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Search results: (622 matches)
ForumTopicTitleTextPosterTime bugs Dear Proz-if this is you, please stop it! . Error 503 is far worse, it appeared again this
morning. Why should a site we pay for have such
errors bugs me. These errors never get solved.
Josephine Cassar Mar 6
AI for translators and interpreters Have you seen your work volume and income reduce due to clients turning to AI translation models? I don't know I only saw a marked decrease from late November
2024 till now, even from agencies I used to
receive lots of texts from. I still receive loads
of EU legal texts though but it seems these ar
Josephine Cassar Jan 14
Post-editing & Machine Translation Which Translator Helper Program is the Industry Standard in 2024 MemoQ and Trados It's true that Trados is cumbersome but it works
very well for my language combinations, Italian,
English or French to Maltese while MemoQ doesn't.
If you don't have the exact word format
Josephine Cassar Sep 24, 2024
Subtitling Subtitling Software Subtitle Edit I like Subtitle Edit as Dalia said. I find it very
user-friendly and quick to learn about and use. I
also use Aegisub but find it more cumbersome than
Subtitle Edit. Some agencies make you
Josephine Cassar Sep 22, 2024
Italian cerco avvocato a Roma Salve Tom Ha provato l-Ingiunzione di pagamento europea?
t_order?init=true) Forse puó comminciare con
questa. Una nota da un avocato puó sembrare
Josephine Cassar Sep 3, 2024
Subtitling Ask me anything about subtitling Also [quote]Max Deryagin wrote: [quote]ammams
wrote: Greetings, Titlebee was the best
subtitle creator app I’ve ever used. It was
easy, fast, and simple, with a multilingual
Josephine Cassar Aug 23, 2024
Business issues How to acquire long-term projects I hope... I hope you didn't depend on just that one
client/agency. I have several but I still try and
get others as workflow can dry up sometimes like
at present this year. Try and get Kudoz points
Josephine Cassar Aug 18, 2024 job systems Why haven't I received more jobs for all those quotes I've submitted where I was ranked 1st? But But ranked first what? What are/were you ranked
first for? Can you explain a little bit more? In
subject are in Kudoz points or what? Were you the
first to submit a quote? There are many
Josephine Cassar Jul 21, 2024
Money matters Rates for subtitling review Subtitling review rates Review of subtitles is not the same as review of a
translated text. Check if you also need to change
the timings, or if it's just review of translated
material. Reviewing subtitles means g
Josephine Cassar Jul 14, 2024
Scams 11,000 words EN-DE, wow! Maybe because [quote]Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote: [quote]Maria
Teresa Borges de Almeida wrote: Answering your
question, every time a receive a suspicious email
through Proz, following due diligence, I
Josephine Cassar Jun 29, 2024 contests - discussion of specific editions 32nd translation contest another disaster Hello Ana, [quote]Ana Moirano wrote: [quote]Christopher
Schröder wrote: Finally a contest in one of my
languages, but what a waste of everyone's time
entering and voting when not a single winn
Josephine Cassar Apr 19, 2024
Italian Calo nel settore? Non Non ci posso credere. Ho avuto un ottimo gennaio e
febbraio ma da metá marzo, ha comminciato a
calare e quando dico calare, voglio dire proprio
niente tutt'ad un tratto. Ed adesso aprile,
Josephine Cassar Apr 5, 2024
Money matters Late payments - What would you do? I am tempted to withhold my next translation until they pay me On the other hand I lost a client because they were late and I sent
them a reminder and included a late fee. It later
turned out that these had to check 27 copies of
the same lengthy text I had translated a
Josephine Cassar Nov 2, 2023 suggestions Things we LOVE about ProZ None [quote]Baran Keki wrote: [quote]Josephine
Cassar wrote: The invoicing tool. I use it and
find it handy. This apart from the other points
mentioned by many others. [/quote] But ever
Josephine Cassar Oct 24, 2023 suggestions Things we LOVE about ProZ And personally The invoicing tool. I use it and find it handy.
