Tageditor spell-check omits the last letter of a word
Thread poster: Richard Foulkes (X)
Richard Foulkes (X)
Richard Foulkes (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:53
German to English
+ ...
Apr 7, 2011


I'm using Tageditor 2007. The spell-check has a habit of missing the last letter off a word. This means it will take a correct word such as 'organise', and query it as 'organis'. It also means, if I now hit 'ignore all', it may miss any typos where I actually have missed the -e off. So I just have to use 'ignore' each time, which is obviously not very efficient.

Can anybody help with this?

Lennart Luhtaru
Lennart Luhtaru  Identity Verified
United States
English to Estonian
+ ...
Same problem here Apr 7, 2011

I don't understand this problem, it comes and goes and is document-dependent.

Alina - Maria Chiteala
Alina - Maria Chiteala  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:53
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Here too Apr 7, 2011

Well it seems that when the tag are inserted if there is no space between the word the tag the spell check does not work....

Lennart Luhtaru
Lennart Luhtaru  Identity Verified
United States
English to Estonian
+ ...
Not only Apr 7, 2011

It also sometimes happens when there is a space between tag and the word or just randomly. It's a stupid TE bug I guess.

Another thing, what makes TE's spellcheck useless, is that if I write "Do this this good", it does not find the "accidental double word" problem.

It's best to just save target as and to do the final spellcheck in word.

Walter Blaser
Walter Blaser  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:53
French to German
+ ...
You can use QA to detect duplicated words Apr 7, 2011

Lennart Luhtaru wrote:
Another thing, what makes TE's spellcheck useless, is that if I write "Do this this good", it does not find the "accidental double word" problem.

You can detect these errors by setting the option "Check for repeated words in target" in the QA Checker 2.0.


Walter Blaser
Walter Blaser  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:53
French to German
+ ...
It is not a TE bug really Apr 7, 2011

This usually happens when there is a tag in-midst of a word. You can check this by displaying all tags.


Claudia Digel
Claudia Digel  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:53
English to German
+ ...
It's a nuisance Apr 7, 2011

Walter Blaser wrote:

This usually happens when there is a tag in-midst of a word. You can check this by displaying all tags.


Actually, this is nothing to do with tags in the middle of a word. It seems to be a TE bug, and a very annoying one. AFAIK it was introduced with the latest version of TE (I don't think it happened in previous versions).

The same problem was reported in this thread about a year ago. Unfortunately, nobody has come up with a solution so far.

Best regards,

[Edited at 2011-04-07 15:38 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-04-07 15:38 GMT]

David Jessop
David Jessop  Identity Verified
Spanish to English
I have the same problem... Jul 31, 2011

I have the same problem as all of you with the spell check.

No response from SDL.


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Tageditor spell-check omits the last letter of a word

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