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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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23 projects entered 7 positive feedback from outsourcers 2 positive feedback from colleagues 1 neutral feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 16000 words Completed: Apr 2021 Languages: Spanish to English
Technical Specifications for a facial biometrics solution (facial recognition software) as part of a request for proposals. (Procurement Project). International, Spanish to English, Over 15,000 Words.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 73000 words Completed: Mar 2021 Languages: Spanish to English
Corporate Documentation (Articles of Incorporation, Contracts, Government Certifications & Financial Statements) International, English to Spanish, Over 73,000 Words.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12925 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Technical Specifications and Contracts: Construction & Raw Material Supplies
Technical specifications for the construction of floors and wall finishings. Supply contracts for raw materials, (wool and gasoline).
Manufacturing, Law: Contract(s), Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4403 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Project Vision: Planning & Budgetting Outline, Water Treatment Plant
Vision statement for planning and budgetting. Construction contracts for water treatment plants.
Law: Contract(s), Finance (general), Construction / Civil Engineering
positive LingCom: Great and superb professional translator. Also very kind and supportive. We highly recommend Steven.
Colleague feedback:
Michael Brady: It´s always a great experience to work with Steve.
Translation Volume: 5697 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: English to Spanish
Parliamentary Corporate Procedures: (Localized: Puerto Rico)
Translation of English corporate management procedures, and parliamentary structure lessons into Spanish localized for Puerto Rico.
Management, Business/Commerce (general)
positive Lighthouse Translations: Very professional and skilled translator. A pleasure to work with.
Translation Volume: 2456 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Military Intelligence Improvement Proposal
Proposal for improvements to military forces and their intelligence infrastructure.
Military / Defense, Management, International Org/Dev/Coop
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2090 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: English to Spanish
Internal Administrative Documents
Translation of a group of administrative and Human Resources documents.
Management, International Org/Dev/Coop, Human Resources
No comment.
Translation Volume: 17670 words Completed: Sep 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Technical Specifications: Construction of a School Building
Technical Specifications, Terms, Conditions, and Requirements as part of a bid request for the construction of a school building.
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 449 words Completed: Sep 2010 Languages: English to Spanish
Government Press Release (Localized: Puerto Rico)
Renewed alliance between federal and local agencies.
Journalism, Human Resources, Government / Politics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 11731 words Completed: Sep 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Employee Handbooks: (HR) Private University
Document format conversion, (PDF to MSWord), and translation of a series of Spanish Human Resources manuals and employee handbooks into English.
Education / Pedagogy, Human Resources
positive member : No comment.
Transcription Volume: 4 hours Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Translated Transcription of Health Program Subject Interviews
Direct transcription/translation of recorded Spanish interviews into English text.
Surveying, Medical: Health Care, Government / Politics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12495 words Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing Process Validation
Manufacturing process for chemical ingredient components from raw materials to final product, including quality control standards and validations with contingencies throughout the process.
Translation Volume: 7834 words Completed: Jan 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
IT Project Provider Requirements
Technical specifications and project requirements forms in Excel, for a mayor telecommunications concern.
Business/Commerce (general), Electronics / Elect Eng, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 17905 words Completed: Dec 2009 Languages: Catalan to English Spanish to English
Medical Investigators: Endocrinology
Translation to English of a collection of scanned CVs for medical investigators, (mainly in endocrinology), in Spanish and Catalan, some of them handwritten.
Human Resources, Medical (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5798 words Completed: Sep 2008 Languages: Spanish to English
Government Administrative Operations Reorganization Plan
Statewide Police Operations Administrative Reorganization Plan / Command and Control Restructuring
Management, Law (general), Government / Politics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 60208 words Languages: English to Spanish
Employee Manual & Training Materials, Human Resources, International, English to Spanish, 60,208 Words
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25300 words Languages: Spanish to English
QC Customer Support Assessment, Regional, Spanish to English, Over 25,000 Words.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 18200 words Languages: English to Spanish
Infrastructure Expansion for Oral Health Services, National, English to Spanish, Over 18,000 Words
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 days Completed: Dec 2008 Languages: Spanish to English
Transcription/Translation of Court Proceedings
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
positive Global Lingo Ltd.: Excellent translation, a pleasure to work with
Translation Volume: 4 days Completed: Jul 2008 Languages: Spanish to English
positive Small World Language Services: I love working with Steven. He's qualified, professional, and so nice to work with.
