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Search results: (32 matches)
AI for translators and interpreters Agency wants me to use ChatGPT to translate from a language I don't know very well Nobody can force you to do it If you are not comfortable with this type of work,
nobody can force you to do it. It is simple as
that 😊 My standard reply for this kind of
requests is "sorry, but I do not offer this t
Pavel Mondschein Dec 27, 2024
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you experienced payment-related issues when using a client's translation management system? Yes Yes. The client in question has eventually been
banned from ProZ for such practices (and I have
stopped working for them even before this ban).
The TMS is no quarantee that the invoice wil
Pavel Mondschein May 2, 2018
Czech "Google skokově vylepšil překlad. Umělá inteligence se zakousla do češtiny" Bouře ve sklenici vody Zkusil jsem si dnes ráno dát do Googlu na
zkoušku dvě poměrně jednoduchá souvětí z
textu, který právě překládám (EN > CZ). Ano,
ten rozdíl oproti dřívějšku tam je znát
Pavel Mondschein Apr 20, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually suffer from migraines as a result of your work? The opposite I usually have a migraine when I have nothing to
do for a day or two. Odd, but true :)
Pavel Mondschein Apr 26, 2016
Czech Zakázky s kalkulací "Internal fuzzy matches" Sazba za fuzzy Já takové překlady občas skutečně mám -
dělám hlavně počítačové hry a tam se
podobné situace vyskytují docela často :).
Není žádná výjimka, když je u větších
Pavel Mondschein Nov 18, 2015
Czech Zakázky s kalkulací "Internal fuzzy matches" Záleží na případu V praxi se mi to ještě nestalo, moji klienti
(ani agenturní) zatím internal fuzzy matches
nepoužívají. Ale pokud by se jednalo např. o
sadu 100 totožných vět, ve kterých se mě
Pavel Mondschein Nov 18, 2015
Trados support Trados licenses starting from 90 EUR/year? Starter Edition The client probably refers to Starter Edition, see
this page. This edition is limited in many ways,
but it is a good way to start with Trados -
actually it was my first edition too. Howeve
Pavel Mondschein Jun 14, 2015
Money matters Low rates Standard pages? [quote]BOULANGER MIREI wrote: I noticed that
there was between 500 and 700 words per page
depending on the police, titles and so
on.... [/quote] They probably ment "standard
Pavel Mondschein Jan 15, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Should placeholders in strings be translated? Ask client [quote]Mariana Rohlig Sa wrote: In this case it
is a text in English being translated into German.
[/quote] Ask your client. Usually there is no
need to translate placeholders (or it
Pavel Mondschein Jul 26, 2014
Safe computing LinkedIn security issue Nothing creepy about it :) [quote]Andrea Muller wrote: What I find creepy
about LinkedIn is how they use information about
your location. I rent desk space in a shared
office with an internet connection. I sig
Pavel Mondschein Feb 5, 2014
Business issues Strange email received Calibration for voice-recognition software Some time ago, another agency has contacted me
regarding this project (and today I got this
message too). I have refused to take part in it,
but at least the original agency gave me more
Pavel Mondschein Sep 5, 2013
Money matters Payment via paypal, acceptable for translators, yes or no? Make sure your account is verified. I see now what is your problem (more info here on
PayPal FAQ). As you are not eBay seller, most
advices do not apply to you. But make sure
that: - you are "verified" used - verify with
Pavel Mondschein Jun 1, 2013
Money matters Payment via paypal, acceptable for translators, yes or no? No waiting time Maybe PayPal has different terms for different
territories, but I do not need to wait at all. I
can use the funds as soon as they arrive to my
PayPal account (I just have to wait 2 days wh
Pavel Mondschein Jun 1, 2013
Office applications How to insert line break in Excel cells? Actually there is a way :) [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: There is no way to
copy text from MS Word into MS Excel with line
breaks intact, even if you use soft line breaks in
MS Word. [/quote] Actually there is
Pavel Mondschein May 29, 2013
Czech Skloňování názvů, produktů a značek Pravidla Pravidla jsou vcelku
jasná: [url=]S
kloňování názvů institucí a firem[/url]
Pavel Mondschein Jan 28, 2013
Money matters Is it advisable to contact the end client in case Question for lawyer [quote]Gudrun Wolfrath wrote: The end client
