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English to Spanish: Agreement to Form a Corporation/Contrado de Constitución de Sociedad Anónima
This Agreement by and between XXXX and XXXX, parties of the first part, and XXXX, party of the second part, WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, the parties of the first part now own and operate, and have owned and operated for the years last past, a certain manufacturing plat located at XXXX County, XXXX, and have during all of such time been engaged in the manufacture of glassware; and,
WHEREAS, the first parties, as such partners, desire to change the partnership into a corporation, and continue the business as a corporation with a capital stock of seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000), and to transfer to the corporation the manufacturing plant, and all property and assets and the good will of the partnership, as part of the capital stock of the proposed corporation; and,
WHEREAS, the second party proposes to undertake to secure subscriptions from outside persons to the capital stock of the proposed corporation:
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed that in consideration of the aforesaid, the parties of the first part hereby agree and bind themselves to convey, transfer and assign to the corporation when organized, all the property, assets and goodwill of the partnership, at the fixed price of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000), and to take and subscribe of the capital stock of the proposed corporation an amount equal in its face value of the manufacturing plant and good will.
In consideration of the aforesaid and the payment to be made as hereinafter provided, the party of the second part undertakes and agrees to secure bona fide and solvent subscriptions to the capital stock of the proposed corporation to the extent of the residue thereof, the subscriptions to be secured on or before the first day of May, 2006 and payable as agreed in the terms of subscription attached hereunto...
Witness my hand and notarial seal this fifth day of December, 2005.
My commission expires 12-31-06
Este contrato entre XXXX y XXXX, miembro de la primera parte, y XXXX, miembro de la segunda parte, da fe de:
CONSIDERANDO, que las personas mencionadas en primer término, actualmente poseen y operan, y han poseído y operado como socios durante los recientes años, una cierta fabrica manufacturadora domiciliada en el Condado de XXXX, XXXX, y se han dedicado durante dicho periodo de tiempo a la manufactura de cristalería; y,
CONSIDERANDO, que las primeras partes, en su calidad de socios, desean modificar su sociedad a una sociedad anónima, y continuar el negocio como una sociedad anónima con un capital accionario de setecientos mil dólares ($700,000), y transferir a la sociedad anónima la fábrica manufacturadora, y toda propiedad y bienes, y el valor llave de la sociedad, como parte del capital accionario de la sociedad anónima propuesta; y, CONSIDERANDO, que la segunda parte propone asumir la responsabilidad de obtener suscripciones de personas externas a la sociedad, del capital accionario de la propuesta sociedad anónima
POR LO TANTO, se acuerda mutuamente que en contraprestación de lo antedicho, los miembros de la primera parte acuerdan por el presente contrato y se obligan a transferir y ceder a la sociedad anónima, cuando esta se inscriba, toda propiedad, bienes y el valor llave de la sociedad, al precio fijo de trescientos mil dólares ($300,000), y a tomar y suscribir del capital societario de la sociedad anónima propuesta una cantidad que en su valor nominal sea equivalente al valor de la fábrica manufacturadora y al valor llave.
En virtud de lo antedicho y del pago que se remitirá como se dispone más adelante en este documento, la segunda parte se compromete y acuerda a asegurar subscripciones de buena fe y solvencia para el capital societario de la sociedad anónima propuesta hasta el alcance del remanente del mismo, las suscripciones a ser garantizadas en o antes del primero de mayo de 2006, y pagadero de acuerdo a los términos de subscripción anexos al presente documento...
En fe de lo cual, firmo y sello el presente este quinto día de diciembre de 2005.
Mi nombramiento vence el 31-12-06.
English to Spanish: Articles of Incorporation/Acta Constitutiva
Source text - English I. The name of this corporation is XXXXXXXX.
II. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act of activity for which a
corporation may be organized under the GENERAL CORPORATION LAW of XXXXX, other
than the banking business, the trust company business or the practice of a profession permitted
to be incorporated by the XXXX Corporations Code.
III. The name and address in the State of XXXXX of this corporation’s initial agent for service of
process is:
Address: XXX Street No. XXX
City: XXXX
State: XXXX
IV. This corporation is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stock; and the total number
of shares which this corporation is authorized to issue is 300.
(Signature of Incorporator)
Translation - Spanish I. El nombre de esta Sociedad Anónima es XXXXXX.
II. La sociedad tiene por objeto realizar cualquier acto o actividad lícita para la cual se organice
excepción de las empresas bancarias, compañías fiduciarias o el ejercicio de una profesión que
se permita incorporar bajo el Código de Sociedades Anónimas de XXXX.