This apart from the other points mentioned by many
Josephine Cassar Oct 24, 2023
Pro Bono Project A forum for all Pro Bono volunteers and anyone interested. Thank you Andrew I hope there will be someone else for EN < MT. Josephine Cassar Oct 16, 2023 Translation Contests Contests: Congratulations to winners in "A translator's life"! Points Maybe someone can explain how points are given
please. In my main language pair (EN < MT), there
are 3 contestants. One can be eliminated as it has
lots of errors, and no Likes - I could n
Josephine Cassar Oct 15, 2023
Scams Recruiter Contact via Protonmail . [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Emal
Ghamsharick wrote: Has anyone else been contacted
by one Olivia W. with a Protonmail
address...[/quote] You probably know this
already, but
Josephine Cassar Oct 10, 2023
Translation Theory and Practice Professionals are hard to find Maybe... I don't know how you contact translators but do
you send mass emails starting hello, or hello Dear
or just Dear..? I never reply to some such email.
It's not really because I do not trust
Josephine Cassar Sep 25, 2023 Translation Contests Vote and rate for your favourite entries in the current Translation Contest What about What about when someone marks the Disagree purely
because 'X word would be a better option'? It
means that the word chosen wasn't exactly wrong
but X word would be better. Does that count
Josephine Cassar Sep 3, 2023 Translation Contests Vote and rate for your favourite entries in the current Translation Contest No [quote]Ana Moirano wrote: The
translation contest, A translator's life, is on
hybrid phase now, with source texts in English,
Spanish, French, Indonesian and Italian. In
Josephine Cassar Jul 31, 2023
Translation Theory and Practice Do you ever write incorrectly, without taking grammar into consideration, because you feel tired? No Ever since I started translating, I became aware
of how many stupid and careless mistakes we
continually make and that these should definitely
not be made by translators. Apart from that,<
Josephine Cassar Mar 27, 2023
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Survey on workstations and health: how do long working hours affect you? Started it but I started the survey but some questions do not
have answers I can click. First of all, I do not
sit only for work but also to read and draw - my
art teacher constantly advises me to get an
Josephine Cassar Mar 11, 2023
Scams "Pay-to-work" scam: Remember that rules do not allow clients to solicit any kind of payment I did I received one from an agency registered on Proz a
short while ago but did not think of reporting it.
I binned the email since I didn't want to waste my
time and energy sending an email an
Josephine Cassar Mar 1, 2023
Professional development Do you keep up to date with your working languages? Yes, sure [quote]Sofía Creo wrote: Here in Argentina,
that is sometimes difficult because of the
distances and prices. I use an app called Tandem
to speak with natives every time I can
Josephine Cassar Jan 17, 2023
Professional development Do you keep up to date with your working languages? And then of course Go to the countries of the source languages if
possible, mix with locals (not touristy sense). I
used to go before Covid, nearly every year, to
different parts of both countries. Now I'll
Josephine Cassar Jan 17, 2023
Professional development Do you keep up to date with your working languages? Yes of course I keep up to date with my working languages not
only because of my work but also because I love
those languages. Nowadays, it's really easy
keeping up to date with them in Malta. Many
Josephine Cassar Jan 17, 2023
Getting established Newbie here wondering how I can start getting practice in translation At least At least start with putting your photo. Agencies
would like to know who they're addressing, it kind
of reassures them and then do as others said and
fill in the About me section. You don't
Josephine Cassar Dec 3, 2022
Pro Bono Project Translation Commons: an important new pro bono client. But [quote]Andrew Morris wrote: Some of you may
remember a series of articles I wrote on minority
and threatened indigenous languages last year, in
partnership with the non-profit Translati
Josephine Cassar Nov 29, 2022
Machine Translation (MT) Forget about machine translation: it still stinks, and it will stink forever But, to clarify [quote]Lieven Malaise wrote: [quote]Josephine
Cassar wrote: And even if there had been no
mistakes, it still conditions the translator as it
produces a word for word translation and th
Josephine Cassar Nov 21, 2022
Machine Translation (MT) Forget about machine translation: it still stinks, and it will stink forever And And even if there had been no mistakes, it still
conditions the translator as it produces a word
for word translation and the result is that the
translation is stilted, not natural and it'
Josephine Cassar Nov 20, 2022
Subtitling Any open source tool for reviewing subtitles Maybe... What about Oona? I haven't used it in a while but
I think I used to see source and target in
Oona-it's not my favourite subtitling tool but i
think it does that.
Josephine Cassar Oct 30, 2022
Money matters What is an acceptable price for transcreation jobs My thoughts [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: [quote]Ana Cuesta
wrote: I would argue that it takes the same
amount of time to come out with 10 slogans or 2…
why? Because the expectation is that out of t
Josephine Cassar Oct 22, 2022
Linguistics English usage: "euro" with upper or lower-case e Ewro [quote]maltilex wrote: What about the different
spellings of the word "euro"? Malta is
insisting on the word "ewro" derived from "Ewropa"
which means "Europe" in Maltese. The same i
Josephine Cassar Sep 23, 2022
Money matters What are current EN-RU subtitle translation rates? Also factor in [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: I did two
features to try subtitling. Here is one
example: 89 minutes, 9426 target words, i.e.
