published jobs
other jobs posted
Title | Type | Lang. pairs | Subject field | Notified | |
Dec 10 | URGENT: Female voices of Canada wanted | Potential | ENG, FRA | Professionals notified | |
Nov 27 | Spanish speakers of South America wanted | Potential | ENG, ESL | Professionals notified | |
Nov 27 | French speakers of Canada wanted | Potential | ENG, FRA | Professionals notified | |
Nov 21 | English speakers of Australia wanted | Potential | ENG | Professionals notified | |
Nov 21 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | RUS, FIN, NOR, UKR, KAL, KAZ, UZB, TUK, PUS, .DR, MON | Professionals notified | |
Nov 21 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | ARA, BEN, THA, VIE, JPN, KOR, NEP, IND, HIN, TGL, LAO, GUJ | Professionals notified | |
Oct 21 | [closed] Speakers of Malay, Thai and Cambodian wanted | Potential | MAY, THA | Professionals notified | |
Oct 18 | [closed] English speakers of Wales, Scotland and Norther Ireland wanted | Potential | ENG | Professionals notified | |
Oct 7 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | CHI, CMN, HIN, JPN, THA, VIE, IND, KOR | Professionals notified | |
Sep 26 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | FRA, POR, ITA, ESL, DEU, SLK, SLV, RON, EST, LIT | Professionals notified | |
Sep 26 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | POL, SVE, NOR, HUN, BUL, FIN, LAV, SRP, HRV, CES, DAN, DUT | Professionals notified | |
Jun 24 | [closed] Speakers of all languages and variants wanted | Potential | POL, SVE, NOR, HUN, BUL, FIN, LAV, SRP, HRV, CES, DAN, DUT | Professionals notified |