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Spanish to English: Power of Attorney General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish Y a todos ellos con el cáracter de solidario, para que cada uno de ellos, en el ámbito de su respectiva competencia, represente a la poderdante en le ejercicio de sus derechos, acciones y excepciones, y al efecto, como demandado, demandante, coadyuvante, querellante o en el concepto y legitimación procesal que en cada caso activa o pasivamente proceda, comparezca ante Juzgado y Tribunales de cualquier grado y jurisdicción, Autoridades, Funcionarios, Centros y Corporaciones Estatales, Provinciales, Municipales, o de cualquier otro orden, en juicios civiles, singulares o universales, declarativos o ejecutivos, actos de jurisdicción voluntaria; procedimientos de orden penal; recursos gubernativos, contencioso administrativos y en general en procedimientos de cualquier clase y naturaleza.
Translation - English This power of attorney is granted to all parties jointly and severally in order that they may each represent the grantor, within their respective fields of expertise, in the exercise of his rights, legal actions and defences, and, to this end, appear before Courts of Law of all levels and jurisdictions, as well as Authorities, Officials, Centres and Corporations at a National, Provincial, Municipal or other level as defendant, claimant, intervener, complainant or in the appropriate capacity and standing, be it actively or passively, in civil suits, insolvency proceedings involving some or all assets, declaratory or summary judgements, non-contentious proceedings, criminal proceedings, all administrative appeals and, in general, in proceedings of any kind and nature.
Spanish to English: Possible side effects General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Spanish En ciertos casos, especialmente con dosis altas, o al principio del tratamiento, puede producir hipotensión ortostática (sensación de mareo al levantarse). Este efecto puede ser potenciado por el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. En pacientes especialmente sensibles, la hipotensión puede dar lugar a síncope, que pudiera ser confundido con sintomatología de infarto agudo de miocardio.
Otros efectos secundarios son: dolor de cabeza, rubo o sensación de calor facial, mareos, palpitaciones, fatiga. Por lo general, todos estos efectos, como la hipotensión, remiten al continuar el tratamiento o en todo caso, al disminuir la dosis. Al igual que otros nitritos, el mononitrato de isosorbida puede originar, en raras ocasiones, erupciones cutáneas y/o dermatitis exfoliativa.
Translation - English In some cases, particularly when high doses are being taken or at the start of treatment, orthostatic hypotension (dizziness upon standing up) may occur. This effect may be heightened if alcoholic drinks are consumed. In particularly sensitive patients, hypotension may cause fainting, which could be confused with the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction.
Other side effects are: headache, flushing or a feeling of warmth in the face, dizziness, palpitations, fatigue. In general, these side effects, much like hypotension, will abate as treatment continues or, in any case, when the dose is decreased. Like other nitrites, isosorbide mononitrate may rarely cause skin rash and/or exfoliative dermatitis.
Spanish to English: Search for signs of technological activity General field: Science Detailed field: Astronomy & Space
Source text - Spanish Por definición, una civilización tecnológica tiene la capacidad técnica para comunicar o generar cualquier tipo de actividad tecnológica que pueda ser detectable a distancias interestelares. Las señales así generadas, pueden ser intencionales (señales transmitidas para darse a conocer) o no intencionales (generadas como resultado de una actividad tecnológica de propósito local). Cualquier señal de contacto entre dos civilizaciones tecnológicas de nuestra galaxia, está restringida por las leyes físicas que gobiernan el universo. Para ser detectable a distancias interestelares, la señal deberá: (1) requerir una cantidad de energía mínima que supere el ruido de fondo galáctico, (2) viajar tan rápido como sea posible, (3) ser fácil de generar, detectar y direccionar, (4) no debería ser absorbida por el medio interestelar, las atmósferas planetarias y sus ionósferas.
Translation - English By definition, a technological civilisation has the technical ability to communicate or to generate any kind of technological activity that can be detected at interstellar distances. These signals can be intentional (transmitted in order to make the civilisation’s presence known) or unintentional (generated as a result of technological activity for the civilisation’s own purposes). Any contact signals between two technological civilisations within our galaxy would be restricted by the laws of physics that govern the universe. In order to be detectable at interstellar distances, a signal must: (1) have a minimum amount of energy greater than the galactic background noise, (2) travel as fast as possible, (3) be easy to produce, detect and direct, (4) not be absorbed by the interstellar medium, planetary atmospheres, or planetary ionospheres.
Spanish to English: El Alma de la Ciudad General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Spanish Regresábamos de una feliz jornada de caza. Don Bricio cabalgaba sobre un enorme corcel y oteaba el horizonte con melancólica mirada. Las barbazas grises le caían luengas sobre el pecho y el cabello grasiento, sudoroso, le brotaba por debajo del gorro de tafilete, en la nuca. Vestía sólo el camisón claro que solía llevar siempre bajo los hábitos. Así, sin la capa y la túnica, se asemejaba a un campesino robusto que iba a sus labores, de no haber sido por el águila real que llevaba en el puño y que le otorgaba un aire majestuoso.
A mi vez, portaba yo amarrado al guante un bello azor que también pertenecía a mi amo, aunque hacía uso de él a mi antojo, como si fuera propio. También cabalgaba yo sobre buena montura: la yegua alazana recién domada que el arcediano me regaló nada más iniciarse nuestras jornadas de caza. Me sentía como un señor, henchido de orgullo por dedicarme a menesteres tan nobles y propios de gentes de buena cuna. Pues jamás había visto ni oído contar que hombres de mi familia y condición se hubieran atrevido a ejercer la altanería. La vida se me iba poniendo cada vez más regalada.
Translation - English We were on our way back from an excellent hunting trip. Don Bricio, riding upon an enormous steed, looked out across the horizon with a melancholy gaze. His grey beard hung in tendrils over his chest and, at the nape of his neck, his hair sprouted greasy and sweaty from underneath his cap of morocco leather. He wore but a pale tunic, which normally he would only wear beneath his habit. Dressed thus, without cloak and robe, he would have resembled a hardy peasant going about his work, had it not been for the golden eagle perched on his fist that granted him a majestic air.
For my part, I carried, lashed to my glove, a fine goshawk. Although he too belonged to my master, I could use him as I pleased, as if he were my own. I also rode upon a good mount: a newly broken-in sorrel mare that the archdeacon had given to me when we began our hunting trips together. I felt like a lord, swollen with pride at the chance to dedicate myself to such noble duties, duties normally reserved for the well-born. I had never seen nor heard tell of another man in my family or of my background who had dared to practise falconry. With each passing day, I led a more privileged life.
Translation education
Other - DipTrans (IoLET)
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jul 2010.
Spanish to English (City University London, verified) Spanish to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Spanish (University of St Andrews, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Express Scribe, Powerpoint
Legal: e.g. court and police documentation, certificates and apostilles, wills and final testaments, power of attorney documentation, tenancy leases, contracts. Medical: e.g. discharge summaries, clinical analyses, autopsy reports. General: e.g. academic transcripts, degree certificates, webpage articles, journalistic articles, book chapters.
IoLET Diploma in Translation (Spanish-English) - Passes in Units 1 and 2, Distinction in Unit 3 (all first time, 2011)
PG Cert (With Distinction), Principles and Practices of Translation (Spanish-English) from City University, London (2010)
MA (Hons) First Class, Spanish with Linguistics (With Integrated Year Abroad) from the University of St Andrews (2009)
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