730 registrants

Networking event for Poetry & Literature translators

Aug 7, 2013

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ProZ.com users -- in Saudi Arabia -- registered for the event (3)
Checked in
Mr. Salem Alzahrani (X) Contact directly
Approved by Al Jazeera Media Cntr.
Saudi Arabia
Native in Arabic (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic
Bio: since I was a elementary school student, I memorized a good collections of poems and this continue until nowadays. My relationship with poetry is strong and I believe that translation poetry is not just a mere translation. you must be creative enough to make what is fas...
Message: Hi everyone nice to chat with you !
Ahmed Osama Abd AL Jawad Contact directly
Punctuationg , Accuracy and professional
Saudi Arabia
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Bio: I am working in that field as well as other literary topics since 150 years or so
In addition to that I have experience in various areas of translating issues as well
Message: I think it is the first time to attend such an event with prozian staff discussing Literary topics.Thanks for you
Maria Al-Munajjed Contact directly
Masters in Translation
Saudi Arabia
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
MA-University of Sheffield, 17 years of experience