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September 20, 2003, 12:00 am
CanadaTorontoIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (18) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Yuri Geifman  \"Organizer\" Hopefully, there will be no more blackouts :-)  
Mark Vaintroub  \"Photographer\" I'm in again. Same place? Same time? Same century? :-))  
Xlone (X)  \"Host\" Glad to hear that we are still on. I will try to be there, where ever it is!  
AlwaysMoving  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Will see this time, Count me in and again if you need help,Yuri, just ask  
Christine Slattery  \"Host\" I am sure that I can make it. My spare room is available if somebody needs a bed and is not allergic to cats...  
Xfoehnerk (X)   Sounds good!  
Carole Harrington   Count me in, please!  
Larissa Boutrimova   I'll be there  
Morgane Boëdec   Count me in!  
Isabelle Lapierre   Let me know where we're meeting. I'd love to come  
Saskia   I will be there  
XMmelinda   Count me in!  
Premier Focus  \"Reporter\" We will make sure not to miss it!  
margari   I'll be there too  
XVeronica Mengana (X)  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I am looking forward to this...perfect timing...I just got back to Toronto!  
Amir Gavriely   I hope to make it  
Laura Molinari   I almost missed this one as I thought the posting was still the old one! I will be there.  
Angelica Mengana  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I'm so excited!!!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Toronto - Canada
Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:47
English to Russian
+ ...
Mandarin Chinese Restaurant Sep 4, 2003

1027 Finch Ave. West, Toronto (300 m West of Dufferin, South side of Finch Ave.)

I'm making arrangements for 12 Noon. The restaurant is open for lunch until 3, then it's closed from 3 to 5.

Laura Molinari
Laura Molinari  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:47
French to English
+ ...
Any downtown residents? Sep 19, 2003

I'm wondering if there's anyone who might be driving to the restaurant from downtown. If so, I would love to carpool if possible to shorten the travel time.

If anyone is going from downtown (anywhere downtown), please send me an email ([email protected])


Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:47
English to Russian
+ ...
Last-minute reminder Sep 20, 2003

The meeting is on and we're going to have a guest from (Henry isn't coming this time, but someone else is).

If you're not sure where you're going:
By car - take the Allen Rd North to Finch, turn left and look for Mandarin on your left-hand side about 300 meters down the road (if you see a sign for Moscow Sauna Club, you're there - it's in the same plaza).
By TTC - Finch West bus (No. 36) from the Finch Subway Station.

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:47
English to Russian
+ ...
Last-minute reminder Sep 20, 2003

The meeting is on and we're going to have a guest from (Henry isn't coming this time, but someone else is).

If you're not sure where you're going:
By car - take the Allen Rd North to Finch, turn left and look for Mandarin on your left-hand side about 300 meters down the road (if you see a sign for Moscow Sauna Club, you're there - it's in the same plaza).
By TTC - Finch West bus (No. 36) from the Finch Subway Station.


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