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Global Island er en ø i cyberspace og består af de fem uafhængige lande: Otago, Nex, Votrox, Porta og Zobia. Du kan finde en beskrivelse af hvert land i 'Profiles' i øverste bjælke inde i spillet.
For at løse globale problemer har de et fælles parlament, Global Island-Parlamentet. Alle beslutninger her er bindende for alle lande på Global Island.
Hvad handler spillet om?
Alle spillere er parlamentsmedlemmer i et af Global Islands fem lande. I løbet af spillet opstår to alvorlige globale dilemmaer. Parlamentsmedlemmerne i de fem lande skal finde frem til fælles løsninger. Først skal de debattere og vedtage et løsningsforslag i de fem lokale parlamenter, hvorefter de bliver fremsat i Global Island-Parlamentet hvor alle kan deltage i afstemningen af hvilket løsningsforslag der skal vedtages.
Som parlamentsmedlem kan du score point til dig selv og dit land ved at fremsætte konstruktive løsningsforslag. Det er også en konkurrence om point (stemmer) for at blive genvalgt til parlamentet ved spillerundens afslutning. Kun de 50% af parlamentsmedlemmerne med flest point genvælges, og ender du blandt Top 5 i dit land, venter der en post med magt og indflydelse. Du kan blive præsident, statsminister, udenrigsminister, justitsminister eller udviklingsminister, og du får tilsendt en Global Island T-shirt.
Der er også konkurrence landene i mellem. Landene får point efter den placering de opnår i afstemningerne i Global Island-Parlamentet. Ved spillets afslutning bliver det land der har flest point udnævnt til Global Island Champion, og de af landets parlamentarikere, der afslutter som nr. 6 til nr. 15 på landets scorliste, får tilsendt en Global Island T-shirt som præmie (nr. 1 til nr. 5 har allerede vundet en T-shirt). Det land der ender sidst i landekonkurrencen mister deres pladser i Global Island-Parlamentet og må klare sig på egen hånd i fremtiden.
Hvad er din rolle som spiller og parlamentariker?
Som medlem af parlamentet i et af de fem lande på Global Island er du samtidig medlem af Global Island-Parlamentet.
I det lokale parlament har du ret til at holde tale (højst to taler om hvert dilemma) og tilkendegive din sympati/antipati ved at stemme på dine landsmænds taler.
Når du skriver taler til det lokale parlament, er det en god idé at henvise til de andres taler. Formålet med parlamentsdiskussionerne er at opnå en fælles forståelse gennem dialog. Derfor er det en god ide at vente med tale nummer to. Det giver dig tid til at følge diskussionen i dit land og mulighed for at inddrage mange forskellige synspunkter i din anden tale. Hvis mange spillere får indtryk af at du har lyttet til deres synspunkter, forbedrer det dine pointchancer.
Din regering fremsætter to løsningsforslag efter at den lokale debat er færdig. Du skal stemme for det forslag du mener skal videre til Global Island-Parlamentet.
Du kan ikke holde taler eller stemme i de andre lokalparlamenter, men du kan følge med i deres debat. Kig under 'Debatter' i øverste bjælke inde i spillet.
I Global Island-Parlamentet deltager du i afstemningen mellem forslagene fra de fire nabolande ved at give karakterer fra 1 til 4: 1 til det bedste forslag, 4 til det dårligste. Du kan ikke stemme på dit eget lands forslag.
Du kan også deltage i debatten i de to debatfora: 'Lande Forum' og 'Gamemaster Forum' under 'Debates' og skrive artikler til 'Global Island News' under 'Global Island News' i øverste bjælke inde i spillet.
Hvordan får jeg point?
Se spilleregler
Hvad er 'Global Island News'?
Øens avis hedder 'The Global Island News' (se øverste bjælke inde i spillet). Her finder du artikler og kommentarer til de dilemmaer der debatteres, såvel som artikler fra øens beboere 'The Global Island News' søger freelance journalister.
Hvad er 'Profiler'?
Under 'Profiler' kan du læse om dig selv og alle de andre spillere + de fem landes profiler. Her har du adgang til og mulighed for at rette din egen profil.
Hvad laver regeringen?
Grupper på tre til fem parlamentsmedlemmer fungerer som lokal regering i hver af de fem lande.
Den lokale regering skal på baggrund af debatten i det lokale parlament, udvælge/formulere to løsningsforslag til den lokale afstemning.
