Powwow Report for Serbia - Belgrade (Oct 21 2011)

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Report from  Ena Slavkovic (X)
This was the first Powwow in 2011. It was a wonderful gathering of 23 translators from Serbia. Apart from translators, the Iolar representative and the representative of ,,Gradjevinska knjiga'' made this event compete and professioanal. We enjoyed an interesting ineractive presentation (conducted by Ena Slavkovic) dealing with issues such as:
1. Freelance Translation- advantages & disadvantages
2. Translators/Interpreters in Serbia
3. Meeting Clients
4. How to become recognizable
5. Leave your comfort zone
6. Automated translation (pros & cons)
7. Trainings, webinars
8. Are memberships in certain communities, associations (real or virtual) helpful?
9. English learning mania
10. Social activities and experience sharing

accompanied by a TEDx video clip http://blog.ted.com/2009/05/26/the_worlds_engl/,
drawings taken from TranslatorFun and Mox's Blog.

Apart from the official part of the event, the atmosphere was warmed up by a lovely dinner and drinks, making friends and music, taking photos etc.

The reaction of the participants was more than satisfying, some recommended this kind of gathering on a monthly basis.

All in all everything went as planned, even better.

Photos from  Ena Slavkovic (X)

Photos from  Ena Slavkovic (X)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Danijela Pejcic
Ivana Karic
Ena Slavkovic (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Mirjana Svicevic
Miloš Stojadinović
vesna bekavac
Dragana Samardžijević
Koštana Stojadinović
proanglica (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 25 '11  NevenaD: A great meeting!!!
Although I was able to attend only the first part of the meeting, I am very pleased I was able to meet people with similar aspirations, values and opinions whose everyday challenges resemble my own. In addition, I was given an opportunity to learn valuable information from much more experienced translators. I would very much like to participate in the organization of future meetings and I would like to make a proposition: let’s meet more often, exchange experiences on a monthly basis and, above all, try to encourage and bring positive changes to the position of translators in Serbia.
Oct 25 '11  NevenaD: Super sastanak!
Iako sam prisustvovala samo prvom delu sastanka, zadovoljna sam što sam imala prilike da sretnem istomišljenike, ljude koji se susreću sa sličnim izazovima i problemima, a i osobe od kojih imam mnogo toga da naučim! Volela bih da se organizujemo i da se viđamo barem jednom mesečno u istom ili proširenom sastavu da bismo dodatno razmenili iskustva i pokušali da zajednički dovedemo do pozitivnih promena u položaju naše profesije u Srbiji.
Oct 23 '11  Miloš Stojadinović: Uspešno okupljanje
Bilo je divno sresti kolege i popričati o temama koje se tiču svih nas bez obzira na to na koji ili sa kog jezika prevodimo. Definitivno glasam za češće susrete, jer zasigurno imamo o čemu da govorimo.