Translation Volume: 24258 words Completed: Jan 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
National Action Plan/Fisheries/Conservation
Plan de Acción Nacional para el Manejo y Conservación de Tiburones, Rayas y Especies Afines
National Action Plan for the Management and Conservation of Sharks, Rays and Related Species
Environment & Ecology, Fisheries, International Org/Dev/Coop
positive Small World Language Services: Steven is a pleasure to work with. He's knows his stuff, is reliable & professional.
Translation Volume: 52587 words Completed: Aug 2010 Languages: Spanish to English
Glossary/Dictionary: Educational Technology
Diccionario Práctico de Tecnología Educativa
Practical Dictionary of Educational Technology
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., IT (Information Technology), Education / Pedagogy
bmurphy: Worked together on a large dictionary translation project in August 2010 Traducendo Co. Ltd: No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
20 entries
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, PayPal, Paypal (Preferred)
Sample translations submitted: 10
Spanish to English: Technical Specifications: Industrial General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Spanish Entre la cámara de carga y el inicio de la zona de rompiente mar adentro (ubicado a una distancia de la costa en que existe una profundidad aproximada de -10 m NRS) la tubería se dispondrá enterrada en zanja, con lastres de hormigón y posterior relleno de protección, y desde este punto hasta el difusor (incluido), se dispondrá apoyada sobre el fondo asegurada con lastres de hormigón.
El sistema de Osmosis Inversa incluido en el Proyecto Base, se ha diseñado para producir agua en las siguientes condiciones de cantidad, calidad y parámetros de entrada, por lo que el Licitante deberá ajustarlo a las exigencias prevalentes indicadas en el punto x.x de estas Bases Técnicas, haciendo los ajustes y modificaciones que sean necesarias:
Los efluentes provenientes del contra lavado de los módulos, son derivados directamente al depósito de efluentes del pre-tratamiento. Por su parte, los efluentes derivados de los lavados químicos, son derivados al depósito de neutralización del pre-tratamiento (250 m3), en donde, de manera automática, se procederá a su neutralización, previo al envío al depósito de efluentes del pre-tratamiento.
Translation - English Between the reservoir and the start of the offshore breaker zone, (located at a distance from the coast where the approximate depth is -10 m PRL), the pipes will be buried in trenches, with concrete ballast blocks and subsequent protective filling, and from that point out to (and including) the diffuser, it will be laid out across the bottom and secured with concrete ballast blocks.
The Reverse Osmosis System included in the Basic Project is designed to produce water under the following conditions for quantity, quality and intake parameters. Prospective bidders must therefore adjust their specifications as may be necessary to comply with those listed under point 2.2 of these technical Specifications:
Effluents from the module backwashing process are to be routed directly into the pretreatment effluents tank. Meanwhile, the effluents from the chemical cleaning processes are routed to the pretreatment neutralization tank (250 m3), where they are to be automatically neutralized prior to being sent to the pretreatment effluents tank.
Spanish to English: Resource Management & Conservation: Fisheries General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Spanish Los tiburones, mantas, rayas y quimeras, son recursos biológicos importantes desde el punto de vista ecológico, pesquero, alimentario, turístico y económico. Estos recursos son peces cartilaginosos que pertenecen a la Clase Chondrichthyes y se subdividen taxonómicamente en dos subclases: Elasmobranchii (que incluye a tiburones y rayas) y Holocephalii (quimeras).
Entre los tiburones se incluyen a las especies conocidas comúnmente con ese nombre, además de los cazones (especies de talla pequeña) y angelitos; la categoría de rayas incluye también a las mantas y las especies afines son las quimeras y los peces sierra.