III. El nombre y dirección en el Estado de XXXX del agente inicial de esta sociedad anónima
para el diligenciamiento de notificaciones es:
Nombre: XXX XXXX
Dirección: Calle No. XXXX
Ciudad: XXXX
Estado: XXXX
Código Postal: XXXX
IV. Se autoriza a esta sociedad anónima a emitir solamente un tipo de acción; y el número total
de acciones que se le autoriza emitir a esta sociedad es 300.
(Firma del Promotor)
English to Spanish: Angina Pectoris/Angina de pecho
Source text - English CAUSES
a. Change in the oxygen supply secondary to narrowing of the coronary arteries, due to atheromatosis - fatty plaques and cellular debris in the blood vessels - or due to a temporary stasis known as vasospasm.
b. Other conditions that decrease oxygen supply and coronary blood flow and contribute to its onset include: anemia, cardiac rhythm changes (arrhythmias) , strenuous exercise, emotional stress, increase in heart rate (tachycardia), or cardiac insufficiency.
The following are among the most important and well recognized:
• Uncontrolled high blood pressure.
• hyperlipidemia (excess cholesterol and triglycerides).
• Uncontrolled Diabetes.
• Substernal or retrosternal thoracic heaviness or pressure(pressure or pain is felt in the back), which may radiate to the shoulder, left arm, neck or mandible. Other symptoms include nausea, cold sweats, anything that is aggravated by stress or exercise and that is relieved with rest.
• The discomfort generally persists between 2 to 10 minutes. It seldom lasts longer than 30 minutes (prolonged angina).
• Other less common symptoms are: stomach pain, indigestion, right arm pain, a feeling of faintness and nausea, shortness of breath.
Translation - Spanish CAUSAS
a. Se debe a una alteración en el aporte de oxígeno secundario a una estrechez de las arterias coronaries, por ateromatosis – placas de grasa y restos celulares en el interior de los vasos sanguíneos – o también por un estancamiento momentáneo del fluído sanguíneo llamado vasoespasmo.
b. Otras situaciones que disminuyen el aporte de oxígeno y el riego coronario contribuyen a desencadenarlo. Destacamos: existencia de una anemia, alteraciones del ritmo cardíaco (arritmias), ejercicio físico desmesurado, tensión emocional, aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca (taquicardia), o la insuficiencia cardíaca.
Entre los más importantes y bien reconocidos destacamos:
• Hipertensión arterial no controlada.
• Hiperlipidemia (exceso de cholesterol y triglicéridos).
• Diabetes descompensada.
• Pesadez o presión torácica subesternal o retroesternal (se puede notar la presión o el dolor en la espalda), y puede irradiar a hombro, brazo izquierdo, cuello o mandíbula. Puede acompañarse de nauseas y sudoración fría, todo ello provocado o exacerbado por estrés o ejercicio y que se alivia con el reposo.
• La duración suele ser de 2 a 10 minutos y rara vez dura más de 30 minutos (angos prolongado).
• Puede también presentarse de formas menos habituales como son: dolor de estómago, indigestion, dolor en el brazo derecho, sensación de mareo y náuseas, acortamiento de la respiración.
English to Spanish: Denaturated proteins/Proteínas desnaturalizadas
Source text - English As lons as proteins exist in an environment with a temperatura and pH within their
limits of tolerance, they retain their biological functions. But if they are heated to
temperatures above a certain maximum their structure is altered. They are said to
be denatured. The same thing happens if proteins are exposed to acids or bases, to
radiation or to violent agitation. The proteins are denatured and lose their original
When proteins are denatured, their biological activity ceases. Enzymes, a class of
proteins whose function is to catalise reactions, lose this ability when denatured.
The reason is that certain bonds in the molecule are broken, changing the structure
of the protein. It has recently been shown that denatured proteins can revert to
their original state, with restoration of their biological functions.
In many cases, however, denaturation is irreversible. The proteins in a boiled egg,
for example, cannot be restored to the raw state. Irreversible denaturation is called
Proteins are attacked by several enzymes which split the peptid-bond NH2 –CO,
transfer amino groups, release –COOH, etc. The “splitting” enzymes are, with a
common name, called proteases and they usually attack specific peptid bonds.
Several porteases are formed by microorganisms and some are known to be very
heat resistant.
Translation - Spanish Siempre que las proteínas existan en un ambiente con una temperatura y un pH que
estén dentro de sus límites de tolerancia, éstas retienen sus funciones biológicas. Sin
embargo, si se calientan a temperaturas que exceden un cierto límite máximo, su
estructura se altera, y se conocen como proteínas desnaturalizadas. Lo mismo
sucede si las proteínas son expuestas a ácidos o bases, a radiación o a una agitación
violenta. Las proteínas se desnaturalizan y pierden su solubilidad original.
