Operational manuals, User manuals, Departmental Procedures, Sports, General texts & Articles, Children books, Marketing, Industry.
Freelance translation & locatization in language combination, English to Hindi.
I am a mechanical engineer having 11 years of onhand experience of professional working in various organisations in the area of Production, Maintenance, Quality
Assurance & finally in Material Warehousing & Logistics.
For past 1 year, I have been in professional circuit of translation from English to Hindi language.
1. Technician Engineering in Mechanical from Institution of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai.
2. Certification Course in MS Office & Lotus applications from National Institute of Information Technology, Ahmedabad.
3. Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance certified Internal auditor for ISO 9001 - 2000(E).
1. Translated more than 10,000 words of General Articles of HTML formats.
2. Translated more than 6,000 words on Warehouse Safety in .doc format
3. Several departmental functional procedures.
4. Proof reading & text editing of the translated texts for other translators.
Language combination:
English to Hindi.
Rate per source word:
0.05 - 0.10 USD per source word, depending upon the nature & complexity of the text to be translated, complition deadlines & availability.
Preferred currency:
Indian Rupee (INR).
I have a home PC with following configuration:
Multimedia PC with Intel P4 processor, CPU 2.4 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 40GB Hard Disk, 1.44 Flopy drive, CD-ROM drive.
Software used:
Windows 98 / XP Professional (Hindi enabled) & Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official (Hindi enabled). MSoffice 2000, Open office 1.org
I do translation by directly overwriting Text files viz. Excel, words & Powerpoint formats & HTML files using unicode Raghuhindi fonts, with the help of 'Yudit' text editor both in
Linux & Window and using Indic enabled MS-Office on Window-XP. |