Los tiburones son depredadores apicales en los ecosistemas marinos y costeros, excepto algunas rayas no ubicadas en la parte superior de la cadena trófica y los tiburones ballena y peregrino, que son planctófagos. Sus particulares historias de vida los distinguen de los peces teleósteos pues presentan fecundación interna, baja fecundidad y largos períodos de gestación, crecimiento lento, frecuencia reproductiva variable y prolongada longevidad, compleja estructura espacial por tamaños y segregación por sexos, y una estrecha relación stock-reclutamiento. Estas características determinan que sus poblaciones respondan rápidamente a efectos ambientales y antropogénicos adversos, en tanto que presentan prolongados periodos de reacción a los efectos de las medidas de ordenación y conservación.
Translation - English From an ecological, fishing, food source, tourist and economic point of view, sharks, mantas, rays and chimaeras, are important biological resources. These resources are cartilaginous fish belonging to the class Chondrichthyes and are taxonomically subdivided into two subclasses: Elasmobranchii, (which includes sharks and rays), and Holocephalii, (chimaeras).
Sharks include species commonly known by this name, besides dogfish, (a smaller-sized species), and skates; the ray category also includes mantas and the species that are related to chimaeras and sawfish.
Sharks are apical predators in marine and coastal ecosystems, except for some rays which are not located in the upper part of the food chain and for whale and basking sharks, which are planktophages. Their particular life histories distinguish them from teleostean fish since their characteristics include internal fertilization, low fecundity and long gestation periods, slow growth, variable reproductive frequency and prolonged longevity, complex spatial structures by sizes and sexual segregation, and a narrow stock-recruitment relationship. These characteristics cause their populations to respond rapidly to adverse environmental and anthropogenic effects, while manifesting prolonged reaction periods to the effects of regulation and conservation measures.
Spanish to English: Construction Requirements, QA, Concrete General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Spanish Las cimbras, encofrados y moldes, así como las uniones de sus distintos elementos, poseerán una resistencia y rigidez suficientes para garantizar el cumplimiento de las tolerancias dimensionales y para resistir, sin asientos ni deformaciones perjudiciales, las acciones de cualquier naturaleza que puedan producirse sobre ellos como consecuencia del proceso de hormigonado y, especialmente, bajo las presiones del hormigón fresco o los efectos del método de compactación utilizado. Dichas condiciones deberán mantenerse hasta que el hormigón haya adquirido la resistencia suficiente para soportar, con un margen de seguridad adecuado, las tensiones a que será sometido durante el desencofrado, desmoldeo o descimbrado.
Los encofrados y moldes serán lo suficientemente estancos para que, en función del modo de compactación previsto, se impidan pérdidas apreciables de lechada o mortero y se consigan superficies cerradas del hormigón.
Los encofrados y moldes de madera se humedecerán para que absorban el agua contenida en el hormigón. Por otra parte, las piezas de madera se dispondrán de manera que se permita su libre entumecimiento, sin peligro de que se originen esfuerzos o deformaciones anormales.
Las superficies interiores de los encofrados y moldes aparecerán limpias en el momento del hormigonado, y presentarán las condiciones necesarias para garantizar la libre retracción del hormigón y evitar así la aparición de fisuras en los paramentos de las piezas. Para facilitar esta limpieza en los fondos de los pilares y muros, deberán disponerse aberturas provisionales en la parte inferior de los encofrados correspondientes.
Translation - English Falseworks, formworks and molds, as well as the joints between their various elements, will be sufficiently resistant and rigid to ensure compliance with the dimensional tolerances that resist, without detrimental settling or deformations, the forces of any nature that may bear upon them as a consequence of the process of pouring concrete and especially, under the pressure of fresh concrete or the effects of the compaction methods that are used. Such conditions must be maintained until the concrete has become resistant enough to withstand, with an adequate security margin, the stresses to which it will be subjected during the removal of the formworks, moldings or falseworks.
The formworks and molds will be sufficiently isolated so that, as a function of the compaction method to be used, appreciable losses in grout or mortar can be avoided and closed concrete surfaces are achieved.
The wooden formworks and molds will be moistened to absorb the water contained in the concrete. On the other hand, wooden pieces will be placed in such a way that they can stiffen freely and without the danger of creating stresses or abnormal deformations.
