Apr 28, 2007 16:08
17 yrs ago
18 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Real Estate Übereignung von Grundeigentum
Der Veräußerer [des Grundeigentums] hat dem Erwerber spätestens am Übergabetag sämtliche in seinem Besitz befindliche Papiere und Unterlagen (vor allem Pläne, Baugenehmigungen, Statik und Berechungen sowie die ***Bestandspläne***), die den Vertragsgegenstand betreffen, zu übergeben.

Im Grunde suche ich eine im Englischen adäquate Übersetzung für diesen Sachverhalt, der z. B. auf Wikipedia so erklärt wird: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestandsplan

Vielen Dank schon mal!
Gruß, Lisa
Change log

Apr 24, 2009 22:33: Kim Metzger changed "Field" from "Law/Patents" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "Law (general)" to "Real Estate"


lisa79 (asker) Apr 30, 2007:
Hi, Francis, thanks for asking. The full context of the translation is basically the sale of a German property and plot, and the term has been taken from the relevant sales agreement. The purpose / skopos of the translation (in what we'd call the translation brief) would be an informative one, ie for information purposes, from which I have deduced that the translation is to remain anchored in the source legal system, ie the German one. That is why I’m basically after a phrase which neatly renders the German term with all its connotations. From the overall context of the source text the Wikipedia definition seems quite appropriate, esp. the first sentence of it.
Francis Lee (X) Apr 30, 2007:
That's the sentence - but what's the full context/readership for your translation? Or are you asking out of personal interest? What are your own ideas?
casper (X) Apr 29, 2007:

Proposed translations

4 mins

plan showing the current state of the property

e.g. existing floor plan - Maybe there's a more concise term.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kcda : 644 (Pro pts) divided by 4 = 161. You were right on 161 occasions and this time as well. Incidentally I am not biased by that, your answer is correct that is why I agree! Congratulations.
7 mins
agree Wilhelm Deutsch : Yes. von W.D.
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot, everybody. Kim's suggestion better fits my context. And Tom, you're right this should actually have come under real estate."
15 mins

as-built plan

This term is used for the plans made after the building has been built or alterations made (i.e. it is more up to date than the plans drawn up before the work is carried out)
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : not sure this is a legal question, though: www.proz.com/?sp=gloss/term&id=4025840
1 hr
agree Peter Barker
1 day 16 hrs
agree John Jory
703 days
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