profile photo
Software localization, Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading
Italian to Spanish, English to Spanish, Spanish, and 2 more.
Specializes in
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Internet, e-Commerce, Manufacturing, and 5 more.
Native in
Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish profile photo
Francisco Gonzalez
Jun 14, 2022

Average WWA rating given: 5.00

(1 entry)

Excelente comunicación, dinámica y calidad de trabajo. Llevamos más de 3 años contando con sus servicios y estamos muy satisfechos. profile photo
aledadonecas (X)
Jun 10, 2022

Average WWA rating given: 5.00

(1 entry)

Angelica è una ottima professionista, molto precisa, puntuale e di ottima qualità. Abbiamo lavorato su diversi progetti e ha collaborato a lanciare il nostro business in Spagna profile photo
Radu Sargu
Apr 13, 2022

Average WWA rating given: 4.85

(205 entries) Blue Board Polilingua
Avg. LWA : 4.9 (752 entries)
Angelica has been very reliable, communicative, and punctual.I look forward to working with her again. We're very satisfied with the service she offered us profile photo
Giorgio Romani (Neuralia)
Feb 11, 2019
Angélica Velazco is a very good professional. Attentive, available, updated, punctual, she has done a very professional service in our meetings with Spanish and Italian medical teachers. profile photo
martina lunardelli
Jan 30, 2019
(Originally entered Jan 25, 2019)
Angélica is a precise, fast and accurate translator from Italian into Spanish. I have worked with her many times (outsourcing) and I am completely satisfied with her reliability. profile photo
Vittorio Festari
Jan 26, 2019

Average WWA rating given: 4.00

(1 entry)

La sig.ra Velazco collabora con noi da 3 anni, traducendo manuali tecnici, anche per marchi prestigiosi. Siamo molto soddisfatti della sua professionalità, reattività, correttezza e puntualità.
Angélica is a very professional translator. She is punctual and precise and it was an honour to work with her.
...View reply profile photo
Angélica Velazco (this provider)

Thank you very much! It was and it is an honour also for me working with such a reliable company like you. profile photo
Franco Donati
Jan 22, 2019
Sono un medico e ho lavorato con Angelica per traduzioni di testo e simultanee di spagnolo e inglese. La considero una vera professionista con grande conoscenza delle lingue e del campo medico. E' veloce nella consegna dei lavori tradotti ed è anche molto gentile e pertanto continuerò a lavorare con Lei. profile photo
elisabetta minetto
Jan 21, 2019

Average WWA rating given: 5.00

(2 entries) Blue Board easyevents / Trad&Co
Avg. LWA : 5 (1 entry)
It's really a pleasure to work with Angélica. She is a very reliable professional, never delayed a delivery and I have always had a great feedback from the final client. profile photo
elisabetta minetto
Jan 21, 2019 Blue Board easyevents / Trad&Co
Avg. LWA : 5 (1 entry)
It's really a pleasure to work with Angélica. She is a very reliable professional, never delayed a delivery and I have always had a great feedback from the final client. profile photo
Studio F
Jan 21, 2019 Blue Board STUDIO FORENIX
Avg. LWA : 5 (1 entry)
Interpreting services carried out with great professionalism. profile photo
Daniele Donati (Campus Magnolie)
Jan 21, 2019
I loved the traslating service she provided to our Company. She respect our deadline, that is so important for our School. She's reliable, punctual. I won't change her for anyone else. profile photo
Félix Figueroa (CLIC, Servicios lingüísticos profesionales, even)
Sep 28, 2015
"Angélica is a very professional and trustworthy translator and interpreter, always punctual. We and all our clients she has had the chance to work with have a very good opinion about her work so therefore we fully recommend her." profile photo
Giuliano Ziffarelli
Sep 21, 2015 Blue Board maka language consulting
Avg. LWA : 4.7 (7 entries)
Very reliable and trustworthy, never misses a deadline. Never had a complaint about her work, very accurate and thorough.

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Jun 09, 2022
Alessandro Dadone (Casavo)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 10, 2020
Valentina Costanza Blue Board maka language consulting
Avg. LWA : 4.7 (7 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 21, 2019
Etleva Jaho (Yellow Hub)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 21, 2019
Elisabetta Minetto (Tradandco) Blue Board easyevents / Trad&Co
Avg. LWA : 5 (1 entry)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Aug 07, 2017

Willing to work with again: Yes profile photo
Elena Simonelli
Jan 21, 2019
Angelica is a very cultivated and hard-working linguist. She prepares every assignement carefully and is very cooperative. A pleasure to work with

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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