Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 22 eng>fra A region is bigger than a place or a location. une région est un territoire plus grand que celui d'une ville ou d'une localité pro open no
- Jun 11 fra>eng troué micro-perforated Tyvek pro open no
4 Jun 10 eng>eng download psychoanalysts ..."implanting" ... into the psyches of patients pro closed no
- Apr 19 fra>eng diabolisée ou enchantée shouldn't be portrayed as either diabolical or magical pro closed no
- Mar 25 eng>eng closer to the norm a relative alexithymia is close to be the most usual ... however we can improve on that pro closed ok
- Mar 2 eng>eng professionally facilitated and specialty treatment providers and structures providers [offering] and structures [used for] treatment [that is] ... pro closed no
- Feb 27 fra>fra rendre objectif (de) [...] permet de disposer de critères objectifs guidant les choix collectifs [...] pro just_closed no
- Jul 19 '23 eng>eng a system is a form of self a system has its identity, is an entity distinct from "the rest" pro closed no
- Jun 28 '23 eng>eng Homo sapiens, who not only know but know we know we homo sapiens, who not only have knowledge, but are also aware of that fact pro closed no
- Jun 30 '22 fra>eng public empêché individuals prevented from visiting in person pro just_closed no
- Feb 5 '22 fra>eng buttes témoins privilégiées privileged / primary / prime landmarks pro closed no
- Feb 5 '22 fra>eng du bout de son nez the grown-up pieces it together from remembered smells pro closed no
- Nov 19 '21 fra>eng possède une politique qualitative à l’international pursues a policy of excellence at international level pro open no
4 Nov 12 '21 fra>eng tourne autour de 20 % which usually gravitates around 20 % pro closed no
- Nov 11 '21 fra>eng La référence religieuse referring to religion is no longer a ground for opposing the power pro closed no
- Nov 11 '21 fra>eng l’histoire les avait érigés en opposants par excellence history elevated them into being naturally the prime opposition force. pro closed no
- Nov 1 '21 fra>eng quitus professionnel validation of practical experience pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '21 eng>eng disempowerment loss of power pro closed no
2 Aug 12 '21 eng>fra doomscrolling la chasse obsessionnelle au pessimisme pro closed no
- Jul 8 '21 fra>eng à la main a philosophy (that is) quick to turn history into dogma by their own hands pro closed no
- Jan 3 '21 eng>fra "Live-in" requirement obligation de loger chez la famille pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '19 eng>fra moveable middle les influençables (au milieu) pro closed no
- Jul 11 '19 fra>eng ne sont pas mises en cohérence en vue de leur exploitation have not been turned into a coherent set of rules in order to make them generally applicable pro closed ok
- Jul 11 '19 eng>fra causal impact pathways enchaînement de causes et d'effets / des impacts pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '19 fra>eng Freinage en ligne. straight line breaking pro closed no
4 Feb 16 '19 eng>... deposit/trust [такозвана приватна имовина је заправо само] привремено и условно поверена имовина pro closed no
- Jan 26 '19 fra>eng trajectoire de capitalisation roadmap for knowledge capitalisation pro just_closed no
- Jan 22 '19 ...>eng Gradivo learning content / curriculum pro closed no
- Dec 17 '18 eng>fra body shaming ... est exposé à une tempête d'accusations de susciter "la honte du corps imparfait" pro closed ok
4 Apr 7 '18 eng>... chains of association ланац асоцијација pro closed ok
4 Apr 6 '18 eng>... strategic corporal кључни десетар pro closed ok
4 Apr 4 '18 eng>... Wicked problem тврдокорни проблеми pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '18 eng>eng to barrio or not to barrio? barrio (+translation) pro closed no
- Dec 20 '17 eng>fra Banding Analysis analyse en vue du regroupement en tranches pro closed no
- Nov 30 '17 fra>eng Positionnement fort au sein de la sphère paritaire strongly positioned in the sector of health insurances run by joint employers/employees bodies pro just_closed no
- Oct 28 '17 fra>eng il m’a traitée de camée he called me a cokehead pro closed no
3 Sep 16 '17 fra>eng classe de 10e CM 1 class #1, 10th year, CM [Cycle Moyen] pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '17 eng>... Insofar as it became so tамо где је долазило до таквог развоја // у мери у којој су се ствари тако развиле pro closed no
- Aug 6 '17 ...>eng to keep within it притисак окружења да се остане унутар "своје заједнице" (/ држати се својих) pro closed no
4 Aug 5 '17 eng>... lay the key to the pattern of... ту се налазио [је лежао] кључ за разумевање образца понашања радничких и социјалистичких покрета pro closed no
4 Aug 3 '17 eng>... which allowed to be effectively registered што је омогућило да се (тај масовни напредак) покаже [/ одрази] у стварности [/ у стварним изборима] pro closed no
4 Jul 29 '17 eng>... vanguards of militants милитантна авангарда / авангарда активиста / милитантни преводници pro closed no
- Jul 23 '17 eng>... triumphant extrapolations of the curve of past growth победоносно су предвиђали да ће се тај раст из прошлости наставити и у будућности pro closed no
- Jul 9 '17 eng>... were slow off the mark су се споро покренуле у том правцу // су споро реаговале pro closed no
4 Jun 25 '17 eng>... shifting collections скупина променљивог састава pro closed no
4 May 25 '17 eng>... so narrowly based [империје] које почивају на тако ограниченој бази /на тако малом делу становништва pro closed no
- May 7 '17 fra>eng un repas du saigneur a "bloodletter's" meal pro closed ok
4 May 5 '17 scr>eng opodzoljen turned into podzol(s) pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '17 eng>.cr repeated pay deals nagodbe o plaćama koje su u više navrata / ponovljeno kasnile za inflacijom pro closed no
- Apr 9 '17 eng>... the man looking over his shoulder онај који га надзире pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered