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What translation project are you working on right now?
Writing a reader's report for a publisher, on a Russian book which will hopefully be translated into English Just finished translating an episode of a very intriguing series coming soon! Immensely enjoyable work. There's nothing better than an author, whose book you've just co-translated, coming back to you the same day and saying: 'Would you like to translate the sequel?' An overjoyed emoji here! 2 users (edited) A very large document on governance... Proofreading. Nice, steady, comfortable job. Good money, too! Off for lunch now. Text on cryptocurrency. Mind-boggling stuff. :-) #wondersoftranslatingbusiness I thought working in film can be quite mundane. Hours and hours of footage to transcribe and translate... But the project I'm working on now is absolutely fascinating. So am addicted now. #lovetranslation (edited) Mastering InqScribe for my next project... so far having fun. Yet another marketing text... About beaches, sunshine and honeymoons. Sigh. Missing the summer already. Working on a very amusing children's book of short stories. A nice break! I finished an ENG to RUS project, Human rights, 962 words for Translators without Borders I used Matecat. Happy to be of help for such a great cause.
(edited) Just finished a text for a world-known jewellery brand (via an agency) - circa 5K. Describing diamonds can be fun. I finished an ENG to RUS project, public health note, 287 words for Translators without Borders I used twb. Epidemy risk notice translation
I finished an ENG to RUS project, General, 380 words for Translators without Borders --