Freelance translators » English to German » Marketing » Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright » Page 14

Below is a list of English to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Marketing: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

315 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in German (Variant: Germany) 
German, patents, trade marks, legal, financial, insurance, marketing, websites
Silke Jellen
Silke Jellen
Native in German (Variant: Germany) 
investment, legal, law, contracts, economy, financial, finance, banking, medicine, haelthcare, ...
Master of Law
Master of Law
Native in German 
law, economy, politics, legal, contract, terms, financial, agreement, business, financial, ...
Stephen Sadie
Stephen Sadie
Native in English 
Technical, Manuals, Marketing, Logistics, Legal, Medical, Food, Telecommunication, Retail
Joanna Granbichler
Joanna Granbichler
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) 
Degreed translator, literary translation, cultural studies, German, English, Polish, Polish native speaker, literary translator books, short stories, poetry, ...
Theodhora Blushi (X)
Theodhora Blushi (X)
Native in English (Variants: British, US, French) Native in English
Greek, Italian, French, Albanian, English, Translation, Translator, Proofreading
Ian Roley
Ian Roley
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English
Medical/Pharmaceutical, Information Technology, Industrial Machinery, Legal/Patent, Architecture, Music, Media, Television, Radio, broadcasting, ...
Native in English Native in English, German Native in German
Urgent translations, weekend translations, overnight translations, German to English, French to English, Spanish to English, Italian to English, technical translations, legal translations, medical translations, ...
Giovanna Infante
Giovanna Infante
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
translation, revision, proofreading, italian, german, french, english, law, judicial, politics, ...
Peter Rosenthal
Peter Rosenthal
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Translation, personal non-simultaneous interpretation, project consultation, project management, legal certification of translations, book translations, technical translations, manuals, advertising, contracts, ...
Eva Leitner
Eva Leitner
Native in German (Variant: Germany) 
Literarische Übersetzung Russisch-Deutsch, Literaturübersetzer Russisch, Fantasy Übersetzer Russisch, Übersetzer russisches Buch, Übersetzer russische Fantasy, Übersetzer Literatur, Übersetzung Russisch, Übersetzer Russisch-Deutsch, Übersetzer für Russisch-Deutsch, legal translation, ...
Horst Gatzky
Horst Gatzky
Native in German 
Automotive, Electronics, Commercial
Cecile Mayor Brooker
Cecile Mayor Brooker
Native in German (Variants: Swiss, Belgian, Austrian, Germany) 
Translate, Contracts, Verträge, übersetzen, Traduction, contrats, legal, translations, German, juristische, ...
Manfred Reddig
Manfred Reddig
Native in German 
legal & contractual documents, Gesetzes- und Vertragstexte, economic and finance matters
Dr. Anja Masselli
Dr. Anja Masselli
Native in German Native in German
Arzneimittel, biochemistry, Biologie, biology, Biotechnologie, biotechnology, chemie, chemistry, clinical study, clinical trial, ...
musella (PhD)
musella (PhD)
Native in Italian 
Lingua Italiana, Italian language, השפה האיטלקית, Italienisch, Italienska språket, Italiensk sprog, Italiaanse taal, Italiensk språk. Traduzioni, traduzioni tecniche, traduzioni ingegneria, ...
Teresa Winter
Teresa Winter
Native in Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) 
Português, Alemão, Inglês, Medicina, Manuais, Comércio, Economia, Sociologia, Tecnologia, Marketing, ...
Carlos Irady Heiss
Carlos Irady Heiss
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, German Native in German
Übersetzungen, Uebersetzungen, Übersetzungsbüro, Uebersetzungsbuero, Deutsch, Spanisch, Spanien, Malaga, Andalusien, traducciones, ...
Karin-Stefanie Vikete
Karin-Stefanie Vikete
Native in German Native in German, Romanian Native in Romanian
rumänisch-deutsch, deutsch-rumänisch, Rumänien, Romania, Timisoara, temeswar. Muttersprachler, Qualität Pünktlichkeit, Recht, Marketing, Tourismus, ...
Uwe Lehmann
Uwe Lehmann
Native in German 
ArrayLinguistics, Computers (general), Construction / Civil Engineering, Internet, e-Commerce, ...

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