Powwow Report for United Kingdom - Edinburgh (Oct 12 2011)

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Report not submitted
The report by Rebecca Hendry has not been submitted yet

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ramon Inglada
Rebecca Hendry
Graeme High
Marion Lurf
Sarah Magee
Matthew Beeston (X)
doriando (X)
Eleonore Wapler
Karoline Spiessl
Fiona Kirton
Marion Greenway Allen
Julian Wagstaff
Dan Bradley
Carrie Booth
Angelica Gomez
Sally McPhail (X)
Miranda Stewart
Elzbieta Petlicka (X)
Cesar Ayala
snakai (X)
Emanuela Falzon Campbell

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

No postings yet made in this powwow.