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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Time to meet again

February 9, 2008, 12:00 pm
United KingdomBristolIn personEnglish
I would suggest to use the Watershed Media Centre as the venue again as it was a really nice place to meet, and food wasn't bad either.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (19) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Elvana Moore  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" I am looking forward to meeting everybody again, and hopefully more collegues will be able to make it this time.  y
Daniela Gieseler-Higgs   Hi Elvana, I missed the last event and I would love to hook up. It would be lovely to chat to some translators who are a bit more experienced that me for some advice...  y
Victoria Porter-Burns   I'll do my best to get there - thanks for the info Elvana. Do you know if it's easy to get to from the railway station as I might well take the train rather than drive.  y
Joanne Parker  \"Photographer\" I'll bring my camera again (the pics were too large last time, which is why they didn't load). See you there!  
Nicola BOTTRELL HAYWARD   I'm playing in a concert in Yate that day so I unfortunately won't be able to make it.  n
XJane Griffiths (X)  \"Photographer\" Illness in my family.  n
Mihailolja   Hope to be able to make it.  
Sonja Allen   I also missed the last event and would like to make it this time.  y
Kathrin Harrison   I'll definitely try to make it this time although I am involved in a soup run that day, so I might turn up slightly late.  m
Michael Boone   Have work to do - pity as really wanted to attend  n
Lidia Morejudo   It sounds interesting, I am looking forward to meeting everybody.  y
Christiana Tziortziou  \"Photographer\" I really wanna come; my first time to this event. I'll DEFINATELY try to come! :-)  
Trinidad Clares Flores   Hi there! I will definitely be coming and look forward to meeting everybody there.  y
lisa79   Great there's another Powwow get-together in Bristol. I hope I'll be able to make it.  m
chris collister   Hope to be able to make it, work permitting. Should be fun...  y
Julian Wood   Hope to make it- though it's a bit of a long way  
XMaud Gillet   Maud Gillet  
maiso   Great there's a Powwow in Florence. I hope I'll be able to meet you. Please tell me the time and the meeting place.  m
Ewelina Kwiatek   I hope I will attend this meeting.  m

Postings about this event

Powwow: Bristol - United Kingdom
Lidia Morejudo
Lidia Morejudo  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:51
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks to all Feb 12, 2008

It was very nice to meet with other translators and newbies to the area as well!
Hope we can do this again! Well done to Elvana for the organization.


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