106 words per minute.[quote] And you might
Josephine Cassar Sep 17, 2022
Getting established Master's degree: is it considered by employers even if not recognized as a University one? Not only [quote]Kay Denney wrote: [quote]philgoddard
wrote: The great thing about this profession is
that you can have no relevant qualifications and
still be successful. If you're good at tr
Josephine Cassar Sep 14, 2022
Business issues Impossible tender requirements Same here [quote]philgoddard wrote: In decades of
translating, I don't remember any client coming
back to me and saying we won that tender. They
must be relying on bids from younger and less
Josephine Cassar Sep 12, 2022
Translation Project / Vendor Management Do agencies care about ISO 17100 compliance? Or else [quote]William Tierney wrote: [quote]Jenny
Nilsson wrote: I've been in contact with a new
agency (well, not new, just new for me) and I have
done their test and all that. Then they t
Josephine Cassar Aug 10, 2022
Getting established Difficulties of integration as Translator Welcome Djeudje Welcome to the site Djeudje. But how can clients
or agencies contact you if they know nothing about
you? Your About me part is completely empty. The
About You is a very important section a
Josephine Cassar Jun 19, 2022
Getting established Getting Started in Financial Translation No But your proven hands on experience in the banking
sector will stand you in good stead if you can
showcase it. You have absolutely nothing in your
About me section. Do put all this in tha
Josephine Cassar May 30, 2022
Post-editing & Machine Translation Was it correct of me to reject this job? . Whether it was correct or not for you to reject
that job, only you can tell but I do not blame you
for rejecting it. I only wish more translators
would reject such a job as that is why the
Josephine Cassar May 24, 2022
Translation Project / Vendor Management Addressing project managers formally or informally- thoughts? Maybe Maybe it was a particular PM in your case as I've
always been addressed as Lei or vous, depending on
the language an I answer likewise
Josephine Cassar May 18, 2022
Money matters Do you accept rates breakdowns? Another new trend [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: 100%s used to be paid
like 30%, and now they are dropping them
completely out of the grid - no payment.
[/quote] An agency says that [quote] the system
Josephine Cassar Apr 26, 2022
French C'est une blague ? Not at all [quote]flore7 wrote: Ils sont domiciliés en
Californie. Cela m'étonnerait qu'on puisse s'en
sortir là-bas avec de tels tarifs...
[/quote] I've had similar offers even from the
Josephine Cassar Mar 5, 2022
Translation news Inside the dying art of subtitling And [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Samuel
Murray wrote: The URL that matters is this
one: [/quote] The
original article is very interesting to read, and
Josephine Cassar Feb 22, 2022
Italian Come è iniziato il 2022? Insomma Ha iniziato bene ma adesso male-niente affatto
questa settimana. Dalla meta del mese, niente fino
ad oggi. Mi consolo perchè non sono sola.
Speriamo bene per la settimana prossima ed il
Josephine Cassar Jan 27, 2022
Business issues Thinking of "denouncing" a colleague (whose work is really bad) I agree [quote]Michele Fauble wrote: Tell the agency
that you will no longer edit translations done by
this translator. If they ask why, tell them. Or
you could continue to accept these jobs, b
Josephine Cassar Jan 27, 2022
Subtitling .SRT Time Code Software Subtitle Edit I don’t know if Subtitle Edit works on Mac but I
find it much easier to use for time coding, or to
modify time codes, than Aegisub. I never quite got
used to Aegisub but I don’t know i
Josephine Cassar Dec 29, 2021
Subtitling Easy way to create/modify subtitles for hobby project? Subtitle Editor I prefer to use Subtitle Editor to Aegisub though
some clients prefer the latter. I find Subtitle
editor is easier to use and even for modifying
time codes if needed.

[Edited at 202
Josephine Cassar Dec 28, 2021
Money matters Paying problems from the UK What I billed.. [quote]Ice Scream wrote: I’ve argued in the
past that I should receive what I billed. They
have argued that they have paid what I’ve
billed. Who has the law on their side I don’t<
Josephine Cassar Dec 28, 2021

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