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[View Powwow Report] powwow:

September 12, 2005, 12:00 am
United KingdomLondonIn personEnglish
Event Organizers:

Oliver Walter

PoveyTrans (X)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (32) / Confirmed: 10 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
XPuicz (X)  \"Organizer\" ...  
XPoveyTrans (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Oliver Walter  \"Organizer\" \"Photographer\" I intend to come  y
Marketing-Lang.   Sorry, folks. My plans got squeezed by other events and I won't be in the UK on that day...  n
chaplin   A friend has just invited me for her birthday party next Friday sorry I cannot come but enjoy yourselves  n
Gabriele Twohig   Sorry guys, I cannot make it. Hope to see you some other time perhaps?  n
Catherine Dauvergne-Newman   Sorry, can't make it now. Have fun!  n
JudyK   Thanks, Mike - look forward to seeing you there!  y
Jorge Freire  \"Photographer\" I would like to meet my colleagues in London. and this is a good opportunity  y
XUSER00230 (X)   will go if here that day.  n
Jesús Marín Mateos   I'd love to attend if I'm free on the day .....  y
Ec Linguistic Solutions  \"Host\" I would love to!  m
Angelo Berbotto   depending on where it is in London - I have one hour for lunch - cheers  y
Flo in London   ...  n
Christopher Burin   If I am free on that day I would love to come!  n
Carole Harrington   I'm sad to say I won't be able to attend.  n
Teresa Gomez   I might be able to attend : )  
Dusica Lukrecija Stilic   as usual... something came up! sorry, next time!  n
X Gaviria  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" First powow, looking forward to it..  y
aykon   just realised it s a monday - i ll be working then  n
Ingo Dierkschnieder   Sorry, but lunchtime is simply not manageable for me.  n
XMonika Lawrence   Although I have been looking forward to meeting other translators at the powwow, my circumstances have changes and I am unable to attend.  n
Dierk Widmann   Well, the usual things have interfered. :( Sorry, but I just can't make it.  n
Hazel Whiteley   I may be able to make it  y
Madelen Neikter   Very interested  y
XCristina Hritcu (X)   I'd love to come if able to... let me know the location and hour please!  m
XTARJOMEH GAR  \"Host\" ...  n
Sheila Hardie   I might be able to make it - not sure yet. In the end, I will not be able to make it. I hope you all have a great powwow!  n
XJavier Herrera (X)   ...  n
XAimee Van Vliet (X)   If it's after work, in the evening, I'll come.  m
Avrora   I would love to attend my first powwow! Can you let me know the time and place please?  m
Dees  \"Photographer\" ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: London - United Kingdom
Jorge Freire
Jorge Freire  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:44
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Address of Italian Kitchen Sep 2, 2005

Please give th address of Italian Kitchen. At the moment I am in Portugal and will be back on the 6th

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:44
German to English
+ ...
Address Sep 6, 2005

43 New Oxford Street, mid-way between Tottenham Court Road and Holborn Tube stations.


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