Interior surfaces in frameworks and molds must appear clean at the time when the concrete is poured, and will possess the necessary conditions to ensure the free removal of concrete and so avoid the occurrence of fissures on the face of the pieces. Provisional openings must be provided in the lower parts of the corresponding formworks to assist in cleaning the bottom parts of pillars and walls.
Spanish to English: Contract: Purchase Conditions General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish Los Contratos para el suministro de obras y /o servicios se mantendrán en vigor mientras dure la ejecución de los trabajos objeto del mismo, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la documentación contractual. Si se hubiera predeterminado una fecha de vencimiento, con independencia de dichos trabajos, el Contrato se entenderá tácitamente prorrogado por períodos mensuales sucesivos, salvo denuncia por escrito de cualquiera de las partes con una antelación mínima de treinta días a dicha fecha de vencimiento o de cualquiera de las prórrogas.
No obstante, en la documentación contractual al Contrato se indicarán las cláusulas que serán de aplicación en materia de cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución y de prórrogas de los mismos, sin perjuicio del ejercicio por parte de sus facultades contractuales (ejemplo: aplicación de multas por demoras) que no se verán afectadas por esta prórroga. Asimismo el Proveedor /Contratista será responsable de la demora en el cumplimiento de los trabajos y de los daños y perjuicios consiguientes, sin que la prórroga pueda ser interpretada como una liberación de responsabilidad.
Translation - English The Contracts to provide works and/or services will remain in force while the work of which they are subject remains in progress according to that which is established in the contract documentation. If a termination date is predetermined independently of such labors, the Contract will tacitly be extended for successive monthly periods, unless any of the parties objects in writing and with a minimum term of thirty days prior to said termination date or to any of the extensions.
However, in the Contract documentation will include the clauses that will apply in matters of compliance with the terms of execution and extension of the same, without prejudice to the exercise of their contract abilities, (example: application of late fines), such as will not be affected by this extension. Likewise the Provider/Contractor will be responsible for the delays in compliance with the work and of the consequent damages and losses, whereas the delay shall not be interpreted as a release from responsibility.
Spanish to English: Procedures Manual General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Nuclear Eng/Sci
Source text - Spanish El personal de empresas externas que realizan intervenciones de forma continua en las XXX deberá reentrenarse cada dos años en Protección Radiológica. Este reentrenamiento exime al trabajador de efectuar la formación básica durante el período de tiempo en que sus condiciones de trabajo sean las indicadas anteriormente.
El XXX, junto con XXX, prepararán un programa de formación con las materias y prácticas que se impartirán en los sucesivos años de reentrenamiento en protección radiológica, en función de las incidencias, revisiones de procedimientos y documentos, etc. de tal forma que se mantenga actualizada la formación de todo el personal.
El jefe de la sección de XXX emitirá, siempre que la Empresa Contratista así lo solicite, un certificado que acredite que los trabajadores de dicha Empresa Contratista disponen de formación básica en materia de Protección Radiológica, al objeto de que ésta pueda cumplimentar el apartado X.X del carné radiológico de sus trabajadores. Un modelo de este certificado se contempla en el adjunto X.
El reentrenamiento en materia de Prevención, Plan de Emergencia Interior, Sistema de Gestión Medioambiental y Primeros Auxilios será bienal e incluirá aquellos aspectos que por su relevancia o incidencia en Planta, defina el Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos.
Translation - English Outside company personnel who work continuously at the XXX must be retrained in Radiological Protection every two years. This retraining exempts the worker from taking the basic training during the time period in which his working conditions are as previously stated.
XXX, together with XXX, will prepare a training program with the subjects and learning practices that will be given in the successive years of radiological protection retraining, adjusting to the incidents, procedure and document revisions, etc., so as to keep all of the personnel’s training updated.
At the Contractor Company’s requests, the XXX section chief will release an accreditation certificate to the effect that the workers of said Contractor Company comply with the basic Radiological Protection training, enabling them to complete Section X.X of their workers’ radiological badge. A model of this certificate may be found in Addendum X.
Retraining for Prevention, Interior Emergency Plan, Environmental Management System and First Aid will take place biennially and will include those aspects which, being relevant or incidental to the Plant, will define the Risk Prevention Service.
