Freelance translators » French to English » Tech/Engineering » Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting » Page 6

Below is a list of French to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

511 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Sally Bird
Sally Bird
Native in English Native in English
french, translation, art, culture, tourism, efficient, professional, reliable, charities, psychoanalysis, ...
Clair Pickworth
Clair Pickworth
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English
Environment, ecology, sustainable development, environmental science, photography, tourism, dictionary, France, French, English, ...
Reuben Wright
Reuben Wright
Native in English (Variants: Canadian, US, British) Native in English
French, Spanish, English, interpreter, translator, arts, fashion, marketing, technology, journalism, ...
Helene Tammik
Helene Tammik
Native in English Native in English
French, français, British English, anglais britannique, translation, traduction, editorial, rédactionnel, marketing, publicité, ...
Istvan Nagy
Istvan Nagy
Native in Hungarian (Variant: Hungary) Native in Hungarian
Language and literature, books and travel, Medical, pharmaceutical, Arts, theatre, cinema, Business and finance, Law, Social Sciences, ...
Sara Lette
Sara Lette
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch, Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
ArrayCinema, Film, TV, Drama
Traduction assermentée, Traduction non assermentée, traduction assermentation documents, traducteur français, traducteurs, traducteur technique, traducteurs techniques, traducteur juridique, traducteur certifié, traduction anglaise, ...
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
French, computers, technology, software, journalism, press releases
Mattia Brundo
Mattia Brundo
Native in Italian Native in Italian, English Native in English
translator, interpreter, editor, proofreading, proofreader, translation, allign, trados, freelance, SDL, ...
Emily Plank
Emily Plank
Native in English Native in English
translation, sport, marketing, general, tourism, travel, literature, history, politics, law, ...
Bernadette Guillain
Bernadette Guillain
Native in English Native in English, French Native in French
French, English, translation, com office, translator, interprete
Kévin Bacquet
Kévin Bacquet
Native in French Native in French
Kévin Bacquet, traduction juridique russe, traduction juridique anglais, traduction juridique français, traduction médicale, traduction spécialisée, traducteur de qualité et bon marché, traducteur, Efficient Internet researcher, traducteur pas cher, ...
Helen Moss
Helen Moss
Native in English (Variants: British, US) Native in English
french, english, translation, tourism, arts, education, websites, marketing, proofreading, sports, ...
Jacqui Audouy
Jacqui Audouy
Native in English Native in English
translator, traducteur, interpreter, interprète, translating, traduction interpreting, translation, proofreading, relecture, bilingual, ...
Mark Nathan
Mark Nathan
Native in English Native in English
food, gastronomy, tourism, medical, beekeeping, bees, health, gastronomie, touristique, médicale, ...
sam vangheluwe
sam vangheluwe
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
English, Dutch, German, French, Englisch, Niederländisch, art, culture, ethnic arts, cultural sciences, ...
Mihaela Meci
Mihaela Meci
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Romanian, English, French, translation, business, financial, marketing, education, law, medicine, ...
Phamanee Tougeron
Phamanee Tougeron
Native in Thai Native in Thai
traduction thaï, traduction thai, thai translation, thai interpreting, traducteur thai, thai translator, french to thai, thai to french, francais vers thai, thai vers francais, ...
Rachad AFFO
Rachad AFFO
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, African) Native in French
french, translation, Benin, gambling, subtitling, quality, experience, medecine, health
Stefan Scholtz
Stefan Scholtz
Native in English Native in English, German Native in German
translation, proofreading, transcription, voice over, translator, proofreader, german translator, german proofreader, english translator, english proofreader, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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