Translation glossary: CS-EN (UK) miscellaneous

Showing entries 451-500 of 665
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rozpočtový rokfinancial year, budget year 
Czech to English
Czech to English
rozvaha v plném rozsahubalance sheet in full format 
Czech to English   Accounting
rušivé podnětydisturbance, disruption; distracting stimuli, distractions 
Czech to English
rychlovarná konviceelectric kettle, jug kettle 
Czech to English
s gradientem mobilní fáze [liquid chromatography]with a mobile-phase gradient 
Czech to English
s přispěnímwith the contribution of, with input from 
Czech to English
sahá od doby ...dates from the time ... 
Czech to English
saturejkasavory [herb] 
Czech to English
Czech to English
scenář [film credits]screenplay 
Czech to English   Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
sdruženýassociated; combined, merged; comprehensive (insurance); consolidated (shipment) 
Czech to English
se osvědčilo jako ...has proved to be ... 
Czech to English
se ubírá správným směremis going/moving/heading in the right direction 
Czech to English
sedánísitting down 
Czech to English
serenový plodsaw palmetto, Serenoa repens 
Czech to English   Botany
servisní dobaservice hours, office hours 
Czech to English
sestříhané videoedited video 
Czech to English   Media / Multimedia
si nelámou hlavu ...don\'t worry about ..., don\'t make a big deal out of ... 
Czech to English
silná stránkastrength(s); strong point, forte 
Czech to English
Czech to English
skladníkstore worker, warehouseman 
Czech to English
skládačkapuzzle, jigsaw puzzle; leaflet; [skládací kolo] folding bike 
Czech to English
Czech to English   Architecture
sklerotikabsent-minded person; [medical] multiple sclerosis sufferer 
Czech to English
skrytá kopie [email]BCC, blind CC 
Czech to English
složenkapaying-in slip, deposit slip, bank giro credit 
Czech to English
sloučení nebo splynutímerger or takeover (merging with or being absorbed by) 
Czech to English
sloupcový grafbar chart 
Czech to English
služba vytvářející důvěrutrust service 
Czech to English
smlouva uzavíraná adhezním způsobemcontract of adhesion 
Czech to English   Law: Contract(s)
sociální dovednostisocial skills 
Czech to English
soubory cookiecookies 
Czech to English   IT (Information Technology)
souhrnné hlášení [VAT]recapitulative statement 
Czech to English   Law: Taxation & Customs
Soxhletův extraktorSoxhlet extractor 
Czech to English   Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
spatřit světlo božíto be born, to come into this world 
Czech to English
Společnost národůLeague of Nations 
Czech to English
Společnost všeobecného lékařství (ČLS JEP)Society of General Practice 
Czech to English
spolubydlícíroommate, flatmate, fellow occupant, fellow resident 
Czech to English
správní soudnictvíadministrative justice 
Czech to English
spustitelný kódexecutable code 
Czech to English   IT (Information Technology)
staženíwithdrawal, disengagement; contraction; downloading 
Czech to English
stahovánídownloading; product recall (withdrawal from circulation) 
Czech to English
standardní věta o nebezpečnostihazard statement 
Czech to English   Safety
standardní věty udávající bezpečnostní opatření pro ochranu …standard phrases for safety precautions for the protection of … 
Czech to English   Safety
standardněby default, normally, as a general rule, as a matter of course, routinely 
Czech to English
status usedlíkasettled status [immigration] 
Czech to English
stavebninybuilding materials 
Czech to English   Construction / Civil Engineering
střípekfragment, bit, piece, scrap, shard, shred 
stejněequally; anyway 
Czech to English
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