Oct 3, 2023 17:35
1 yr ago
25 viewers *
English term

Reflexive microscopy

English to Spanish Medical Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Does that correspond to "examen microscópico de confirmación" or "microscopía reflexiva"?

Reflexive microscopy required for abnormal urinalysis.



Wilsonn Perez Reyes Oct 3, 2023:
Quizás lo correcto es: reflecting microscopy

Proposed translations

5 hrs

confirmación microscópica

Aparentemente es la expresión en uso. Las otras formas directamente no aparecen a excepción del aporte de Wilsonn.
Ver algunas referencias:


... orina de color naranja, y confirmación microscópica de Cuerpos de Heinz.

... confirmación microscópica...

Ante la presencia de orina supuestamente hematúrica, la confirmación microscópica ...

○ tira reactiva de orina positiva requiere confirmación microscópica de glóbulos rojos intactos...
Peer comment(s):

agree liz askew
9 hrs
agree Nelson Soares
16 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias"
1 hr

microscopía reflexiva

Original en inglés:
…Willy Seeds, a sarcastic, overweight Dubliner who was developing new methods of reflecting microscopy and ultraviolet microespectography for the study of nucleic acids and nucleoproteins.

Traducción al español:
… Willy Seeds, un dublinés sarcástico y gordo que estaba desarrollando nuevos métodos de microscopía reflexiva y de microespectrografía ultravioleta para el estudio de ácidos nucleicos y nucleoproteínas.

The Secret of Life, Howard Markel, W. W. Norton & Company, 2021
Peer comment(s):

agree Claudia Botero
2 hrs
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3 days 4 hrs

Microscopia Reflectante

La microscopía reflectante (RM) es una técnica de imágenes ópticas robusta y sin etiquetas Basada en el análisis de la luz reflejada. se ha utilizado durante muchos años como una herramienta complementaria para la inspección visual.
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Reference comments

1 hr

Examen microscópico de confirmación

Given the explanation for urine reflex testing, "examen microscópico de confirmación" looks correct. The term "reflex testing" is confusing because it refers to tests conducted as a result of abnormal findings in a previous test, i.e., a test conducted reflexively.

"Reflex testing generally takes two forms. In reflex-to-microscopic approaches, the laboratory first performs a chemical UA to detect abnormalities such as blood, protein, glucose, and indirect indicators of bacterial infection (e.g., leukocyte esterase and nitrite). Abnormal chemical UA results then trigger subsequent microscopic UA to look for cells, bacteria, yeast, casts, and crystals. Some laboratories also use a reflex-to-culture approach and only perform urine cultures if infection-relevant chemical or microscopic UA findings, or both, are detected."
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1 hr


no En hits for "reflexive microscopy"

Note added at 1 час (2023-10-03 18:49:44 GMT)



Reflex testing generally takes two forms. In reflex-to-microscopic approaches, the laboratory first performs a chemical UA to detect abnormalities such as blood, protein, glucose, and indirect indicators of bacterial infection (e.g., leukocyte esterase and nitrite). Abnormal chemical UA results then trigger subsequent microscopic UA to look for cells, bacteria, yeast, casts, and crystals. Some laboratories also use a reflex-to-culture approach and only perform urine cultures if infection-relevant chemical or microscopic UA findings, or both, are detected.

Note added at 1 час (2023-10-03 18:53:24 GMT)


Note added at 1 час (2023-10-03 18:58:51 GMT)

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree megane_wang
12 hrs
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