This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Social, Happy Hour, and other fun stuff

July 17, 2012, 9:00 pm
GermanyBerlinIn personEnglish
Cafe Chagall
Kollwitzstr. 2
10405 Berlin
Stadtviertel: Prenzlauer Berg

UBahn: Senefelderplatz

Last Happy Hour was a great time, so here we go again.

I'll tell the staff that there are a bunch of translators meeting, and then hopefully they can help to point us out.

Bis dann!


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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (22) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Alex Scholz  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
jbtrans NL-D   ...  m
Diego Mosca   ...  
Patrick Innocenti   ...  
Andrea Wiethoff   ...  m
XMoisés Jomarrón de la Cerda (X)   Moisés Jomarrón de la Cerda  y
Melanie Maiwald-Meylahn   ...  y
XDamian Harrison (X)   ...  n
Xsylvie malich (X)   Will update my attendance closer to the date!  m
Paul Skidmore   ...  n
AdamiAkaPataflo   neue Runde, neues Glück - this time I want to be there!   y
Udo Baingo  \"Photographer\" Will try to come...  m
Franck Loric   ...  
Kristina Wirsching   Immer wieder gerne! :)  
Alexandra Kottisch   ...  
Adrian Garcia-Landa   ...  
silvie mc cullough   Oh no! Can't make it next week, but hopefully in August again. Have fun :)  n
Felix Rabeler   ...  
Sandra Kötzle   ...  y
Felice Liserre   ...  m
Olga Tammjarv  y
Kerstin Knepper   Besser spät entschlossen als nie...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Berlin - Germany
Beatriz González
Beatriz González  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
Member (2012)
German to Spanish
+ ...
oh no! Jun 30, 2012

I won´t be able to be there, as I am abroad till 18th.... Schade!

Ute Feldmann
Ute Feldmann  Identity Verified
English to German
+ ...
oh no! - 2 Jul 2, 2012

I also won't be able to come. A week later would have been perfect for me. Hopefully there will be another meeting sometime in August.


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