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Search results: (166 matches)
MemoQ support Memoq Fuzzy Matches that do not match! Hopeless below 70% As above, I always bin anything below a 70% match
too, and certainly don't offer discounts for
Katherine Mérignac Dec 17, 2023
MemoQ support MemoQ support - still good (or alive)? Work tool I personally consider the tool essential to my
work and am happy to pay 124 euros a year to keep
everything ticking over smoothly. It makes my work
easier, it's user-friendly, I know I can
Katherine Mérignac Aug 24, 2023
MemoQ support MemoQ support - still good (or alive)? Plus upgrades [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: Which makes total
sense to me. I'm happy to pay for a program that
is constantly being improved. Also, in my
experience support has always been great.
Katherine Mérignac Aug 21, 2023
MemoQ support MemoQ support - still good (or alive)? Still good for me I can't comment on their sales team but support
was one of the reasons I left Trados about 10
years ago and I personally have only a positive
experience. I rarely have extremely urgent
Katherine Mérignac May 22, 2023
MemoQ support New PC and I can't see any of my existing termbases (solved) Register local Now at my desk and I was referring "Register
local": Resource console -> Term bases ->
Register local, then navigate to the glossary on
your PC. It's what I did when transferring to
Katherine Mérignac Feb 24, 2023
MemoQ support New PC and I can't see any of my existing termbases (solved) Link them Hi Claudia, I’m not in front of my PC so
can’t say exactly what to look for, but if
memory serves you have to link them. Probably from
the termbase tab, something like link/add/connec
Katherine Mérignac Feb 24, 2023
MemoQ support Does MemoQ Auto-Propagation glitch after a certain word/file/segment count? Experienced the same For information, this has happened to me too,
several times, with server projects and with
Wordfast txlf files. I've just put up with it, put
it down to being 'one of those things', but I
Katherine Mérignac Sep 13, 2021
MemoQ support Problems with freezing and crashing when checking out and working on projects from customer's server Work offline Hi Mark, Off the top of my head, have you tried
choosing "Manual Synchronization" in
Documents->Synchronization Behaviour? It means you
have to synchronize manually by clicking on the
Katherine Mérignac Feb 26, 2021
MemoQ support How to filter repetitions Auto-propogated Hi Samuel, You can also try ticking the
Auto-propogated box in Advanced filters/Status.
I do that quite regularly to isolate the
segments that have been auto-propogated (so the
Katherine Mérignac Nov 16, 2020
MemoQ support Version 9.4.11 When my PC occasionally blows up and I restart MemoQ my work is lost Odd indeed I find this odd too, I do all my work in MemoQ,
have done for ten years, and it probably crashes
once a month max. - it was in fact one of the
reasons I switched from Trados initially, not
Katherine Mérignac Aug 24, 2020
MemoQ support Receive error message every time closing memoQ Task Manager Hi Akiko, I get something similar occasionally.
You can try opening the task manager, looking for
MemoQ among the Background Processes of the
Processes tab, and ending the task
Katherine Mérignac Dec 11, 2019
MemoQ support "Advance scroll" No worries No worries Epameinondas ;) Katherine Mérignac May 17, 2018
MemoQ support "Advance scroll" Great So glad it's helped ;) Katherine Mérignac May 16, 2018
MemoQ support "Advance scroll" OK Apologies, I thought you were looking for a way of
keeping the editing window in the middle of the
screen so that you could always see the the
context before and after the sentence you're<
Katherine Mérignac May 16, 2018
MemoQ support "Advance scroll" View tab Try going to the View tab, then Active Row, then
tick In the Middle. It works for me. I find the
process very smooth and it doesn't make me feel
dizzy at all. HTH. (it's an option t
Katherine Mérignac May 16, 2018
MemoQ support Search behavior and case matching Thank you Great, thanks, I had the same problem and this
fixed it ;)
Katherine Mérignac Apr 9, 2018
MemoQ support MemoQ 2015 will not launch: Another instance of memoq is already running Glad it helped! [quote]Bea Geenen wrote: Thank you, this has
saved my day! [/quote] Glad it's helped!