will launch the German part of their website
sooner or later, in which case they will publish
material that still belongs to me as long as I
Pavel Mondschein Nov 23, 2012
Money matters Is it advisable to contact the end client in case Do not contact the end-client I think that you have no right to contact the
end-client, as you are in no relationship with
them. You have done business with the agency and
it is not the end-client's problem, if the age
Pavel Mondschein Nov 23, 2012
Czech Přínos vlastnictví DTP programů? Gimp Na složitější grafické práce používám
Gimp - s výjimkou práce s efekty umí de facto
to samé jako PhotoShop, ale na rozdíl od něj je
Pavel Mondschein Nov 18, 2012
Czech Přínos vlastnictví DTP programů? Tisk do PDF [quote]Vladimír Hoffman wrote: Mimochodom,
obrazok (screenshot) do PDF. Ako postupujete? Ja
zatial idem dost krkolomne cez otvorenie obrazku v
Skicari, nakopirovanie do Wordu a ulozen
Pavel Mondschein Nov 17, 2012
Czech Přínos vlastnictví DTP programů? Zcela jiný druh práce Za sebe můžu říct, že nevidím důvod, proč
by vlastnictví grafických/DTP programů mělo
ovlivnit to, kolik dostanu zakázek jako
překladatel. Tyhle programy jsou určeny na
Pavel Mondschein Nov 17, 2012
Translator resources Translation of Website Do you have PO? If the client cannot provide you with source
files, it is very likely that they will have also
troubles getting your translation online. And that
may result in troubles getting payment fro
Pavel Mondschein Oct 13, 2012
Office applications How do I open xlsx files with older office version? Compatibility pack Hi Manuela, install this compatibility pack
ls.aspx?id=3 Best regards, Pavel
Pavel Mondschein Oct 7, 2012
Money matters Rates when using CAT tools No discount if not necessary I do not offer any discount for fuzzies and 100%
matches, if not necessary. The only exception is
the case when client gives me their full TM
(proper one, not made by Google Translate). Th
Pavel Mondschein Sep 25, 2012
Trados support Trados 2011 Starter vs Trados 2011 Freelance? Differences The biggest difference is that Starter Edition
supports only one TM at a time, and this TM must
be smaller than 5000 units. With Freelance
Edition, you can use as many TMs as you wish, the
Pavel Mondschein Sep 14, 2012
Business issues Shall Client/ Outsourcer request references? no way Client/outsources is entitled to ask for
portfolio, test, credentials etc. But they are in
no way entitled to ask for references. There are
several reasons: 1) Usually we are bound by
Pavel Mondschein Sep 11, 2012
Trados support SDL Trados Starter vs Freelancer After 5000 TU [quote]nzsteph wrote: However I can't find out
what happens once you reach 5000 TU's - I haven't
used Trados in a while. Can you delete some of the
TU's or do you have to delete all and
Pavel Mondschein Aug 20, 2012
Scams Checking translation contracts contract [quote]Hannah Juby wrote: I'd really appreciate
your looking over the contract for me. Would you
like me to email it to you? [/quote] Sure,
feel free to email it to me - mondy@m
Pavel Mondschein Jun 5, 2012
Scams Checking translation contracts Be very careful If the client wants to pay you just royalties,
insist on paying something called "minimum
guarantee" or "MG". Basics of MG can be found
Pavel Mondschein Jun 4, 2012
Czech Podle jakého rodu skloňujete „cookie“? "soubor cookie" V případech, kdy není úplně jasné, podle
jakého vzoru slovo skloňovat (nebo když
výsledná podoba vypadá divně), to řeším
opisem. V tomhle případě používám "soubor
Pavel Mondschein May 7, 2012
Software applications Commenting in Adobe Reader Adobe Reader vs. Adobe Acrobat Some time ago, only Adobe Acrobat was able to use
this tool (Adobe Reader is "light" version of
Acrobat). But now, even Adobe Reader has this
feature enabled. Please make sure that you hav
Pavel Mondschein Mar 6, 2012
Social networking Facebook asks me Crowdsourcing on Facebook This is standard part of crowdsourcing on
Facebook. This has nothing in common with you
being a translator - everybody gets these polls
from time to time :). Speaking for myself, I
Pavel Mondschein Feb 17, 2012
Trados support Error message: The file name is not valid - Excel document Re: Error message: The file name is not valid - Excel document Hi, try following: - use only ASCI characters
in the name. There might be problems if some
special Unicode characters are used - select
different folder when saving the file. Note tha
Pavel Mondschein Feb 14, 2012

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