En lokal regering kan belønne meget aktive borgere med en medalje. For eksempel hvis de holder særligt gode taler eller skriver gode artikler som freelance journalister.
Hvad er 'Debatter'?
'Lande Forum' (under 'Debatter' i øverste bjælke) er et forum, hvor emner af fælles interesse for alle borgere i jeres land debatteres. For eksempel hvis du mener, at din lokal regering misbruger sin magt ved at fremsætte forslag til det globale parlament, som du ikke genkender fra de lokale diskussioner, så har du mulighed for at kritisere regeringen.
'Gamemaster Forum' (under 'Debatter' i topbjælken) er et forum hvor 'Gamemaster' kan ytre sig og indlede diskussioner om emner af fælles interesse for alle parlamentsmedlemmer på Global Island. Her kan du også stille spørgsmål om selve spillet, hvis der er noget, du ikke forstår, eller hvis du har tekniske problem.
Hvad er tidsplanen for spillet? (eller Hvad sker hvornår?)
Spillet varer to uger, og du bliver præsenteret for to forskellige dilemmaer. Spillets tidsplan er følgende:
Uge 1
Dilemma nr. 1 Dilemma nr. 2
Mandag: Lokal debat starter kl. 0.00 GMT
Tirsdag: Lokal debat
Onsdag: Lokal debat afsluttes kl. 24.00 GMT
Torsdag: Regeringen arbejder
Lokal debat starter kl. 0.00 GMT
Fredag: Lokal afstemning starter kl. 0.00 GMT
Lokal debat
Uge 2
Dilemma nr. 1 Dilemma nr. 2
Mandag: Lokal afstemning afsluttes kl. 24.00GMT
Lokal debat afsluttes kl. 24.00 GMT
Tirsdag: Global afstemning starter 0.00 GMT
Regeringen arbejder
Onsdag: Global afstemning afsluttes kl. 24.00 GMT
Lokal afstemning starter kl. 0.00 GMT
Torsdag: Resultater af dilemma nr. 1 foreligger kl. 0.00 GMT
Lokal afstemning afsluttes kl. 12 GMT
Global afstemning starter kl. 12 GMT
Global afstemning afsluttes 24.00 GMT
Samlet resultat af dilemma nr. 1 + 2 foreligger kl. 0.00 GMT,og vil være tilgængelig i 14 dage
Hvem har produceret Global Island?
Global Island er udviklet af og Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke i samarbejde med det danske webfirma IconMediaLab. Global Island er produceret med støtte fra Undervisningsministeriet og Udenrigsministeriet i Danmark.
Bag internetportalen står 30 danske udviklings- og humanitære organisationer.
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke er Danmarks største og ældste ulandsorganisation.
IconMediaLab er ansvarlig for den tekniske udvikling af Global Island
Translation - English
Global Island is an island in cyberspace, consisting of five independent countries: Otago, Nex, Votrox, Porta, and Zobia. You will find a description of each country under “Profiles” in the top menu bar in the game.
To be able to solve problems of a global nature, the islanders have a shared parliament called the Global Island Parliament. All parliamentary decisions are binding for all the countries on Global Island.
All players are parliament members in a country on Global Island. During the course of the game, two serious global dilemmas present themselves. The parliamentarians in the five countries must come up with joint solutions. The five local parliaments debate and approve solution models which are then submitted to the Global Island Parliament. Here, everyone can vote on which solution model to adopt.
As a parliamentarian you may score points for yourself and your country by submitting constructive solution proposals. Additionally, you compete for votes (points) for re-election to parliament at the end of the round. Only those parliamentarians who are in the top 50 percent are re-elected, and if you end up among the five best in your country, a position of power and influence awaits you. You could become President, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice, or Minister of Development, plus you will receive a Global Island T-shirt in the mail.
There is also a competition on the country level. Countries are awarded points according to their rank after the vote in the Global Island Parliament. At the end of the game, the country with the highest score is proclaimed Global Island Champion, and the parliamentarians who rank 6th through 15th on their countries’ score cards get a Global Island T-shirt in the mail (nos. 1 through 5 have already received T-shirts). The country that finishes last in the competition is excluded from the Global Island Parliament and has to get by alone.
As a Member of Parliament in one of the five countries on Global Island, you are automatically also a member of the Global Island Parliament.
