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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Picnic in the park

July 17, 2005, 12:00 am
United KingdomLondonIn personEnglish
Hi everyone,

Trying to organise a summer powwow for the Londoners and almost-Londoners as promised in December. Thought it'd be nice to have a day out in the park providing the weather's good. Could be Hyde Park which is nice and big. Could be somewhere else. Could be pretty much any Sunday in July and August depending on people's availability. Bring your own food/drinks/children/dogs... and let's have fun!
Hope to see you there!


PS: Please indicate availability (Sundays in July/August) when replying so that I can figure out which day will be best. Time would be round 12 pm I guess. Thanks.

PS2: Meeting at 12pm on Sunday at Marble Arch (underneath it if poss.). Will be wearing a red hat and a red dress. We'll move to the park after waiting for a while at Marble Arch but will stay on the edge of it for the late-comers to find us easily. See you then!
Event Organizer:

Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (47) / Confirmed: 21 / Tentative: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
TRADL  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" I am a newcomer and would love to come and meet everyone!  
XFlorence Stubbs   pas sure d'etre disponible le 17 (visiteurs chez moi a ce moment la, non encore confirmés). Si dispo, avec plaisir! :)
  What are these?
XJavier Herrera (X)   Yes, I might go again :-)  y
Teresa Gomez   Never been to a powwow. I'd love to join you! : )  y
Eva Kovacikova   Hello everyone. looking forward to meeting you all :)  y
XAngela Dickson (X)   If I'm free, I'll be there.  y
St�phanie --   I will definitely come with husband and daughter (2 years old)!  y
stephen mewes   Sounds good to me. Never been to one of these affairs.  
Beth Fagnant   ...  m
Anel Kovacevic  \"Reporter\" ...  
Shoukat Mohammed   Hey it will be great to see you all, lots of networking  
XSean Linney (X)   I'm afraid I'll be away on holiday that weekend.  n
Kim Sanderson   ...  y
juvera   ...  n
Leonarda Coviello   I have no plans for that date at the moment. So, I think it would be nice to attend.  m
Katherine Hodkinson   Sounds like a good idea - I'd like to meet some people. I'll be there if the weather's good!  y
Gabriele Twohig   I'd like to come but this may be right in the middle of my holiday. Will have to wait and see. Would be nice to meet you guys!  m
sandra lewis   I am so sorry I am stuck with a deadline and can't go around it. Have fun!  n
Ingo Dierkschnieder   As per usual, I'm not sure what that specific weekend brings. However, I'll do my very best not to have to work that weekend.  m
Tatiana Kovaleva  \"Photographer\" Yes, I'd like to come. See you in July. Hope the weather will be fine...  y
JudyK   Sorry, can't make that date, so another time hopefully!  n
Tania Martins   ... maybe next time ...  n
Kelvedon   There is always a first time for everything, I'd love to go!  y
Robert Allwood   Not sure If I can come but...  
CarolG   would lov to come, but the date is not great - can change?  
Erika Winpenny  \"Photographer\" Should definitely be around for this. Look forward to it.  y
Samir RPSI   would love to come.. as it will be my first time like most, I think if I can make it, I will really enjoy it with you all proz. but, I might be on Holiday.  m
XHenriett Varga (X)   This is to confirm that I am going to attend with my friend. See you on Sunday!  y
Alina Matei  \"Photographer\" Hi everyone. This sounds really exciting and I'm well up for it. Can't wait to see you all.  y
XNancy Burgess (X)  \"Host\" Sounds like a splendid idea...  y
Maria Teijido   Hi! I'd love to come. Date may be a bit tight but I'll definitely try.  m
Mirela Fletcher  \"Photographer\" Hi. Any time after 13th of July. Can bring my 3 year old son. Anyone else with a kid?  y
XStefan Tobler (X)   what a perfect day, drink sangria in the park...  n
Kirsten Schulze   Hi Aud, the date's in my diary. Let's see what happens workwise... ;)  y
Aisha Maniar   Sorry, I won't be able to make it after all. I hope everyone has a great time!  n
aykon  \"Host\" Yes, finally meet some proz collegues!!! Could put someone up on my living room sofa in Streatham.  y
Xdavid angel (X)   I'd like to come if I can.  m
v.cresevich  \"Photographer\" I'll be there! July is ok. and Hyde Park is near...can't wait to meet you all!  y
XUSER00230 (X)   Great idea, 17th is fine by me; 24th also OK. Hyde Park is good for a picnic.  y
Charlie Bavington   Will try, especially if the sun's out :-)  m
Marion Sadoux   I am a newcomer. I will join you if I am free.  
Stuart Stilitz   Will try to attend  m
Laura Craggs   I'd like to come up from Brighton if I can make it.  y
XDimitrios Manganaris   Hi, 17th of July sounds good. I'll see you there.  y
Isabelle Henderson   isabelle henderson, not sure whtehr can attend would like info about future London events,. Thank you.  
Sophie Marette   ...  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: London - United Kingdom
Javier Herrera (X)
Javier Herrera (X)
A ti te conozco yo Apr 5, 2005