Spanish to English: Information Technologies & Pedagogy General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish La educación evolucionará hacia un sistema de dos niveles: una enseñanza primaria que ofrezca, en nombre del Estado, unos conocimientos mínimos, y una enseñanza superior privada que tendrá como proveedores a los colegios de enseñanza secundaria encargados de enviarle una parte de sus estudiantes seleccionados en los medios mejor preparados —intelectual y financieramente— para financiar unos largos estudios para sus hijos.
La teleenseñanza prolongará hasta el domicilio la enseñanza recibida en la escuela, reduciendo las funciones y las disciplinas de los profesores: se orientará mediante la televisión a públicos considerables y, con la ayuda de Internet, se llegará a audiencias de formación y de edad diversas. Se utilizará para la alfabetización de masas, especialmente en la India y en China, como ya lo es en la actualidad.
Translation - English Education will evolve into a two-level system: an elementary education that will offer minimal knowledge and is sponsored by the State, and private higher education with high schools serving as providers and being charged with sending a selected portion of their most capable students —intellectually and financially— to finance long term studies for their children.
On-line learning will extend schooling into the home, reducing the functions and disciplines of the teachers: considerable audiences will be informed through television and, with the help of the Internet, audiences of diverse education and ages will be reached. It will be used to endow the masses with literacy, especially in India and China, as it is now being used.
Spanish to English: Reorganization Plan General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish Entre las medidas estratégicas a implantarse para lograr mayor efectividad y eficiencia gerencial administrativa y operacional, se han establecido como prioridades la simplificación de la estructura organizacional, eliminándose oficinas; asó como realizándose renominaciones de unidades de trabajo, para así agrupar las funciones afines y pertinentes a objetivos comunes. Por consiguiente, mediante esta Orden General, en su forma revisada, se establece la estructura organizacional y funcional de XXX. Ello, teniendo en cuenta que la propia Ley de XXX, supra, le confiere al XXX la facultad de administrar esta Agencia, en pos de ofrecerle al colectivo los servicios de seguridad pública cobijados en la misma.
Translation - English Among the strategic measures to be implemented to achieve greater management, administrative and operational effectiveness and efficiency, the simplification of the organizational structure, the elimination of offices; as well as the reassignment of Work Units, the creation of Regional Commands and the transference of Work Units, have been established as priorities so that similar and pertinent functions for common objectives may be grouped together. Consequently, by means of this General Order, in its revised form, the organizational and functional structure of the XXX is established. Keeping in mind that the very same XXX Law, supra, grants to the XXX the right to administrate this Agency, to better offer the services of public safety provided in the same, to the collective.
Spanish to English: Press Release General field: Marketing Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - Spanish Dentro del coliseo se destinó un espacio de atención especializada en el que ganadores de promociones e invitados especiales de XXX disfrutan en un ambiente de gran comodidad el servicio de bebidas y comida gourmet.
Paralelo al Torneo se realizaron actividades motivacionales en esos días como la Clínica de Entrenamiento en la que participó la Selección de XXX compartiendo sus destrezas con niños de la categoría xxx del Equipo Federal como invitados especiales de XXX.
Por esto y más XXX se convirtió en el centro de atención de medios de toda la región que llegaron con gran entusiasmo al país para seguir muy de cerca todas las actividades
XXX también colaboró en traer medios de otros países incluyendo XXX para reportar desde XXX los detalles del torneo. Los medios de comunicación que transmitieron en el torneo tuvieron las facilidades de poseer conexión a Internet en el estadio durante los encuentros, gracias a la compañía móvil.
Translation - English A specialized area was set aside within the coliseum where the winners of various promotional activities and special guests of XXX enjoyed gourmet foods and beverages in an ambiance of great comfort.
Parallel to the Tournament, various motivational activities took place during those days, such as the Training Clinic in which the XXX team participated by sharing their skills with the children from the Federal Team’s xxx category as well as with XXX´s special guests.
For these and other reasons, XXX became the center of attention for the media of the entire region, whose representatives arrived with great enthusiasm to closely follow all of the activities.
XXX also collaborated in bringing media representatives from other countries, including XXX, to report the details of the tournament from XXX. The mobile company provided Internet access within the stadium facilities for all the media agents who transmitted the tournament during the games.