Cuando las proteínas se desnaturalizan, su actividad biológica cesa. Las enzimas,
una clase de proteína cuya función es la de catalizar reacciones, pierden esta
habilidad al ser desnaturalizadas. La razón de esto es que ciertos enlaces en las
moléculas se rompen, lo cual cambia la estructura de la proteína. Recientemente, se
ha demostrado que las proteínas desnaturalizadas pueden revertirse a su estado
nativo, con la restitución de sus funciones biológicas.
Sin embargo, en muchos casos, la desnaturalización es irreversible. Por ejemplo, las
proteínas en un huevo hervido, no pueden ser restituidas a su estado crudo. La
desnaturalización irreversible se conoce como coagulación.
Varias enzimas atacan a las proteínas, las cuales rompen el enlace peptídico
NH2-CO, transfieren grupos amino, liberan -COOH, etc. Las enzimas
“divisoras” son comúnmente llamadas proteasas y por lo general atacan enlaces
peptídicos específicos.
Los microorganismos producen varias proteasas y algunas se conocen por ser
altamente resistentes al calor.
Spanish to English (Certificate Translation and Interpreting - Univ. of California San Diego , verified) English to Spanish (Certificate Translation and Interpreting - Univ. of California San Diego, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
* 2016 Genentech Open House – Biotechnology Industry Presentation, Oceanside, California
* 2016 - 2015 Health and Human Services Department Committee Meetings
* 2015 National Association of Realtors, California
* 2015 Episcopal Diocese of San Diego Convention
* 2015 National Network to End Domestic Violence Conference
* 2015 Employee Insurance Benefits Presentation, Los Angeles, California
* 2015 California Wedding Ceremony and Reception Interpretation
* 2012-2015 Monthly Business Live Worldwide Webinars
* 2014 California Sustainable Freight Initiative Public Workshops
* 2014 San Diego Gas & Electric – Intro to Energy Efficiency Workshop
* 2014 Simultaneous Interpretation of Live Telecast - Driscoll’s Employees, Chile – Blueberries initiative.
* 2014 Valuation Research Group Annual Affiliate Meeting, Dana Point, California
* 2014 Isagenix “Strength in Momentum” 4-day Annual Conference for an audience of 10,000
* 2014 Community Organizing and Civil Engagement – Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Initiative
* 2014 Zoe Christian Fellowship of Rialto: Biblical Studies - Whittier, California
* 2013 NOAA Bilateral Fisheries Scientific and Authorities Meeting, La Jolla, California
* 2012 - 2013 Medical-Family Conferences, San Diego, California
* 2012 Monthly Community Meetings (Education, Health, Development Projects), San Diego California
* 2012 Focus Group Interviews, Chicago, Illinois
* 2012 Employee Benefits Meetings, San Diego, California
* 2011 Environmental Health Leadership Summit, Calexico, California
* 2011 Clean Energy in the Californias Conference, California
* 2011 Healthcare Reform Forum, San Diego, California
* 2011 Aspect Software Presentation – Teleconference, United States
* 2011 Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition in Human Trafficking, California
* 2011 Latin American Energy Conference, California
* 2011 Gangs Program ~ Turning the Hearts Center, California
* 2011 Federal Lands Meeting for Mexico’s Secretariat of Agrarian Reform, California
* 2010 Climate Change Action Plan for Baja California, Mexicali, Mexico
* 2010 Social Innovations in Latin America and the Caribbean, California
* 2010 Cross Border Energy Conference, California
* 2010 Summer Institute on Migration and Health, California
* 2010 Best Practices, Research and Strategies for Middle and High Schools, California
* 2010 Uniting the Americas: Human Trafficking, California
* 2009 Greening Borders Conference: Cooperation, Security & Diplomacy, California
* 2009 Border 2012 Program Annual National Coordinators Meeting, California
* 2009 At Risk Youth Conference, California
* 2009 Cultivating Food Justice Conference, San Diego, California
* 2008 Latino Education Summit, San Diego, California
* 2008 IIA International Internal Auditors Conference, San Francisco, California
* 2008 San Diego Board of Education Hearings
* 2008 San Diego Unified School District Appeal Hearings and Parent Conferences
* 2008 Environmental Health Coalition - City Council Hearing, Chula Vista, California
* 2007 Agricultural Worker Health Initiative Conference, Sacramento, California
* 1993-2003 Brantner & Associates. Simultaneous/Consecutive Interpretation & translation of business meetings between U.S. Corporate office and Mexican subsidiary. Over 10 years of experience coordinating daily business operations, including translation and interpretation activities.