Katherine Mérignac Jun 22, 2017
MemoQ support Purchased a MemoQ license 2 days ago and still waiting for the sales team to give me my serial No. Positive experience FWIW, my experience of MemoQ and of their support
has only ever been positive (been using it for 7
years), I agree that your situation is less than
ideal, but I don't want only negative co
Katherine Mérignac Jun 5, 2017
MemoQ support Cannot re-open project 'because it is in the Recycle Bin'. But it isn't!! My MemoQ Projects Projects of mine disappear from the MemoQ
interface sometimes, but if I open the 'My MemoQ
Projects' folder (in Documents -> memoQ) I
invariably find it there and if I click on the
Katherine Mérignac May 25, 2017
MemoQ support MemoQ 2015 will not launch: Another instance of memoq is already running Background processes I have this problem too, when you open the task
manager you won't see it in Apps, but you probably
will in the second list below (Background
processes). You have to end the task then open<
Katherine Mérignac Dec 15, 2016
Powwows Powwow: Bordeaux - France Thanks Thanks so much Georgie for organizing the event
yesterday, it was lovely having a chance to meet
some new faces, not to mention the old! Well done
Katherine Mérignac Aug 26, 2016
MemoQ support Basic question: What is this icon? No problem Glad I could help :) Katherine Mérignac Jul 19, 2016
MemoQ support Basic question: What is this icon? Linked during pretranslation I think it usually means the segments have been
automatically joined or split for a best match
during pre-translation. See the relevant section
in the "Pre-translate settings" subheading o
Katherine Mérignac Jul 19, 2016
MemoQ support MemoQ 7.8.153 -DEAD SLOW No speed issues It's odd, no speed issues either in the six or so
years I've been using MemoQ. Just for the
Katherine Mérignac Jun 16, 2016
MemoQ support How to make a complaint to MemoQ about its poor support follow-up Surprised I'm really surprised too, it's always been one of
the great things about MemoQ in my opinion. There
has to be an explanation... did you submit the
request via their site?
Katherine Mérignac Oct 20, 2014
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Vision problems Interesting [quote]verslanglais wrote: I invested in a fast
printer that prints on both sides of the page, and
now I print the source and target texts of every
document I translate. (I try to recyc
Katherine Mérignac Aug 6, 2012
Money matters Is this a recession? Chin up Hi Helena, [quote]What is your experience? Have
you noticed anything different

[/quote] FWIW, my income has
progressively risen since 2005. 2011 has proved no
Katherine Mérignac Jan 15, 2012
Money matters This year's craziest translation job request Is this for real??! Absolutely gobsmacked! Katherine Mérignac Dec 14, 2011
French Assurance bureau - nécessaire ? Assurance "combi" J'ai aussi une assurance "combi" tout simplement
parce qu'en cas de vol (déjà testé) toutes les
factures pour mon matériel (ordi, imprimante...)
sont au nom de ma société et ne sont
Katherine Mérignac Nov 8, 2011
Money matters Translation test of 750 words. Yes or no? Don't bother II And the chances are that even if you jump through
all of their hoops and your test is successful,
they won't ever offer you any paid work anyway.
I'm speaking from experience...!
Katherine Mérignac Oct 27, 2011
Money matters Translation test of 750 words. Yes or no? Don't bother Don't bother! Say thanks but no thanks. Maybe
they'll change their mind, and if they don't it
probably means they wouldn't pay your rates
anyway. And I'd agree with everyone else, 750
Katherine Mérignac Oct 27, 2011
Software applications Babylon 8 and its Ms-Word "Enhanced by Babylon" feature Thank you! [quote]Comunican wrote: It took three e-mails,
but Babylon finally replied with the following -
it seems to have worked: Go to : C:Program
FilesBabylonBabylon-ProUtils and delete t
Katherine Mérignac Jul 15, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think freelance translators are mostly introverts? yes I am most definitely an introvert when it comes to
my work - which doesn't mean I don't know how to
go out and have a good time with my friends and
family, but I do lack the self-confidenc
Katherine Mérignac Dec 8, 2010
French formation en ligne Très bien Bonjour Nicole, Je vois que personne n'a
répondu - ils sont très sérieux. J'ai assisté
à leur conférence au mois de mai, qui était
d'une très grande qualité. J'y ai rencontré
Katherine Mérignac Jul 9, 2010
Speech recognition Sennheiser BW900 mic background noise Yep, have done Hi Charlie, Thanks for taking the time to help!
