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Bon voyage: "Stories about travel" » English to Gujarati

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Discussion about Bon voyage: "Stories about travel" in English to Gujarati
Umang Dholabhai
Umang Dholabhai  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
English to Gujarati
+ ...
Bon Voyage in Gujarati - You win! Feb 29, 2020

I find that the translator has been quite original in expressing his/her style and is in complete contrast to the works nowadays with literal translations, MT influence and insufficient experience in the source language (English, in this case). Have been longing to see such translations. To whomsoever it may concern - Congratulations for the hard work and a fine product! I am inclined to ignore a few spelling errors for they hardly affect the quality of this nice piece of work.

Andrea Capuselli

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