Translation glossary: AD4

Showing entries 51-100 of 1,452
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&Duplicate Swatch&Farbfeld duplizieren 
English to German
&Edit List...&Liste bearbeiten... 
English to German
English to German
&Ellipses (...)Elli&psen (...) 
English to German
&Embed ICC Profile:Auflösung: 
English to German
&Embedded Font Location:Position der &eingebetteten Schrift: 
English to German
&Extra Width:&Besondere Breite: 
English to German
&Find Next&Weitersuchen 
English to German
English to German
&Font Subsetting:&Schrift-Teilmengen: 
English to German
&Fonts in Document:Schriften im &Dokument: 
English to German
&Global&Nicht global 
English to German
&Global&Nicht global 
English to German
&Gradient Approximation:&Änderung der Verlaufsposition: 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
&JavaScript Files...&JavaScript-Dateien... 
English to German
English to German
English to German
&Learned Words:&Aufgenommene &Wörter: 
English to German
&Link Opacity Mask&Deckkraftmaske verbinden 
English to German
&Lower Case (abc)&Kleinbuchstaben (abc) 
English to German
&LZW Compression&LZW-Komprimierung 
English to German
English to German
English to German
&Misspelled Words:&Falsch geschriebene Wörter: 
English to German
&Mixed Case (Abc)&Anfangsbuchstaben groß (Abc) 
English to German
&Multiple Master&Multiple Master 
English to German
English to German
English to German
&New Opacity Masks Are Inverted&Neue Deckkraftmasken sind invertiert 
English to German
&New Swatch...&Neues Farbfeld... 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
&Other&Anderer Wert 
English to German
&Other Library...&Andere Bestände... 
English to German
English to German
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