Yes, I've done that - I recreated a couple of new
profiles for use with the new setup because they
recommended doing so at the Speech Rec
Katherine Mérignac Apr 19, 2010
Speech recognition Sennheiser BW900 mic background noise Hi, I recently bought a Sennheiser BW900
bluetooth mic for use with DNS to replace my old
mic (having seen positive reviews in some of the
speech recognition sites), and after a bit of<
Katherine Mérignac Apr 19, 2010
Translator resources Remove hard returns in pdf to word doc Thanks To all - these are really useful tips, so thank
you! K
Katherine Mérignac Apr 13, 2010
Office applications Wordcount in PowerPoint and with text boxes Word count in pptx Hi Paul I eventually found out how to get a
word directly count in pptx: click on the office
button (top left of the screen) -> Prepare ->
Properties -> Document Properties -> Advanc
Katherine Mérignac Apr 12, 2010
Money matters Paying VAT to a translator in France when I am the client Same here [quote]PCovs wrote: This rule has applied to
any Danish translator for years: * Any private
person (= person or entity without a VAT number)
must be charged VAT within EU. * Any V
Katherine Mérignac Mar 17, 2010
French Problèmes avec Orange - quel service choisir? Merci bohy!! [quote]bohy wrote: Ce qui se passe c'est qu'en
cas de saturation (spams ou autres), certains
serveurs limitent drastiquement leurs
retransmissions et ne reçoivent et renvoient plus
Katherine Mérignac Jan 8, 2010
French Problèmes avec Orange - quel service choisir? Bonne question Bonjour Eric [quote]Eric Le Carre
wrote: Simplement, en paramétrant Gmail comme
ci-dessus, est-ce que les messages destinés à
mon adresse Orange sont "interceptés" par Gmail
Katherine Mérignac Jan 8, 2010
French Problèmes avec Orange - quel service choisir? Loin d'être seul.... Bonjour à tous ! Si c'est ce qu'on vous a
répondu c'est vraiment gonflé de leur part. J'ai
commencé à leur poser des questions avant les
fêtes mais uniquement par leur service int
Katherine Mérignac Jan 8, 2010
French adhésion proz et frais bancaires Même chose Bonjour, J'ai toujours payé un peu plus aussi
en réglant des sommes sur Proz par carte bancaire
- le montant exact je ne sais plus, mais c'est
vrai que j'ai trouvé ça bizarre sur le
Katherine Mérignac Dec 4, 2009
Office applications Word 2007 - Hidden text - ON/OFF - Shortcut/Macro? Thanks! [quote]Esteban Flamini wrote: You can start
using your new macro Good luck!
[/quote] Thanks Esteban - I can't believe it,
thanks to you I've just created my first macro and
Katherine Mérignac Nov 17, 2009
French Une proposition bizarre. Est-ce normal ? ou même légal ? Poubelle J'ai reçu le même message - six fois - ce matin.
Ils sont partis directement à la
poubelle. N'envoyez surtout pas de chèque
! K
Katherine Mérignac Nov 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help Help on deciding to use Trados Why? Why?... No, only joking, although having used
Trados for years, I have now put it to one side
for DVX and more recently MemoQ. Personally - and
I am of course only giving my personal p
Katherine Mérignac Sep 19, 2009
French Prélèvement automatique obligatoire Porte ouverte à tout! Jusque-là j'ai toujours payé le RSI par chèque,
et comme vous j'ai eu pas mal d'ennuis par le
passé avec cet organisme. Je n'ai pas encore
reçu un courrier dans ce sens, ... et j'esp�
Katherine Mérignac Sep 17, 2009
French nombre de modifications acceptable suite à relecture? C'est encore mieux ! [quote] Finalement il n'y a plus que deux
remaniements, les autres étant en réalité de
mon fait. D'ailleurs, l'un des remaniements
modifie le sens du texte. [/quote] C'est
Katherine Mérignac Sep 15, 2009
French nombre de modifications acceptable suite à relecture? Avec son accord, oui Pour NMR - cela m' arrive de sous-traiter avec
l'accord de l'agence (par ex. pour un grand job
avec un délai très court qui nécessite la
participation de deux ou trois personnes). Je
Katherine Mérignac Sep 15, 2009
French nombre de modifications acceptable suite à relecture? Au contraire - bravo! Je suis plutôt d'accord avec Maria - il m'est
très difficile de relire un texte et ne rien
changer du tout. Si je suis contactée par une
agence pour une relecture, je fais très att
Katherine Mérignac Sep 15, 2009

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