Spanish to English: Procedures Manual General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - Spanish La certificación de datos requeridos del patrono en esta parte de la solicitud es también de vital importancia para determinar en forma final la duración de la incapacidad y la cuantía a pagar al reclamante. A continuación le resaltamos encasillados importantes para completarse.
Es necesario que informen los días feriados que el empleado cobró o cobrará durante el período que nos reclama. No incluya los días feriados pagados bajo el concepto de licencia de enfermedad, vacaciones regulares, licencia por maternidad u otros pagos, sino bajo el encasillado que le corresponde.
De acuerdo a los días laborables del empleado, informe el período que cubre el pago de salarios (desde - hasta). Indique los días pagados, no horas pagadas; establezca la cantidad bruta y fecha de pago. La información tiene que ser exacta, ya que descontaremos beneficios durante el período por el cual el patrono pagó salarios completos.
Pagos del patrono durante la incapacidad - Si el patrono declara en el encasillado #xxx haber pagado salario completo por vacaciones regulares o por enfermedad , días feriados, pagos voluntario u otros en la solicitud al empleado durante el período de incapacidad, el pago de incapacidad se reducirá por el número de días pagados (Sección X(x) (X)). "Bajo ningún concepto dicho pago excederá el total de los salarios pagados al trabajador, ni corresponderá a un período de incapacidad por el cual se pagan o son pagaderas vacaciones o licencias por enfermedad dispuestas por decreto mandatario, convenio colectivo o por disposición de Ley".
Translation - English Certification of the information required from the employer in this part of the claim is also of vital importance for the final determination of the length of disability and the amount to pay to the claimant. What follows are highlights of the important sections to be completed.
It is necessary to inform us of all holidays which were or will be paid to the employee during the period for which he or she is filing a claim. Do not include holidays that were paid for sick leave, regular vacations, maternity leave or other payments, except in the places provided for them.
According to the employee’s work schedule, fill out the period that is covered in paid salaries (from - until). Show payments in days, not hours; write down the gross amount and payment date. The information must be exact, as we will deduct benefits during the period for which the employer has paid whole salaries.
Payments made by the employer during the disability – If the employer declares in box #xxx that he or she has paid whole salaries for regular vacations or sick leave, holidays, voluntary payments or others in the petition to the employee during the period of disability, the disability payment will be reduced by the number of days paid (Section X(x) (X)). "Under no circumstance will such a payment exceed the total salaries paid to the worker, nor will it cover a period of disability for which payments are or will be made for vacations or sick leave determined by mandatory decree, collective bargaining or imposed by Law".
Spanish to English: Agreement Terms General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Source text - Spanish En el supuesto de subcontratas en terceros países en traslados, movimientos, u otras operaciones, la empresa responsable de estos cometidos en origen garantizará que los agentes o firmas subcontratados dispongan de los medios suficientes para la operación a realizar.
Dichos medios serán similares, y con iguales garantías y condiciones a los habituales de la empresa de transportes originaria. Se deben garantizar, por tanto, la idoneidad de vehículos, apoyo al correo, disposición y calidad de los materiales precisos en la operaciones de embalaje y desembalaje, etc.
En caso de que la obra se encuentre depositada fuera del XXX o el lugar de origen del Conservador del XXX que actuará como correo y se considerara la necesidad de revisarla in situ o de controlar su embalaje, los organizadores correrán con los gastos del desplazamiento al lugar de depósito y alojamiento para el correo, antes de que la obra salga para la exposición.
Por el número de obras o por la complejidad del montaje de las mismas, podrá exigirse la presencia de dos o más correos a cargo de los prestatario, tanto al montaje como al desmontaje de la exposición.
Translation - English In the event of subcontracting for the transport, movement or other operations in third countries, the company responsible for these charges in origin will guarantee that the subcontracted agents or firms possess the sufficient means to perform the operations.
Such means will be similar, and with the same guarantees and conditions to those habitual to the originating transportation company. Hence, the appropriateness of the vehicles, correspondent support, availability and quality of the precise materials for the packing and unpacking operations, etc. must be guaranteed.
