Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 30 '14 eng>pol a further one week’s notice z zachowaniem nie mniej niż dodatkowym jednotygodniowym okresem wypowiedzenia pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '14 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '14 eng>pol so far as relevant w istotnym zakresie pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '14 eng>pol grievance and appeal procedure procedura rozpoznawania skarg i odwoławcza pro closed ok
4 Jan 29 '14 eng>pol With not less than one week’s notice z okresem wypowiedzenia, nie krótszym niż jeden tydzień pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '14 eng>pol to enjoy contractual benefits korzystać z umownych świadczeń na rzecz pracownika pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '14 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
4 Jan 17 '14 pol>eng co do kwoty zawezwania regarding/as to the requested amount pro closed no
4 Jan 12 '14 pol>eng wysokosc uzyskanej kwoty the amount of the received sum pro closed ok
4 Jan 10 '14 pol>eng Podmiot udostępniający the entity providing/the entity making available pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '14 pol>eng stan niepogorszony in the same good order and condition pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '14 pol>eng Objac przedmion najmu The Lessee occupying the leased property/premises... pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '14 pol>eng wlasciwosci characteristics pro just_closed no
- Jan 2 '14 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Dec 28 '13 eng>pol SUBDELIVERY poddostawa pro open no
4 Dec 28 '13 eng>pol enclosure załącznik pro closed ok
4 Dec 28 '13 pol>eng ponownie zadłużyć się to borrow again pro closed ok
4 Dec 27 '13 pol>eng próby współpracy turbin wiatrowych z siecią tests of interfacing wind turbines with the electricity grid pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '13 pol>eng litera wiążących umów the written language of our binding agreements pro closed ok
4 Dec 22 '13 eng>pol defects or breach of warranties nie wynikających z wad lub naruszenia gwarancji przez dostawcę usług pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '13 rus>eng обеспечить постоянную связь to appoint/provide a permanent liaison (person) pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '13 rus>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
3 Dec 18 '13 pol>eng zdarzenie o charakterze rodzinnoprawnym a family law event pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '13 eng>pol blind-siding wyskakując znienacka z uwagą/wysyłając bez uprzedzenia uwagę pro closed no
- Dec 13 '13 eng>pol audit follow-up audyt sprawdzający pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '13 rus>eng максимум до that is, until _ 2014 at the latest pro closed no
- Nov 30 '13 pol>eng hipoteka vs zastaw collateral/deposit pro closed no
4 Nov 30 '13 pol>eng prawo pierwszeństwa do zakupu right of first refusal pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '13 pol>eng kupować z majątku wspólnego purchase using community property pro closed ok
4 Nov 21 '13 pol>eng zameldowany w lokalu no one is currently registered at the address pro closed ok
4 Nov 21 '13 pol>eng własność wpisana na rzecz the ownership is written in for the benefit of Ms. XY pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '13 eng>pol bagging bonus premia/bonus za workowanie; ładowanie w worki pro just_closed no
- Nov 3 '13 eng>pol attached są przedmiotem prawa zastawu pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '13 pol>eng przeciwstawianie a comparison of/comparing X versus Y pro closed no
- Oct 29 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
- Oct 29 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '13 eng>pol a custom publication publikacja niestandardowa pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '13 eng>pol editorial focus obszar zainteresowania redakcji pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '13 pol>eng o charakterze klubowym of dancing club character pro closed no
- Oct 21 '13 rus>eng квалификационный отбор qualifications-based selection pro closed no
- Oct 21 '13 rus>eng отправная позиция starting proposal pro closed no
- Oct 20 '13 eng>pol use purchased by w rozmiarze większym lub w dodatku do zakupionego użytku przez.... pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Oct 16 '13 pol>eng szkody majątkowe dotyczące majątku Najemcy property damage to the tenant's property pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '13 eng>pol Governmental Approvals zatwierdzenia rządowe pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '13 eng>pol expression of the Magazine idee wyrażone w tym czasopiśmie pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '13 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '13 eng>pol the credits kredyty pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered