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Search results: (22 matches)
Money matters How I can get order from big company or clients? Hi, I have been working with several vendors for
years. How can I contact or get task from the
company like theBigWord? Now my account type is
"Freelance translator and/or interpreter"
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Sep 26, 2017
Trados support Filtering out just unlocked segments for bilingual review Searching for solution! I'm in the same page. Have you solved the
problem? Please let me know if you have solved
the problem.
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban May 8, 2017
Trados support Separate unique segment in SDL Trados Hi, How can I separate unique segment in SDL
Trados? I do not want to keep the reputation
segments on the file. Please
help. Regards, Jiban
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Apr 14, 2017
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. I've already finished the job. Hi Tom, I've already finished the
job. Thanks.
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 5, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Thanks! Thanks Sheila, Natalie, Michael and jyuan for your
suggestions and valuable time. Proz staff have
contacted me. The issue hasn't solved yet. I'll
keep you posted about the update.
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 5, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Thanks for your help! Hi Sheila, Thank you very much for your
time! Do you have a postal address? Yes, I
have. As the client's data have on
Blueboard. Also thanks for the tips about
pricing. I'll
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Thanks! Thanks for the solutions. Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Outsourcer. [quote]Natalie wrote: Where did you get this
job? Was it through or another
website? Did you check the outsourcer's
information BEFORE accepting the job? Does the
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Language Pair Hi Sheila, 1) The working language pair is
English to Bengali. 2) Word count (approx):
8,500 3) No, this is the first time I've worked
for this client. Thanks.

Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Language Pair The woking language pair is English to Bengali. Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. The client was lack of attention! The client said: "I can't pay the rate of 0.XXX
knowing that the agency I have been using for the
last 4 years were willing to do for 0.XXX USD. I
am lack of attention as I am going thr
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Money matters One client wants to pay less what was agreed before starting the task. Hi, One of my clients wants to pay less what was
agreed before starting the task. What can I do?
How Proz can help me? Any
suggestions? Thanks in
advance. Regards, Jiban
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 4, 2016
Trados support How to update Project Translation Memory or Main Translation Memory (TM) from project files Hello, I'm using SDL Trados Studio 2015. I got
one TM and 2 .ttx files from my client. I've added
2 .ttx files in my project. In my first file I got
suggestions from TM. After finishing
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Jun 11, 2016
Across support Bengali Fonts are Broken in Across I'm facing problem while I'm using Across Personal
Edition v6. One of my clients gives me a few
documents to translate into Bengali (India). I'm
using Avro Keyboard to write Bengali. It su
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Nov 21, 2015
Trados support How do I specify an ini file for a TTX file to be translated in SDL Trados Studio? Very Helpful [quote]Walter Blaser wrote: In Studio 2009,
.INI and .ANL files have been replaced by 'File
Types'. If you click on 'Tools - Options' (or on
'Project Settings if you want to change the
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Oct 9, 2015
Trados support TTX and .INI files Helpful I'm using SDL Trados Studio 2015. I was confused
about the .INI file which was given by one of my
clients. After reading this discussion
everything becomes clear.
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Oct 9, 2015
Trados support How to share a large project between 2 translators with SDL Trados Helpful I am going to apply your solution. Let's see what

[Edited at 2015-10-03 06:59 GMT]
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Oct 3, 2015 training How to Convert TMs and TermBases from one CAT TOOL's format into another (Trados/Wordfast/MemoQ/Dejavu) Convert TMs and TermBases from one CAT TOOL's format into another I want to learn about this topic properly Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Sep 30, 2015
Bengali SDL Trados Studio 2011 ব্যবহার করছেন কেউ? ফন্ট জনিত সমস্যার সমাধান আমার সমস্যার
সমাধান যেভাবে
করেছি। ফাইল
এডাপশনে ("File - Options - Editor -
Font Adaptation") এ গ�
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Sep 4, 2015
Bengali SDL Trados Studio 2011 ব্যবহার করছেন কেউ? একই সমস্যা [quote]m.zakaria
wrote: হ্যালো, আপনাদ�
�র মধ্য থেকে যারা SDL
Trados Studio 2011 করছেন তাদের
কাছ থে�
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 29, 2015
Trados support Adding a new font to SDL Trados Studio 2014 Font Problem in Trados [quote]Studio Tre Srl wrote: hello
Walter, the new font is not present in that
drop down list. That's my problem.
[/quote] Facing the same problem as yours. Did
you solve the
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 29, 2015
Trados support Adding a new font to SDL Trados Studio 2014 Font is not available Font is not available on "File - Options - Editor
- Font Adaptation" in SDL trados. But that
particular font is available in the system. I'm
using Windows 8.1. How can I add fonts?
Md. Tanjimul Islam Jiban Aug 27, 2015

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