Teresa Gomez
Teresa Gomez
Local time: 22:47
English to Spanish
+ ...
Hola Javier! : ) Apr 6, 2005

Qué tal? Hace tiempo que el grupo de español está muy callado. También vas al ITI Walking weekend en Scarborough verdad? Yo también. Teresa
  What are these?

Eliza-Anna  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
Danish to English
+ ...
17 July Jun 1, 2005

Look forward to seeing everyone on 17th July!

Eliza-Anna  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
Danish to English
+ ...
17 July Jun 13, 2005

I am sorry to have to cancel. Lets hope I can make it another time!

sandra lewis
sandra lewis
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
English to French
+ ...
17 July Jul 5, 2005

I am afraid I will not know until the very last minute, so I shall be looking for that big red hat in the park...

Gabriele Twohig
Gabriele Twohig  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:47
English to German
17 July Jul 6, 2005

Same as Sandra. I will be in transit between two countries on that day - so will only know on the actual day! But I very much hope to see you all!

Henriett Varga (X)
Henriett Varga (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
English to Hungarian
+ ...
17 July Jul 6, 2005

I will most probably attend, but will confirm a couple of days before the event. Have a nice day!

Erika Winpenny
Erika Winpenny
Local time: 22:47
Member (2005)
English to German
Bombs Jul 8, 2005

Personally, I'm even more motivated to go ahead with it to defy those monsters who did this. Their goal is to disrupt our lives and I don't think we should let them get away with it. I just hope none of you guys have been personally affected by this horrendous tragedy.

Ingo Dierkschnieder
Ingo Dierkschnieder  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
Member (2004)
English to German
+ ...
Go ahead Jul 8, 2005

I can't confirm just yet but even I should not be able to make it, I think the Powwow should definitely go ahead. The last thing we want is for this vermin to succeed in driving us out of the city.

Leonarda Coviello
Leonarda Coviello  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
Member (2003)
English to Italian
+ ...
17 July Jul 8, 2005

As with Sandra Lewis, I will not know until the very last minute, but you bet that I will find you, with or without the red haticon_wink.gif.

BTW, of course the powwow should go ahead!

Henriett Varga (X)
Henriett Varga (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Go ahead Jul 8, 2005

Most probably I can come and I will definitely confirm it next week. I will bring alone my partner who is also very interested in translation. Concerning yesterday`s horrible events I would like to say that we must carry on our normal life and we should not live in constant fear. I am looking forward to meeting you at my first powwow!

Aisha Maniar
Aisha Maniar  Identity Verified
Arabic to English
+ ...
Go ahead Jul 8, 2005

I should be able to confirm attendance after the weekend. But nonetheless, the powwow should still take place!

Henriett Varga (X)
Henriett Varga (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:47
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Oups, a typing mistake Jul 8, 2005

I will bring along...

St�phanie --
St�phanie --
Local time: 22:47
English to French
+ ...
Go ahead Jul 9, 2005

I definitely think that we should go ahead! I just hope that none of you or your relatives/friends have been caught up in the recent events.

Javier Herrera (X)
Javier Herrera (X)
Speaker's Corner Jul 12, 2005

Actually, we could meet at the Speaker's Corner. HandZ up! I know some people have never been there.
We could even organize a small speech about our profession.

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