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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user This person previously served as a moderator.
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Environment & Ecology
Finance (general)
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Construction / Civil Engineering
Medical: Health Care
Also works in:
Computers (general)
Human Resources
Real Estate
Medical: Cardiology
Computers: Systems, Networks
Law: Taxation & Customs
Investment / Securities
Engineering (general)
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Medical (general)
Tourism & Travel
Education / Pedagogy
Forestry / Wood / Timber
English to Polish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Polish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Spanish to Polish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Source text - English In the light of the severe accidents at the Union Carbide factory at Bhopal, India (1984) where a leak of methyl isocyanate caused more than 2.500 deaths and at the Sandoz warehouse in Basel, Switzerland (1986) where fire-fighting water contaminated with mercury, organophosphate pesticides and other chemicals caused massive pollution of the Rhine and the death of half a million fish, the Seveso I Directive was amended twice, in 1987 by Directive 87/216/EEC of 19 March 1987 (OJ No L 85 of 28 March 1987) and in 1988 by Directive 88/610/EEC of 24 November 1988 (OJ No L 336 of 7 December 1988). Both amendments aimed at broadening the scope of the Directive, in particular to include the storage of dangerous substances.
The reporting requirements of the Seveso I Directive were last amended in 1991 by Directive 91/692/EEC of 23 December 1991 standardizing and rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain Directives relating to the environment (OJ No L 377 of 31 December 1991). The first report about the implementation of the Seveso I Directive has been published by the Commission in 1988 (COM (88) 261 final).
Translation - Polish W związku z poważnymi awariami w fabryce Union Carbide w Bhopalu (Indie, 1984), gdzie wyciek izocyjanianu metylu spowodował ponad 2.500 zgonów, oraz w magazynie firmy Sandoz w Bazylei (Szwajcaria, 1986), gdzie woda używana pierwotnie do gaszenia pożaru, skażona rtęcią, pestycydami organofosfatowymi i innymi związkami, spowodowała masowe skażenie Renu i śmierć 0,5 mln ryb, Dyrektywa Seveso I była poprawiana dwukrotnie – w roku 1987 Dyrektywą 87/216/EWG z dn. 19.03.1987 (OJ nr L 85 z dn. 28.03.1987) i w roku 1988 Dyrektywą 88/610/EWG z dn. 24.11.1988 (OJ nr L 336 z dn. 7.12.1988). Obie poprawki miały na celu poszerzenie zakresu Dyrektywy, szczególnie o przepisy dotyczące składowania substancji niebezpiecznych.
Zawarte w Dyrektywie Seveso I wymogi dotyczące raportowania były ostatnio poprawiane w roku 1991 Dyrektywą 91/692/EWG z dn. 23.12.1991, standaryzującą i racjonalizującą raporty nt. realizacji niektórych dyrektyw środowiskowych (OJ nr L 377 z dn. 31.12.1991). Pierwszy raport z realizacji Dyrektywy Seveso I został opublikowany przez Komisję w 1988r. (COM (88) 261 final).
Polish to English: Statement
Source text - Polish Działając jako Prezes Zarządu Przedsiębiorstwa Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowego [XYZ] Sp. z o.o., będącej akcjonariuszem [ABC], niniejszym oświadczam, że nasza Spółka rezygnuje z prawa pierwokupu zaoferowanych przez Państwa do sprzedaży akcji [ABC] i wyraża zgodę na ich zbycie na rzecz ……………
Translation - English Acting in the capacity of Chairman of the Managing Board of [XYZ] Sp. z o.o., a manufacturing, sales and service company being a shareholder in [ABC], I hereby solemnly declare that our company waives its pre-emption right to acquire the shares in [ABC] offered by you for sale and gives its consent to your disposal of the said shares in favour of ....
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Wrocław, Poland 1982
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Apr 2002.
1991-2007: Senior Business English Teacher at University of Economics in Wrocław, Department of Regional Development & Tourist Industry Management in Jelenia Góra, Poland, including 2000-2006 - Head of their LCCI Examinations Centre.
Translating scientific papers for the home University of Economics on a permanent basis since 1991 (ongoing).
Regularly cooperating with my corporate customers to meet their comprehensive translation needs, from annual financial reports, accounts and compliance through sales contracts, SLAs, licences, manuals, safety and HR to marketing literature.
Translating all sorts of legal, business & personal documents in the capacity of sworn translator, those frequently including medical certificates, hospital discharge summaries and medical imaging reports.
Participated in a long-term translation project in support of a clinical trial in Cardiology. I am also personally interested in all the modern developments of Orthopaedics.
Cooperated with local authorities and the National Park on all EU-financed environmental projects since 1991, including a large WWTP modernisation project (reporting, accounting, EIA etc.) and harmonization with the Habitats and Birds directives, Natura 2000 sites establishment and so on.
I also have some experience in IT translations (mainly RFPs for systems and support services, and related documents) and for several years have been increasingly involved in healthcare-related translation (hospital discharge summaries, medical certificates & notes, diagnostic test results, patient leaflets, informed consent forms, etc.).