global Voices, covering different translation fields (journalism, media, social services, human rights, civil rights and social action, politics, environment and ecology).

I translated for the following NGOs and NPOs: Think Equal, SOZIALHELDEN (, Sea-Watch, Evidence Aid, American Red Cross, Associazione LIBRA Onlus, EMERGENZA SORRISI ONG, Fondazione Terre des hommes Italia ONLUS, Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), War Resisters' International, Missing Children Europe, Missing Children Europe - Children in Migration, Partnership America Latina, Pressenza International Press Agency, etc.

You can find the articles I translated for the Italian online magazine Reset as well as for MeltingPot Europa, Migrant Women Press and Global Voices at this link

And here's a list of the books I have translated and edited/proofread for Italian publishers so far:

Literary translation


Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva, Squid Game. Il gioco postcapitalista, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano 2023.

Eduardo Rodrigálvarez, Un sovietico nella cattedrale, Red Star Press, Roma 2022.

Antonio Muñoz Molina, Sangue rubato, Edizioni Lindau, Torino 2021.
Tradotto con Monica Rita Bedana e le allieve del corso LINDELE 2.0.


Terry Fan, Eric Fan, La Meraviglia Caduta dal Cielo, Gallucci Editore, Roma, 2021.
Tradotto con Anna Mioni e le allieve del corso FUSP "Tradurre la letteratura".


Editing/translation assessment

Tiffany Jewell, Il libro antirazzista. 20 lezioni per agire contro il razzismo, Oso Melero Edizioni, Padova, 2023.



Rahma Nur, Il figlio del sole e della tempesta, Oso Melero Edizioni, Padova, 2023.

I can professionally provide translation and proofreading services from English and Spanish into Italian. Further details on my education and professional experience can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

Get in touch: Feel free to send me an email here on or directly to [email protected]

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Total pts earned: 36
PRO-level pts: 24

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English to Italian20
Spanish to Italian4
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General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters8
Poetry & Literature8
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Profile last updated
Aug 15, 2024

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