In the event that the work finds itself placed outside of the XXX or the place of origin of the Conservator of the XXX that will act as correspondent and there should be a need to inspect it in situ or to control its packing, the organizers will assume all displacement expenses to the location of placement and lodging for the correspondent, before the work leaves for the exposition.
Depending on the number of works or on the complexity of assembly of the same, the presence of two or more correspondents may be required in charge of the borrowers, during the assembly as well as the disassembly of the exposition.
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Jun 2008. Became a member: Sep 2010.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Express Scribe, Macromedia Fireworks, OmniPage, Word Perfect Version 6, 9, 11, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I began my translation career as an added value that I offered my employers during my career as a software engineer. In addition to copywriting the documents themselves as part of the software development cycle, I could provide copies of the same in either or both English and Spanish—the two main languages of concern in the software industry at the time. So by and large translating technical specifications, software documentation, troubleshooting guides, standard operating procedures and user manuals was where it all began. Word got around and other departments started noticing. Quite soon thereafter, I found myself translating human resource manuals and contractor agreements as well—(of course, it did not stop there!) So although I did not become a full-time professional translator until my retirement from the software industry in 2007, I had already been privately translating volumes of texts in different fields across various industries whose influence spans the globe, at comparably professional throughput and quality levels for close to 15 years.
Average Yearly Performance Words Translated: 700,000 Throughput: 3,000 Words/Day. (Transcripts: 30 Minutes/Day) On-time Delivery: 99.9%
Spanish to English Translations English to Spanish Translations Audio Transcriptions Translated Transcriptions Text Extractions (Conversions) Localizations
México Puerto Rico Great Britain United States of America
Executive Summaries Copywriting
Healthcare Insurance Manufacturing Transportation Human Resources Safety and Security Legal and Law Enforcement Conservation & Environment Information Technologies Industrial Procedures Nuclear Energy Social Sciences Education
3,000 to 4,000 words per day 40 to 60 minutes audio per day Expert document formatting Technical on-line expertise SDL Trados
As a professional freelance translator, I am most frequently called upon to translate technical specifications and documentation, operational manuals, legal documents, contracts and agreements, corporate, government, public and private documents from various industries including construction, power, water, nuclear, oil production, national and international commerce and law, medicine, research and development, transportation, insurance, banking, trade law, hazard management, environmental and resource management and conservation, waste disposal and processing, safety procedures and standards, industrial operations and maintenance procedures, law enforcement, forensics and many, many more also including a large volume of confidential and highly sensitive material for which I have developed a trusted reputation of impeccable reliability over the years of dealing on a one-to-one basis with each client, and each assignment. I became a full member of ProZ in 2010 and I have been busier than a one-armed juggler ever since, the list continues to grow almost daily!
I was raised in a bicultural, bilingual home. My mother is a native Puerto Rican and my father a native of Arkansas, USA. Neither was fluent in the other’s language, so I had to be, in both. I grew up in San Juan, Puerto Rico where my schoolmates and personal friends were of equally mixed backgrounds and heritage. Although the island is predominantly a Spanish-speaking culture, the hotel-dominated beaches on which I was privileged to grow up and develop, provided a constantly changing mélange of visiting ephemeral friends whose language and dialects continuously enriched my vocabulary and comprehension.
As a consummate bibliophile, my personal library boasts a wide assortment of classical and contemporary, fiction and non-fiction works which have, (over the years and beyond my youthful, serendipitous linguistic excursions with foreign friends), further expanded my linguistic versatility.
As a free-thinker, my other passions are, of course, the sciences, in a great number of which I am well versed. My special favorites are Physics, Astronomy, Biology, Philosophy, Psychology, Technology, Anthropology, Geology, Paleontology, and Sociology, among others. The order of preference is in constant flux and changes without notice.
Translations have proved to be a unique way to challenge and expand my language prowess. It has enhanced my appreciation of the special perceptions that make us all so different and yet so much alike at the same time. A peculiar appreciation that was first glimpsed within my own multi-cultural upbringing, and has been continuously growing ever since. In many ways translations have not only been professionally rewarding and lucrative for me, but also, personally, intensely satisfying.
This profile was created during a caffeine-induced trance.
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