You are allowed to give two speeches in the local parliament on each dilemma as well as voice your approval or disagreement by voting on the speeches of your fellow citizens. Each speech should maximum be 100 words.
When writing speeches for the local parliament, it is a good idea to refer to other speeches. The idea of parliamentary debate is to reach a common understanding through dialogue. It is therefore a good idea to wait and follow the discussion in your country so that you can take the different opinions into account in your second speech. If many players feel that your have duly considered what they have said, you improve your chances of getting points from them.
After the local debate, your government will put forth two different models for solutions. Now you vote for the suggestion you feel should go on to the Global Island Parliament.
While you cannot give speeches or vote in foreign parliaments, you may follow their debates. See “Current Debates” under “Debates” in the top menu bar.
In the Global Island Parliament you vote on the proposals from your four neighbouring countries by rating them from 1 through 4 (1 being the best, and 4 the worst). You cannot vote for your own country’s proposal.
You may also take part in the debate in the two forums under “Debates”: “Country Forum” and “Gamemaster Forum”. The heading “Newspaper” in the top menu bar allows you to contribute articles to the Global Island News.
(Please see the Rules of the Game)
The island’s newspaper is the Global Island News (see the top menu bar). Here you will find articles and comments on the current debates, as well as articles from the citizens of the island. The Global Island News is looking for freelance reporters.
Under the heading “Profiles” you can read about yourself and view the profiles of all the other players and the five countries. You may also access and adjust your own profile.
Groups of three to five parliamentarians serve as government in each of the five countries. The local government must choose or draft two proposals based on the debate in the local parliament and submit these for voting.
A local government may award a medal to particularly active citizens – if for instance someone gives remarkable speeches or writes good articles as a freelance reporter.
“Country Forum” (under “Debates” in the top menu bar) is a forum for debating issues of interest to all the citizens of your country. For example, if you feel that your government is abusing its power by submitting proposals to the global parliament that you do not recognise from local discussion, this is the place to voice your criticism.
“Gamemaster Forum” (under “Debates” in the top menu bar) is a forum where the Gamemaster can speak out or initiate discussions on topics of interest to all members of parliaments on Global Island. This is also the place to ask questions about the game if there is something you don’t understand, or if you have technical trouble.
The game lasts for two weeks during which time you will be presented with two different dilemmas. The full schedule of the game is as follows:
Week One
Dilemma no.1
Monday: Local debate starts at 0:00 GMT
Tuesday: Local debate
Wednesday: Local debate finishes at 24:00 GMT
Thursday: Government is in session
Friday: Local voting starts at 0:00 GMT
Dilemma no. 2
Thursday: Local debate starts at 0:00 GMT
Friday: Local debate
Week Two
Dilemma no. 1
Monday: Local voting ends at 24:00 GMT
Tuesday: Global voting starts at 0:00 GMT
Wednesday: Global voting ends at 24:00 GMT
Thursday: Results of dilemma 1 are ready at 0:00 GMT
Dilemma no. 2
Monday: Local debate ends at 24:00 GMT
Tuesday: Government is in session
Wednesday: Local voting starts at 0:00 GMT
Thursday: Local voting ends at 12:00 GMT
Global voting starts at 12:00 GMT
Friday: Global voting ends at 24:00 GMT
Saturday: Results of dilemmas 1 and 2 are available for two weeks from 0:00 GMT
Global Island is developed by and the Danish Association for International Co-operation, in co-operation with IconMediaLab Denmark. Global Island is produced with support from the Danish Ministry of Education and the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. is an internet portal backed by thirty Danish development and humanitarian organisations.
The Danish Association for International Co-operation is Denmark’s largest and oldest foreign aid/development organisation
Web developers IconMediaLab are responsible for the technical development of Global Island
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Aarhus
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Sep 2000.
I offer translation and proofreading in Danish and English with the emphasis on quality and creativity.
Also copywriting and editing of most types of text in either language.
My particular strength is providing natural sounding, convincing copy that gets the job done.
That said, I have also completed a variety of highly technical texts to the satisfaction of my clients.
If you want high quality translation or copy writing that you can trust, don't hesitate to contact me. My texts work.
BA in English Language and Literature (University of Aarhus) 2000, specialising in translation
Partially completed master's studies in Communication at the University of Aarhus and the Aarhus School of Business.
Registered as a business in Denmark (momsregistreret). Phone (+45) 302-MADSG (30262374)
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