Consecutive Interpretation
* Weekly Medical Appointments/Surgeries (Navy hospitals and high-profile executives); On-site & Remote
* Employee Benefits presentations
* Labor Law litigation interviews, Family Law Hearing Mediations
* Attorney-client visits (migration and drug-trafficking cases)
Professional Freelance Translator
* San Diego Unified School District: Translation of educational material (curriculums, school manuals, career orientation, legal disclosures), IEPs.
* Health Insurance: Evidence of Coverage, benefit highlights, formularies, brochures.
* Medical documents: Medical reports, clinical trials, women’s health book, consent forms, questionnaires, medical equipment manuals.
* Clinical Trials: Protocols, Consent Forms, Questionnaires, etc.
* Business: Financial reports, presentations, human resources policies, manuals and benefits information.
* Christianity: Christian Book translation: “Doing The Works of Jesus” by Alan Drake.
* Environmental organizations: Published articles, newsletters, flyers and presentations.
Linguistic Consultant: Cultural Consulting, Linguistic Validation (cognitive debriefing interviews, translation harmonization), Linguistic Quality Assurance (QA) Testing for 500 Fortune companies.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (1 entry)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Spanish
Specialty fields
Other fields
Keywords: Conference Interpreter, Conference Interpretation, Interprete en Espanol, Conference Interpreter in San Diego, Tourist Interpreter, Tourism Spanish Translator, California Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Interpreter, Periodista Bilingue. See more.Conference Interpreter, Conference Interpretation, Interprete en Espanol, Conference Interpreter in San Diego, Tourist Interpreter, Tourism Spanish Translator, California Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Interpreter, Periodista Bilingue, Periodismo, Spanish Journalist, Bilingual Journalist, California Spanish Interpreter, Bilingual Trainer, Legal Interpreter, Interprete Juridica, Interprete Legal, Interprete Medica, Medical Interpreter, Spanish Translator, Translation Services, Translation services for ECFMG, Conference Interpreter, Simultaneous Interpreter, English Translator, Spanish Tutor, Spanish Interpreter, English to Spanish translator, Spanish to English translator, Business, Human Resources, California Interpreter, Education, San Diego Translator, San Diego Interpreter, San Diego Conference Interpretation, Interprete para Congresos, Interprete para Conferencias, Interprete en San Diego, Interprete Espanol, Inteprete Legal, Interprete Medica, Interprete Internacional, International Interpreter, Experienced spanish interpreter, airport interpreter, tourism, turismo, Interprete de Congresos, Spanish Conference Interpreter, English/Spanish Conference Interpreter, Conference Interpretation, Conference Translation, English/Spanish Translator, English/Spanish Translation, Traductor Ingles/Espanol, Traductora de Publicidad, Traductora de eventos, , Religion, Bible Studies, Nutrition, Proofreader, Biblia, Negocios, Recursos Humanos, Traductor, Legal, Children, books, Libros, Medical, Medicina, Health, Salud, Technical, Tecnico, Management, Administrative, Administracion, San Diego, Nutricion, Periodismo, Journalism, Medicine, Interpreter, Interprete, Linguistic, Linguista, Conferencia, Conference, Bilingual, Bilingue, Idiomas, Languages, Education, Educacion, Professional, Profesional, San Diego, Proofreader, Editor, Voice-over, voice talent, Peruvian, Peruana, Español, Espanol, Spanish, SDLX, ATA member, Freelance, Independiente, Tourism interpreter, interprete de turismo, interprete peruana, interprete para turistas, traductora peruana, mejor interprete, best interpreter, medical interpreter, business interpreter, education interpreter, interprete medico, professional interpreter, interprete religiosa, interprete cristiana, christian translator, Environmental translator, legal translator, medical translator, legal interpreter, spanish voice-over, spanish transcriptionist, spanish transcription, Traductora de Marketing, Marketing Translator, Interpreter in Mexico, Mexico Interpreter, Interprete en Mexico, Website Translator, Interprete de Congresos, Linguista, Spanish Expert, Spanish Consultant, Webinar Spanish Interpreter, Webinar Interpreter, Webinar Translator, Intérprete de Seminarios Web, Christian Webinar Interpreter, Christian Conference Interpreter, Interprete cristiana, Traductora Español, Mejor Traductora, Traductora de documentos de immigracion, Traductora de documentos educativos, Mejor intérprete al español, Intérprete de Conferencias Cristianas, Christian Book Translation into Spanish, español, castellano, traducción, interpretación, interpretation, translation, transcription, transcripción, Spanish transcription, Community Interpreter. See less.